Priscilla Kunaseelan

Program: MMASc in Global Health Systems in Africa Candidate

Priscilla is an MMASc – Global Health Systems in Africa Candidate at Western University. She has also completed an Honours BSc in human biology and neuroscience at the University of Toronto. Her growing concern for the wellbeing of developing nations and need to care for children and mothers stems from her volunteer experiences with healthcare development initiatives in South Asian and South American impoverished communities. She believes that producing healthy mothers and babies is important to foster a healthy world. Priscilla has also volunteered many years with various local and international non-profit organizations helping the less fortunate. She hopes to use her in-depth understanding of the biological sciences and diseases to contribute to infection control and prevention programs in combination with strategic planning and project management to overcome child-specific diseases and their impacts. She would like to work for an NGO to identify the current strategies that are being implemented and help further develop them to maximize a community’s healthcare resources and facilities. She hopes to contribute her skills as a visionary thinker and use her relational character to bring purpose and meaning to every learning opportunity and task in her future. As an aspiring leader, she hopes to contribute to and partake in decision-making and learn to lead various courses of action that make tangible differences in the lives of individuals in poorly developed communities. Priscilla’s practicum in Uganda will be the beginning of fulfilling her desire to pursue a career that is without borders and impact the world far beyond her doorstep.