Florence Anfaara

Program: Master's Candidate - Geography & Collaborative Program in Global Health Systems in Africa

Home: Ghana

Supervisor: Dr. Isaac Luginaah

Research Project: Perceptions of Hepatitis B
Florence Wullo Anfaara is from Jirapa- Konzokala in the Upper West Region of Ghana. She acquired a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Ghana, Legon. Her passion in life has always been to help the vulnerable and less privileged in society- women, people living with a disability, the aged and the poor. Florence is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Geography (health geography) at University of Western Ontario, Canada. Her research will look into health disparities and inequalities in four communities of the Upper West Region, Ghana with special attention on the perception of Hepatitis B and food security in four communities of the Upper West Region, Ghana. The findings from her research will be shared with both government and non-governmental organizations to help in the design of relevant policy to address the Hepatitis B prevalence in Ghana.