Kilian Atuoye

Image of Kilian Atouye
Program: Ph.D. Candidate - Department of Geography & Collaborative Program in Global Health Systems in Africa

Internship Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Partner Organization: University of Dar es Salaam

Internship Project: Impact of large scale land acquisition on the food security and health of smallholder farmers

Kilian Atuoye is currently a first year Ph.D. student in Health Geography in the Department of Geography, Western University with a research interest in human health, community well-being, and food security in developing countries. He completed a Master of Arts (MA) in Geography from Western and a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Development Studies from the University for Development Studies, Ghana. Kilian has worked on multi-partner health and education projects involving development organizations, government agencies, and local communities in Ghana. His current research aims to develop a multi-dimensional framework capable of explaining and quantifying the impact of large-scale land acquisition on food security, human health and well-being of local populations using Tanzania as a study field. With this project, Kilian’s goal is to contribute to knowledge and present governments, corporations, and local communities a tool over which they can engage and develop tangible and sustainable policies and interventions to improve health and food security of local populations.