External Funding - Commercialization Programs

Researchers interested in applying to NSERC-I2I or CIHR-POP are advised to involve WORLDiscoveries at the outset of the process to ensure the project is eligible and that the best possible application is put forward. WORLDiscoveries will need time to do the patent prior art search, write up the commercial potential section, present the commercialization strategy and finally review the overall application as to content. RD&S will require the standard 3 business days to review these applications and must receive a completed and approved application including a completed ROLA Proposal at that time bearing Chair and Dean's signatures (see signature policy). WORLDiscoveries will assist you only if it deems that the application has a chance of success. The Executive Director of WORLDiscoveries must also sign off on behalf of the institution, along with Research Services.

Questions about these opportunities can be forwarded to WORLDiscoveries at wtt@worldiscoveries.ca.

NSERC Idea to Innovation

The objective of the Idea to Innovation (I2I) program is to accelerate the pre-competitive development of promising technology and promote its transfer to Canadian companies. You must have a novel technology that needs to be validated for commercial purposes. The program supports research and development projects, including patent costs, with recognized technology transfer potential by providing crucial assistance to university researchers in the early stages of technology validation and market connection. Graduate students can be occasionally supported as well but it is not the focus of the program If capital equipment expenses are required, they should be justified. Industrial support (support letters) or having identified at least a potential licensee will be a plus for the obtention of such grants. The program allows a $ 125 000 maximum grant. Up to 10 % of the grant may be used to co-support some of the activities undertaken by WORLDiscoveries, including patenting.

This program also has a Phase 2 which will fund projects that have reached the stage of having an industrial partner or that are the object of a start-up creation. In such cases the financial participation, must be significant and reach at least 50 % of the NSERC funding, up to S 350 000, whether direct or in-kind (capped at 40 %) over a two year period. Typically a Phase 2 project will help with the transfer results to a partner that has been identified and is committed to the project, a Phase 2 can be directly applied for. WORLDiscoveries will help you assess your eligibility, whether this is the most appropriate approach for your technology and build up your business case, together with your partners.

CIHR Proof of Principle

Proof of Principle Phase I (POP-I) Grants will fund proof of principle research projects of up to 12 months duration designed to advance discoveries/inventions towards commercializable technologies, with a view to attract new investment and create new science-based businesses. The domain of application of the POP-CIHR projects must be in the Life Science area. You likely have a patentable invention with freedom to operate and must present a strategy that will shorten its pathway to market, particularly clinical trial. The grant is up to $ 150 000, including up to 10 % reserved to WORLDiscoveries for costs such as patenting and other soft costs.

Proof of Principle Phase II (POP-II) Grants will fund proof of principle research projects up to 12 months duration at the co-investment stage as long as the ratio is in a ratio of at least 2/3 other investments versus CIHR funding. The program fosters proof of principle activities in partnership with non-academic investors. This new funding opportunity is aimed at providing a platform to better enable the academic institution/researcher to move the discovery/invention further down the innovation pipeline CIHR grants can reach $ 250 000 in that phase.