Reproductive System


When we begin to age, many changes take place. In women, menopause occurs in their mid-40s to 50s and is marked by the lack of her period for at least one year due to decreased excretion of hormone estrogen.(1) Symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, headaches, muscle pain, and mood changes that can sometimes cause depression.(1)

Men also go through a process called andropause caused by a decrease in the hormone testosterone.(4) The decline in testosterone starts for men in their 40s and leads to reduced muscle and bone mass, tiredness, sleeping difficulties, anxiety and sometimes depression.(4) However, these symptoms are usually less noticeable than those of menopause.

Simulation No. 1 - Reproductive System - FEELING BLUE

The goal of the simulation “Feeling Blue” is to mimic the symptoms of depression that middle-age males and females experience as the hormones in their bodies change.

In this simulation, you will sit in a position where your body language looks closed off. You will also listen to an audio that simulates the depressive thoughts that someone who is aging may think. By completing this simulation, you will better understand the mental struggles that aging men and women face and will be more empathetic to those experiencing this phase of life.

Simulation Video

Duration of simulation - 6 minutes.

** TRIGGER WARNING** This simulation will be mimicking depression and anxiety

Male Andropause Audio:

Female Menopause Audio:

Full Simulation Guide

Download the Reproductive System - Feeling Blue Simulation Guide


  • A device to play the audio off (computer or phone)
  • Headphones (optional)
  • Mirror
  • Chair


  1. Complete the precursor simulations if you have not already done so.
  2. Open the 2-minute audio clip on a computer or a phone.
  3. Find a spot in your home where you can sit undisturbed with your body in a closed-off position (e.g., head facing down, slouching, with arms wrapped up around the stomach).
  4. When you are ready, close your eyes and press play on one of the audio clips listed on the web site. Choose the audio that best fits you (male or female voices are available). Listen to the words and imagine yourself in the shoes of the person talking.
  5. When the audio ends, reflect on how you feel now compared to before you listened to it.
  6. Walk to a closest mirror and spend 2 minutes looking at yourself.
  7. Think about how you see yourself now or what thoughts come to mind

Reflection Questions

  1. How did listening to the audio clip make you feel?
  2. Did you think of yourself differently than you usually do?
  3. How do you think these negative emotions would affect your daily activities and social life?


We would love to hear from you about what you think about our Aging Simulation Lab website! Post your feedback, stories, and experiences on our Facebook page or our Google Forms page.

Simulation No. 2 - Reproductive System - WHERE'S THE BATHROOM?

Older adults experience frequent issues related to the urinary system. Urinary incontinence is loss of control that results in involuntary passage of urine. Half of women over the age of 65 experiences bladder leakage especially when coughing and sneezing.(22) Persistent urinary incontinence can lead to restriction in social interactions, falling when rushing to the toiled, urinary infections and diminished quality of life.

The simulation "Where's the Bathroom" lets you experience the feeling of needing to pee and the daily struggles that older adults face while living with urinary incontinence. In this simulation, you will place a balloon filled with water between your upper thighs while completing usual daily tasks. The goal of this simulation is to understand how challenging daily activities can become while living with urinary incontinence and help us empathize with those who have this condition.

Simulation Video

Duration of simulation - 6-8 minutes.

Full Simulation Guide

Download the Reproductive System - Where's the Bathroom? Simulation Guide


  • 1 balloon or a Ziploc bag
  • water source
  • shoes with laces
  • chair or sofa
  • access to stairs (or a stepping stool instead of stairs)
  • extra clothing (shirt, sweaters, pants)
  • towels to clean up any spilt water


  1. Complete the precursor simulations if you have not already done so.
  2. If you would like to experience how uncomfortable wearing an adult diaper can be, put a T-shirts in the top front and back part of your pants This is optional.
  3. Fill the balloon with water to the size of a small ball. Tie the balloon. If you do not have a balloon, you can fill a Ziploc bag with water, close it and double bag it to avoid leakage.
  4. Once ready to begin, place the balloon between your upper thighs, just above your knees.
  5. Holding the balloon between your legs, try to step into a pair of shoes.
  6. Once you have both feet in shoes, bend over and tie up the shoes.
  7. Return to a standing position and make a note of how hard or easy the task was.
  8. With the balloon still between your legs, walk over to any high shelf in your home.
  9. Stand on your tiptoes and stretch up to reach something on the top shelf.
  10. With balloon between legs, go to the top of a staircase. Now make your way down the stairs without dropping the balloon. Were you successful? 
  11. Sit and stand 5 times from the chair, holding the balloon between your legs.

Reflection Questions

  1. How did it feel to hold the balloon between your thighs?
  2. What emotions did you feel while trying to complete the tasks?
  3. How do you think you would feel if holding urine was part of your daily routine? How would it affect the activities you like to do?


We would love to hear from you about what you think about our Aging Simulation Lab website! Post your feedback, stories, and experiences on our Facebook page or our Google Forms page.

Content Creators

Lauren Quinton, Julianna Head, Cailin Bryn O'Reilly, Susan Tram Dao

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