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Information Technology Services
Network Backup and Recovery Services


    Backup Request Form

About Network Backup and Recovery.

ITS offers Network Backup / Recovery services for most computer operating systems using TCP/IP protocol over the Campus Backbone.


These services are based on Legato NetWorker software and include the following features:

  • Unattended overnight backups are performed between 5pm and 7am depending on client needs. On demand backups can be requested at any time.
  • Backups are run on a 28 day schedule, comprised of one Full backup and incremental backups on all other days. Files are kept in the archive for 2 months before the data is released. Longer retention time is available on request.
  • File / Directory inclusion and exclusion options allow the client backup to be tailored to your exact requirements.
  • System Administrators can initiate restores from their client machines. The backup tape library is online 24X7, and no ITS staff have to be contacted.
  • Backups are cloned and are stored in the controlled environment offsite. This ensures there are always two copies of the backup data, stored in different locations.
  • System Administrators receive an automated email notification on the completion of each backup. Alternatively, these notifications can be sent to a mailing list or a newsgroup to allow access by more than one individual. In addition, a log of all actions performed by Networker is maintained centrally for an extended period.

System Administrators Responsibilities

In the event of a complete client system failure, the System Administrator is responsible for reinstalling the base system. This implies that the System Administrator can re-install the operating system and any other necessary base components. If the client system is running Windows 2003 or XP, the ASR system can be used allowing a quick and simple recovery process

NOTE: Client system must be connected to the campus backbone.

Pricing and Fees

Billing Information

Contact Information

For further information, or a demonstration of this product, please contact the Legato Support Team

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