Lala Lab - Other Activities - Public Speakings
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Public Speaking in Science

Following a press release in 1987 on his discoveries of a new mode of successful cancer therapy (chronic administration of an aspirin-like drug Indomethacin in combination with multiple infusions of a growth factor interleukin-2), Dr. Lala appeared on many National media and television networks in Canada and USA to explain this major milestone in Cancer Research and Cancer Therapy. This therapy was successfully translated into a phase 2 human trial of advanced kidney cancer and melanoma patients at the London Regional Cancer Center in 1988-1992.

Dr. Lala has since appeared in many public media, and talked to the public on the nature of cancer, its prevention and its cure. In the year 2004, he delivered the “Dayananda Memorial lecture” entitled “Can Cancer be Prevented?” at the Ramakistra Mission Institute of Culture in Calcutta. Same year, he was a speaker at a Symposium on “Body, Mind and Spirit” held at the Vedanta Society of Toronto.

Dr. Lala is a public speaker (chosen as part of the speakers’ forum) on behalf of “Partners in Research” on several topics such as “Prevention and cure of breast cancer”, “Human placenta as a tumor-like organ”, “Why did not our mother reject us while we had been in her womb?”.

He has appeared on Rogers TV (London) on the program “Mid-day” speaking on breast cancer research on behalf of Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

He has appeared on CTV London to explain the discovery of a novel blood biomarker (decorin) in his lab which can predict the pregnancy-associated disease preeclampsia before clinical signs appear (video).

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