Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT IV - October 20, 2000
Recommended: That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor:
Each year the Subcommittee on Enrolment Planning and Policy (SUEPP) approves enrolment forecasts which are used in the tuition-related revenue projections of the University's operating budget. These projections are then forwarded for subsequent approval by SCUP and Senate.
The enrolment plan in Appendix 2 updates Western's initial projections submitted to the Ministry in mid-August. It reflects the University's adherence to increases in undergraduate students committed in the funded SuperBuild projects and an increase in projected future growth in graduate student numbers from 500 to 800. Whereas Appendix 1 to this report reflects Western's particular program structures (and thus will be more familiar to the UWO community), the forms attached to the letter (Appendix 2) are provided by the Ministry and are applicable to program designations at the provincial level.
This document was distributed to members of Senate under separate cover attached to a memorandum from Dr. Greg Moran, Provost, dated October 10, 2000. [Please bring your copy of the documentation with you.]
See Appendix 3.