Board of Governors - APPENDIX III - September 23, 1999
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of The Robert and Ruth Lumsden Professorship in English based on a $1,000,000 donation to Foundation Western from the estate of Ruth Lumsden.
The Robert and Ruth Lumsden Professorship in English
A donation from the estate of Ruth Lumsden shall be used to support studies in Literature in English, specifically by establishing The Robert and Ruth Lumsden Professorship in English in the Faculty of Arts. The donation will be endowed in perpetuity. Income from the endowment will be allocated in accordance with Foundation Western's Payout Policy, as may be amended by the Board of Directors of Foundation Western from time to time.
The appointee must have an established reputation in research and an excellent record in teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
In accordance with the University's guidelines to the Policy on Funding of Chairs and Professorships, the academic appointment will be full-time with tenure (or tenure-track), at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor. If the appointee is not already a member of the faculty of the University, his/her appointment to the academic staff of the University will be made according to the procedures established by the Senate and Board of Governors (e.g., Conditions of Appointment, as may be amended from time to time).
The Dean of Arts and the Chair of the Department of English shall constitute the selection committee.(1)
Ruth Lumsden was a member of the administrative staff of the University for almost 25 years, most of them as executive secretary to five of Western's Presidents: G. Edward Hall, D. Carleton Williams, George Connell, Alan Adlington, and George Pedersen. She joined the staff in 1965 and retired in 1989. During her final two years with the University, she served as Coordinator of Ceremonies for the President. The UWO Alumni Association presented her with its Award of Merit in 1989 for her many outstanding contributions to the University.
Mrs. Lumsden, who was predeceased by her husband Bob, died in September 1996. She left much of her estate to Foundation Western for the establishment of The Robert and Ruth Lumsden Professorship in English and numerous faculty and student awards in Earth Sciences.
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the J.J. Wettlaufer Faculty Fellowship with the terms of reference detailed in Appendix III, Annex 1.
This faculty fellowship was established in 1992, in memory of Jack Wettlaufer, Dean of the Business School from 1963 to 1978. Among his many accomplishments were the recruitment of several outstanding faculty members, the establishment of the Spencer Hall Conference Centre, the development of a strong network of alumni clubs, and the foundation of the Centre for International Business Studies.
The incumbent J.J. Wettlaufer Fellow is Ann C. Frost.
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of The David G. Burgoyne Faculty Fellowship with the terms of reference detailed in Appendix III, Annex 2.
The David Burgoyne Faculty Fellowship was established in 1994 in memory of former faculty member Dave Burgoyne. Dave loved teaching and loved his students and fellow faculty. He was a guide and supporter of many young faculty members over his years at the Western Business School.
The incumbent David G. Burgoyne Fellow is A.S. (Tony) Frost.
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the F.W.P. Jones Faculty Fellowship with the terms of reference detailed in Appendix III, Annex 3.
The F.W.P. Jones Faculty Fellowship was established in 1992 in memory of Fred Jones, who served as Dean of the Business School from 1954 to 1963. Fred was a catalyst in the establishment of the Ivey MBA Program and the Management Training Course, precursor of the Western Executive Program, both Canadian firsts.
The incumbent F.W.P. Jones Fellow is Robert D. Klassen.
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of the Walter A. Thompson Faculty Fellowship with the terms of reference detailed in Appendix III, Annex 4.
The Walter A. Thompson Faculty Fellowship was established in August 1998 in memory of Walter Thompson, a former Teacher and Acting Head of the Business School. Walter had a profound impact on generations of devoted students spanning more than four decades. Walter is credited with introducing and Canadianizing the case-study approach at Western and he was the prime mover behind the establishment of a separate School of Business at Western.
The incumbent Walter A. Thompson Fellow Niraj Dawar.
Recommended: That the Board of Governors approve the establishment of The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) as a Type 4 Research Institute and two industry Chairs -- The Chair in Severe Weather and Earthquakes and The Chair in Policy for Catastrophic Loss Reduction -- according to the terms of reference and agreement for affiliation as contained in Appendix III, Annex 5.
The ICLR is a collaborative research venture to be undertaken jointly by the University and the Insurance Bureau of Canada. Discussions leading to the establishment of the Institute focussed on prevention and containment of human and physical costs in natural disasters. The Institute will involve the establishment of two industry Chairs and multiple partnerships in the academic and corporate section.
A Type 4 Research Institute is defined by the University as a research organization having a formal agreement with the University and funded from external sources, including capital costs, salaries of the Director and staff, and operating costs. Only Type 4 units can be called "Institutes".
See Annex 6 [unavailable for WWW].
Review of Four Budgetary Indicators
The Operating Budget contains references to four important indicators: Carryforward Reserve, Operating Reserve, Operating Revenue, and Student Aid, along with preliminary estimates of those figures for the fiscal year just ending. As part of the first quarter report, Table 1 (attached as Annex 7 not available in electronic form for the Web) shows the final values for these indicators for 1998-99, and historical data back to 1983-84. These are presented to the committee for information, and to allow for any questions which members might have on the data.
(1) Carryforward Reserve
Each spring resources are allocated to the individual Faculties and Support Units, with no requirement that they be spent in the year in question. Unspent funds are carried forward into the next budget and appear in the Carryforward Reserve, shown in column (1) of the Table. There is no Board target for the size of this reserve, which reflects a great many individual decisions in our decentralized budgetary environment. The Carryforward Reserve grew sharply from 1988 to 1992, at a time when real operating spending was also growing. The reductions in real operating spending since 1994 have been associated with a sharp fall in the Carryforward Reserve from 1996 to 1999, as units have spent the funds in the Reserve.
(2) Operating Reserve
Since 1984, the Board has set a target of 1% of operating revenues for the operating reserve. As column (2) shows, from 1984 to 1996, this target was achieved once (in 1986), and from 1989 to 1996 the reserve was in deficit position. In 1997 the operating reserve achieved the target of 1%, and in 1998 the reserve exceeded the target by $1.8 million. At April 30, 1999 the operating reserve was $.9 million below the anticipated surplus of $1.4 million and approximately $2.0 million below the target level recommended by the Board.
(3) Student Aid
Increasing student aid is vital at a time of rising tuition. As column (4) indicates, Student Aid grew by a factor of 3.3 from 1994 to 1999, in part because of government mandated transfers of tuition revenues to the student aid budget. During these same years Total Operating Revenue (column 3) grew by 6.9%.
(4) Real Operating Revenue Excluding Student Aid
This measure, shown in column (7), is one indicator of the budgetary stress the University is experiencing. The years shown can be divided into two periods: from 1984 to 1993, Real Net Revenue grew by 24%, while from 1993 to 1999 Real Net Revenue fell by 5.5%. Falling employment at the University is largely explained by the decline in Real Net Revenue.
See Annex 8 (Not available in electronic
form. May be obtained on request from the University
Page 1 shows the 1999/2000 Operating Budget Summary as
July 31, 1999.
Page 2 of Annex 8 shows a summary of student fee funded units, ancillaries, academic support units and associated companies, as at July 31, 1999. Detailed revenue and expense statements and reasons for variances from budget are produced for the management of each unit, as well as senior management of the University.
See Annex 9.
See Annex 10
Ammonia Leak - Thompson Recreation and Athletic Centre
On July 28, 1999, at 4:00 p.m., a inch compression fitting failed on a refrigerant line causing
ammonia to be released in the mechanical room. The ammonia sensor detected the leaking
ammonia and activated the fire alarm. Facility staff evacuated the building. The fire department
arrived on the scene and took control of the situation. The University of Western Ontario
Emergency Response Team coordinated the evacuation of the surrounding buildings as the
ammonia was being vented from the building into the atmosphere. The leak stopped when the
system was shut down after the fire department arrived. The building was cleared for entry at
approximately 7:30 p.m. and the leak was repaired at that time.
Unknown Odours - Chemistry Building
Chemistry Incident #1:
On Monday, August 16, 1999, at approximately 3:30 p.m., a strongly irritating sulfur-like smell
filled the basement and lower ground levels of the Chemistry Building, starting near the Chemistry
Storeroom. The building was evacuated by activation of the fire alarm. The London Fire
Department responded as did Western's Emergency Response Team (ERT). Two chemists were
overcome by the unknown material of unknown origin and sent to hospital for observation; and
were released shortly after following clear medical tests. Due to the unknown nature of the
odorous unknown material, due care was taken in reoccupying the building, which occurred on
August 18, 1999, at 9:00 a.m.
Chemistry Incident #2:
On Wednesday, August 18, 1999, again at approximately 3:30 p.m., a similar incident took place.
The odour was characterized as being somewhat different than in the previous incident. It seemed
to be more widespread and was detected outdoors downwind of the facility as well. The buildings
involved in the evacuation included: B&G, Chemistry, the Natural Sciences Centre and the
Western Science Centre. Again, both municipal and UWO emergency personnel responded in an
efficient manner. Following careful assessment and due regard, the involved buildings were
ventilated thoroughly and opened for reoccupation later that same night.
Observations and Findings:
The first incident occurred at the tail-end of a series of scheduled emergency response practice
scenarios involving the University's ERT and the London Fire Department's Hazardous Materials
Unit(s). There was great cooperation and teamwork exhibited by all involved in both incidents.
Despite exhaustive investigation of all possible causes by Physical Plant staff, Occupational Health and Safety staff, and Chemistry Department faculty/staff, no conclusive cause(s) has been determined. Two uncovered openings in the plumbing vent system within a mechanical room in Chemistry, and near the area of greatest concentration in Incident #1, were discovered by plumbers and have since been capped. To date there have not been further repeats but, should one occur, the appropriate units will be much better prepared and equipped to respond accordingly.
Contractor Accident - Elgin Hall
On August 27, 1999, an employee of the window subcontractor for Elgin Hall was injured. He
was working on the windows of the new residence from a metal cage attached to the boom of a
mobile crane when the cage was hit by a bus. He flew out of the bucket and landed on top of the
bus, then he fell face-first to the pavement and rolled under a parked minivan.
The worker suffered a cracked shoulder blade, a cracked bone in this lower right leg, muscle damage in his knee, internal bleeding, and several scrapes to his face. He has since been released from the hospital.
The incident was investigated by City Police and reported to the Ministry of Labour by the general contractor, who was responsible for site safety.
1. This wording is consistent with the donor's will, but effectively the Dean and the Chair will normally ratify the
recommendation of the Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee of the Department of English.
2. The Wettlaufer, Burgoyne, Jones, and Thompson faculty fellowships were developed by the Ivey School of Business in
memory of former members of the School's faculty. They were not forwarded for Senate and Board approval because the
School was unaware at the time that the fellowships required such approval.