Western Research

Funding Opportunites - Research
Further details regarding this announcement can be found at:

Grant Amount:
Deadline: Dean's: Contact your Faculty Research Office for deadline details.
Internal: N/A
Sponsor's: N/A

Subject Areas:
Description: A clinician who has discovered a new gene as the cause of a rare disease submits a Connection Application to the Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC). If approved, CAC sends the human gene to the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and bioinformatics core, which will attempt to match a new disease gene to as many model organism researchers as possible, based on the genes that model organism researchers have self-declared in the Registry. The SAC will then invite model organism researchers to submit a 2-page proposal to study the gene (receipt deadline within a week or two). Invitees will have one week to respond to an invitation, and then must apply for the next grant deadline. Submissions can be submitted on either the first or third Fridays of the month. Decisions will be made in one week, at the next SAC conference call (second and fourth Fridays of the month). Up to four projects will be funded from each Connection application. Recommendations for establishing a connection between a model systems investigator will be reviewed with the clinician and accepted or not. Following a successful connection, the model organism lab will be connected to the clinician scientist and receive $25,000 to seed immediate collaborative experiments.

Application Details: There is no deadline. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

NOTE: All research-related grant applications, letters of intent, contracts and agreements requiring an institutional or organizational signature must submit related documents to the Office of Research Services for review and approval. Requests for institutional signature should be received a minimum of five to ten business days before the posted Sponsor deadline. Please see Western Research's website regarding the institutional signatory process for more details. Specific opportunities may have their own timelines and requirements for submissions. A ROLA Proposal submitted by the PI and bearing department and faculty approvals is required.
Western Contacts:

Sponsor Contacts:

N/A, British Columbia, Canada