PSNCQQ - Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care Quality Questionnaire


The PSNCQQ was derived from the Patient Judgement of Hospital Quality (PJHQ) questionnaire. A multidisciplinary research team at the Hospital Corporation of America developed the original PJHQ instrument. Items were derived from an extensive literature review, focus groups, and a content analysis of patients’ verbatim answers to questions about hospital quality. The goal was to develop a questionnaire that would represent the patient’s perspective with content that represented salient features to patients. The original tool contained 9 scales: nursing and daily care, ancillary staff and hospital environment, medical care, information, admissions, discharge and billing, overall quality of care and services, recommendations and intentions, and overall health outcomes. Previous Cronbach α reliability coefficients have been high, ranging from .90 to .94. On the basis of the findings of our critical review of the literature, items from other subscales of the original PJHQ were adapted to reflect satisfaction with components of nursing care. Contrary to Larrabee and colleagues’ modification of the Nursing and Daily Care PJHQ subscale, we adapted selected items from all 9 PJHQ subscales.

The PSNCQQ has 19 items, plus 3 additional questions designed to measure satisfaction with the overall quality of care during the hospital stay, overall quality of nursing care, and intention to recommend the hospital to family and friends. Each item of the PSNCQQ consists of a phrase to designate the content of the question or “sign-post,” followed by a more detailed question or “descriptor.” For example, in the first item of the instrument, “information you were given” is used as a signpost for the descriptor that follows, “How clear and complete the nurses’ explanations were about tests, treatments, and what to expect.”


  1. Paper and pencil
  2. 10 to 15 minutes for entire scale
  3. 22 questions for entire scale
  4. 5-point Likert scale (poor to excellent)