ZAPLab Director
desmond.moser@uwo.ca |
Dr. Desmond Moser (PhD) |
Dr. Desmond Moser conducts solid Earth and planetary science research using Western’s nationally unique Zircon and Accessory Phase Laboratory (ZAPLab). Micromineral crystal growth and deformation analysis (e.g. CL, EBSD) is integrated with field mapping, microchemical (EDS, WDS), petrologic and mass spectrometry measurements (radiogenic and stable isotopes) at Western and partner institutes. His active projects investigate meteorites, crustal cross-sections, kimberlite xenoliths, sedimentary basins and impact structures in the Americas, Africa and Europe. |
Current ZAPLab Students
ccupelli@uwo.ca |
Lisa Cupelli (HBSc) |
- PhD candidate - Areas of interest: Planetary Science, Geochronology and Economic Geology - Thesis topic: Mafic melt sheets of large scale meteorite impacts. |
sfulcher@uwo.ca |
Sean Fulcher (HBSc) |
- MSc Candidate - Areas of interest: .... - Thesis title: .... |
cdavis59@uwo.ca |
Connor Davis |
- HBSc Candidate - Areas of Interest: Isotope Geochemistry, Volcanology, Environmental Science, Ore Geology - Thesis title: To be determined. |
Former ZAPLab Investigators
ngandert@uwo.ca |
Nik Ganderton (MSc) |
- Msc (Completed June 2013) - Areas of interest: Field mapping, Archean and Proterozoic metamorphism, metallogeny, volcanology - MSc thesis title: Mapping and Zircon Geochronology of the Lyon Inlet Boundary Zone, Nunavut; A Crustal-Scale Break in the Churchill Province |
Duane Petts (PhD) |
- PhD (Completed June, 2012) - Areas of interest: Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Geochronology, Archean and Proterozoic Crustal Evolution, Fluid-Rock Interaction - PhD thesis title: Deep Crustal Evolution of the Western Churchill Province, Nunavut, Canada: Isotopic (U-Pb, O), Trace Element and Micro-Structural Analysis of Zircon from Lower Crustal Xenoliths |
James Darling (PDF) |
ZAPLab Staff
ibarke2@uwo.ca |
Ivan Barker (MSc) |
- Geochronology Research Technician - Areas of interest: Electron-beam technologies, sample processing, astro materials, and lower crustal xenoliths - MSc thesis title: High-Precision ID-TIMS U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of Three Cenomanian Bentonites from the Western Canada Foreland Basin |
Dr. Desmond Moser and the ZAPLab also co-supervises the research of graduate students in the Departments of Geography, Biology, Chemistry and Engineering/ Surface Science Western and is building collaborative links with the Center for Advanced Materials and Biomaterials Research (CAMBR) at Western and the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy at McMaster University. A growing number of graduate students from surrounding universities including University of Toronto, ROM, Waterloo, Carleton, Queen’s and McGill are also actively conducting research at the ZAPLab.
Also from this web page:
Our Department:
The Department of Earth Sciences
At the University of Western Ontario