The Klein MysteryPropagandaThe OpeningThe ShowCreditsLinks


The Klein Mystery
A Klein original (blue monochrome) will be cut into 110 pieces and sold through an auction to raise money for a resurrection of Klein's body for scientific examination of his remains. Klein will then be preserved and on display, along with his art work at the UWO ArtLab. The presence of his body in the void room will infuse the space with its authentic original aura. Klein's remains will be auctioned off bone by bone at the closing of the show, and the 477f class will celebrate with Blue Cocktails for all.
Note: Money will be accepted but gold leaf is preferred.

The Sponge Scandal
Yves Klein's sponge sculptures are being recreated by Visual Arts students at UWO. Klein employed all different kinds of sponges including an endangered Southern Pacific coral sea sponge. Apparently, the UWO Visual Arts department has uncovered many of such endangered sponges stuck to canvases around the building. We hope to raise a petition against the artist and the students recreating his work. Please help save the sponges!

The Mini-Catalogue


The Telepathic Seminar


The Invites