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3 highlights of the February 10th Leaders’ Forum

Capturing the Western experience in 100 words or less:

President Paul Davenport presented a new positioning statement for Western that outlines what makes our university distinctive

Western provides the best student experience among Canada’s leading research-intensive universities.

This message is based on feedback from November’s Leaders’ Forum and many other consultation processes. This statement is reinforced by three additional supporting messages. (Launch key messages as Flash, or download as PowerPoint)

What did Rae say?

Paul Davenport highlighted key recommendations from Bob Rae's recent report on the future of post-secondary education, including:

  • Increase public support of colleges and universities by a total base funding increase of $1.3 billion over 3 years
  • $500 million a year for construction and repair of buildings
  • $300 million for changes to student aid

Read the complete Rae Report or Dr. Davenport’s presentation from this Leaders’ Forum. (Launch presentation as Flash or download as PowerPoint)

Orientating new faculty and leaders: A key ingredient in retention

Jennifer Hale, Coordinator, Office of Faculty Recruitment & Retention, shared some of the orientation opportunities uncovered during feedback sessions her office held with 40 new faculty members. (Launch presentation as Flash or download as PowerPoint)

Two faculty members and one administrative leader who all recently joined Western shared their recruitment and orientation experiences. Making presentations were:

Dr. Radoslav Dimitrov, Assistant Professor, Political Science

Dr. Blaine Chronik, Canada Research Chair, Medical Physics; Assistant Professor, Physics and Astronomy

Dr. Kathleen Kevany, Director, Centre for New Students, Office of the Registrar



Leader's Digest is produced following each Leaders' Forum to provide an
overview of key discussion points.
This page was last updated on August 29, 2007
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