Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff


Philosophy 2004-2005

Batterman, R.

Batterman, R. 2005. Critical Phenomena and Breaking Drops: Infinite Idealizations in Physics. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36 (2): 225-244.

Bell, J.

Bell, J. 2005. Continuity and Infinitesimals. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Zalta, E.N. Available: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/continuity/

Bell, J. 2005. The Continuous and the Infinitesimal in Mathematics and Philosophy. Milan: Polimetrica. 352 pp.

Bell, J. 2005. The Development of Categorical Logic. Handbook of Philosophic Logic 12: 279-361.

Bell, J. 2005. Divergent Concepts of the Continuum in 19th and Early 20th Century Mathematics and Philosophy. Axiomathes 15 (1): 63-84.

Bell, J. 2005. Oppositions and Paradoxes in Mathematics and Philosophy. Axiomathes 15 (2): 165-180.

Bell, J. 2004. Whole and Part in Mathematics. Axiomathes 14 (4): 285-294.

Brennan, S.

Brennan, S. 2004. Feminism, Liberalism, and Rights. Varieties of Feminist Liberalism. A. Baehr. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 85-102.

Charland, L.C.

Charland, L.C. 2004. As Autonomy Heads Harm's Way. Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology 11 (4): 361-363.

Charland, L.C. 2004. Character: Moral Treatment and The Personality Disorders. The Philosophy of Psychiatry : A Companion. J. Radden. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 64-77.

Charland, L.C. 2005. Emotion, Experience, and the Indeterminacy of Valence. Emotion and Consciousness. L.F. Barrett, P. Niedenthal, and P. Winkielman. New York: Guilford Press. 231-254.

Charland, L.C. 2004. A Madness for Identity: Psychiatric Labels, Consumer Autonomy and the Perils of the Internet. Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology 11 (4): 335-349.

Charland, L.C. 2004. Mental Competence and Value : The Problem of Normativity in the Assessment of Decision-Making Capacity. Health Care Ethics in Canada. 2 ed. F. Baylis, J. Downie, B. Hoffmaster, and S. Sherwin. Toronto: Thomson, Nelson. 284-297.

Eadie, T.L., and L. Charland. 2005. Ethics in Speech-Language Pathology: Beyond the Codes and Canons. Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology 29 (1): 29-36.

Eaker, E.

Eaker, E. 2005. Review of T. Burge's, Reflections and Replies: Essays on the Philosophy of Tyler Burge. University of Toronto Quarterly 74 (1): 319-320.

Falkenstein, L.

Falkenstein, L. 2004. Nativism and the Nature of Thought in Reid's Account of our Knowledge of the External World. The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Reid. T. Cuneo, and R. Van Woudenberg. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 156-179.

Falkenstein, L. 2004. Reid and Smith on Vision. The Journal of Scottish Philosophy 2: 103-118.

Fielding, H.

Fielding, H. 2005. Reflections on Corporeal Existence : A Phenomenological Alternative to Mind/Body Dualism. Feministische Phanomenologie und Hermeneutik. S. Stoller, V. Vasterling, and L. Fisher. Wurzburg: Konigshausen & Neumann. 96-112.

Grandi, G.

Grandi, G.B. 2005. Thomas Reid's Geometry of Visibles and the Parallel Postulate. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 36A (1): 79-103.

Henry, D.

Henry, D. 2005. Embryological Models in Ancient Philosophy. Phronesis-a Journal for Ancient Philosophy 50 (1): 1-42.

Hill, B.

Hill, B. 2004. Resemblance and Locke's Primary-Secondary Quality Distinction. Locke Studies 4: 89-112.

Hoffmaster, B.

Baylis, F., J. Downie, B. Hoffmaster, and S. Sherwin. 2004. Cynthia's Dilemma: Consenting to Heroin Prescription. Health Care Ethics in Canada. 2 ed. Toronto: Thomson, Nelson. 267-278.

Simpson, C.S., B. Hoffmaster, and P. Dorian. 2005. Downward Delegation of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Decision-Making in a Restricted-Resource Environment: the Pitfalls of Bedside Rationing. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 21 (7): 595-599.

Simpson, C.S., B. Hoffmaster, L.B. Mitchell, and G.J. Klein. 2004. Mandatory Physician Reporting of Drivers With Cardiac Disease: Ethical and Practical Considerations. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 20 (13): 1329-1334.

Klimchuk, D.

Klimchuk, D. 2004. Three Accounts of Respect for Persons in Kant's Ethics. Kantian Review 8: 36-61.

Klimchuk, D. 2004. Unjust Enrichment and Corrective Justice. Understanding Unjust Enrichment. J. Nyers, M. McInnes, and S. Pitel. London, UK: Hart Publishing. 111-137.

Klimchuk, D. 2004. Unjust Enrichment and Reparations for Slavery. Boston University Law Review 84 (5): 1257-1275.

Lennon, T.

Lennon, T. 2004. Bayle on Hobbes's Alleged Atheism. Aufklarung 16: 67-77.

Lennon, T. 2004. Bayle on Socinianism. Pierre Bayle dans la Republique des Lettres : Philosophie, Religion, Critique. A. McKenna, and G. Paganini. Paris, France: H. Champion. 171-191.

Lennon, T. 2004. Descartes and the Objections of Objections. O que nos faz pensar? 18: 165-182.

Lennon, T. 2004. Huet, Descartes and the Objection of Objections. Skepticism in Renaissance and Post-Renaissance Thought. J.R. Maia Neto, and R.H. Popkin. Amherst, NY: Humanity Books. 123-142.

Lennon, T. 2004. A Rejoinder to Mori. Journal of the History of Ideas 65: 335-341.

Lennon, T.M. 2004. Through a Glass Darkly: More on Locke's Logic of Ideas. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (3): 322-337.

Marras, A.

Marras, A. 2005. Commonsense Refutations of Eliminativism. The Mind as a Scientific Object. D. Johnson, and C.E. Erneling. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 206-210.

Marras, A. 2005. Consciousness and Reduction. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56: 335-361.

Maynard, P.

Maynard, P. 2005. Review of D. Rosand's, Drawing Acts: Studies in Graphic Expression and Representation. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63 (1): 81-83.

McLeod, C.

McLeod, C. 2005. How to Distinguish Autonomy From Integrity. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 35 (1): 107-133.

McLeod, C. 2004. Integrity and Self-Protection. Journal of Social Philosophy 35 (2): 216-232.

McLeod, C. 2004. Understanding Trust. Health Care Ethics in Canada. 2 ed. F. Baylis, J. Downie, B. Hoffmaster, and S. Sherwin. Toronto: Harcourt Brace and W.B. Saunders. 186-192.

Nicholas, J.

Nicholas, J. 2005. Neyman, Jerzy. Encyclopedia of Social Measurement. 2 ed. K. Kempf-Leonard. San Diego, California: Academic Press. 839-844.

Skelton, A.

Skelton, A. 2005. Griffin, James (1933 - ). The Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Philosophers. S. Brown. Bristol, UK: Thoemmes Press. 348-352.

Stainton, R.J.

Elugardo, R., and R.J. Stainton. 2004. Shorthand, Syntactic Ellipsis, and the Pragmatic Determinants of What Is Said. Mind & Language 19 (4): 442-471.

Thorp, J.

Thorp, J. 2004. A Defence of the Liberal View and Suggestions for a Way Forward - Submission to the Eames Commission. Crossings 1 (1): 16-25. Available at http://ca.geocities.com/crossings@rogers.com.

Thorp, J. 2005. Fuming Accidie: The Sins of Dante's Gurglers. Dante & the Unorthodox: The Aesthetics of Transgression. J. Miller. Waterloo, Canada: WLU Press. 151-169.

Viger, C.

Viger, C. 2005. Learning to Think: A Response to the Language of Thought Argument for Innateness. Mind & Language 20 (3): 313-325.

Weijer, C.

Emanuel, E.J., and C. Weijer. 2005. Protecting Communities in Research: From a New Principle to Rational Protections. The 25th Anniversary of the Belmont Report. J.M.E.S.H. Childress. Georgetown: Georgetown University Press. 165-183.

Miller, P.B., and C. Weijer. 2005. Evaluating Benefits and Harms in Research on Healthy Children. Ethics and Research with Children. E. Kodish. New York: Oxford University Press. 29-45.

Miller, P.B., and C. Weijer. 2005. When are Research Risks Reasonable in Relation to Anticipated Benefits? Nature Medicine 10: 570-573.