Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff


Modern Literature & Languages 2004-2005

Adamson, M.

Adamson, M. 2004. Baby-Food in the Middle Ages. Nurture: Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery. R. Hosking. Bristol: Footwork. 1-11.

Adamson, M. 2000. Daz bùch von gùter spise (The Book of Good Food): A Study, Edition, and English Translation of the Oldest German Cookbook. Krems: Medium Aevum Quotidianum [Sonderband IX]. 125 pp.

Adamson, M. 2004. Food in Medieval Times. Food Through History. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group Inc. xxiii, 259 pp.

Adamson, M. 2005. Illness and Cure in Hartmann von Aue's Der Arme Heinrich and Iwein. A Companion to the Works of Hartmann von Aue. F.G. Gentry. Rochester, New York: Camden House. 125-140.

Adamson, M. 2004. Infants and Wine: Medieval Medical Views on the Controversial Issue of Wine as Baby-Food. Medium Aevum Quotidianum 50: 13-21.

Darby, D.

Darby, D., J.M. Ellis, and E.W. Asher. 2005. German Theory and Criticism 4: Twentieth Century to 1968. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. 2nd ed. M.Groden, M. Kreiswirth, and I. Szeman. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press. 449-454.

Darby, D., J.M. Ellis, and E.W. Asher. 2005. German Theory and Criticism 5: 1968 and after. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. 2nd ed. M.Groden, M. Kreiswirth, and I. Szeman. Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press. 454-458.

De Looze, L.

De Looze, L. 2004. Text, Author, Reception: the Reflections of Theory and the Libro De Buen Amor. A companion to the libro de buen amor. L.M. Haywood, and L.O. Vasvári. Woodbridge, England: Tamesis. 131-149.

Esterhammer, A.

Esterhammer, A. 2004. Framing Contingency. Special Issue of Arcadia 39 (2): 291-300.

Esterhammer, A. 2005. Friedrich Hölderlin. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. 2nd ed. M. Groden, M. Kreiswirth, and I. Szeman. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 505-507.

Esterhammer, A. 2004. Naming and Contingency, and Some Implications for Begriffsgeschichte. Arcadia 39: 249-256.

Esterhammer, A. 2005. Speech Acts. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. 2nd ed. M. Groden, M. Kreiswirth, and I. Szeman. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 876-882.

Esterhammer, A. 2004. Spontaneous Overflows and Revivifying Rays: Romanticism and the Discourse of Improvisation. The 2004 Garnett Sedgewick Memorial Lecture. Vancouver: Ronsdale Press. 1-36.

Mihailescu, C-A.

Mihailescu, C.-A. C. Tiron, M. Gafiþa, C.-A. Mihailescu, and L. Costa Lima. 2005. 16-17 Renaºtere, manierism, baroc (16-17 Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque/Romanian). 2nd ed. Bucharest: Curtea Veche. 285 pp.

Mihailescu, C.-A. 1926-2004. 1984, dupã douãzeci de ani (1984, twenty years after/Romanian). Dilema 46: 17.

Mihailescu, C.-A. M. ªora, M. Gafiþa, C. Tiron, A.C. Arvatu, and R. Ieþa. 2005. Antropomorfina (Anthropomorphine. Postmodern philosophy in fifteen addictions/Romanian). Bucharest: Curtea Veche. 322 pp.

Mihailescu, C.-A. 2004. Borges Night at the Movies. Subtitles on the Foreignness of Film (Alphabet City no. 9). A. Egoyan, and I. Balfour. New York: MIT Press. 111-120.

Mihailescu, C.-A. 2005. De-Un Argint Negru, Viu ºi Teafãr (of silver black and quick and fit/Romanian), afterword to Dumitru Radu Popa's Skenzemon. Postfã . Bucharest: Curtea Veche. 389-394.

Mihailescu, C.-A. 2004. deunamor. literatura eroticã postdecembristã (Of One Love, Romanian erotic literature after 1989/Romanian). Idei În Dialog (Bucharest) 1 (3): 11-14.

Mihailescu, C.-A. 2004. Holes in the Map. Die Lektüre der Welt/Worlds of Reading. Festschrift for Walter Veit. H. Heinze, and C. Weller. Berlin: Peter Lang. 305-311.

Mihailescu, C.-A. 2005. Quebrar a dor de cabeça da verdade: Lisboa 1755 (Splitting the headache of truth: Lisbon 1755; translated into Portuguese by Alexandra Assis Rosa). O Grande Terramoto De Lisboa Ficar Diferente. H. Carvalhão Buescu, and G. Cordeiro. Lisbon: Gradiva. 389-94.

Mihailescu, C.-A. 2005. Unde-i jenã nu-i plãcere la nevoi ºi la durere (Shooting straight) afterword to the Romanian translation - Crezul meu - of Carlos Fuentes' En esto creo. Postfã. Bucharest: Curtea Veche. 295-303.

Mihailescu, C.-A. 2004. Vultur la jilþ (Eagle in situ), afterword to the Romanian translation - Jilþul vulturului - of Carlos Fuentes' La silla del águila. Bucharest: Curtea Veche. 387-397.

Ratcliffe, M.

Ratcliffe, M. 2004. Florinda La Cava: Víctima histórica, víctima literaria. La Crónica sarracina en el Siglo de Oro (Memoria de la Palabra). M.L. Lobato, and F.D. Matitos. Madrid: Iberoamericana. 1485-1494.

Ratcliffe, M. 2004. Las raîces épicas en el siglo dieciocho español: Cuatro obras de Manuel Fermîn de Laviano. Actes del X Congrés Internacional de L'Associació Hispánica de Literatura Medieval. R. Alemany, J.L. Martos, and J.M. Manzanaro. Alicante: Symposia Philologica. 1355-1365.

Ratcliffe, M. 2004. Marriage and Divorce. Medieval Iberia: An Encyclopedia. M. Gerli. New York: Routledge. 544-546.

Ratcliffe, M. 2004. Women. Medieval Iberia: An Encyclopedia. M. Gerli. New York: Routledge. 853-855.

Russell, D.

Russell, D. 2004. Esta desgarrada incógnita: Monster Theory and Hijos de la ira. Atenea XXIV: 73-90.

Russell, D. 2005. Luis Buñuel. Great Directors. Senses of Cinema April-June : 35.

Russell, D. 2005. What the Centre Cannot Hold: The Defiant Deviances of El Dia de la bestia. Defiant Deviance. C. Santos, and A. Spahr. New York: Peter Lang. 123-134.

Tumanov, V.

Tumanov, V. 2004. Daniel and The Sonnenscheins: Biblical Cycles in István Szabó's Film Sunshine. Journal of Religion and Film 8, No. 2 : 4. Available: http://avalon.unomaha.edu/jrf/Vol8No2/TumanovSunshine.htm

Wilson, R.K.

Wilson, R.K. 2004. The Noonday Cemetery and Other Stories. World Literature Today 78 (3-4): 134.