Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

Psychology: 2000-2001


Allen, N.J., and T.D. Hecht. 2000. Aligning teams within organizations: Implications for human resource management. Human Resources Management Research Quarterly 4: 1-4.

Allen, N.J., and T.D. Hecht. 2001. The romance of teams: Toward an understanding of its origins and implications. Best Paper Proceedings of the 4th Australian Industrial-Organizational Psychology. 108-119.

Lee, K., J.J. Carswell, and N.J. Allen. 2000. A Meta-Analytic review of occupational commitment: Relations with person and work-related variables. Journal of Applied Psychology 85: 799-811.


Atkinson, M.L. 2001. Ask Dr. Mike: Frequently Asked Questions about Psychology. The Psychology Place Monthly web column (www.psychplace.com)

Atkinson, M.L. 2001. Ask Dr. Mike: Frequently Asked Questions about Psychology. Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon.


Cain, D.P. 2000. Strategies for studying the role of LTP in spatial learning. What do we know? Where should we go? Neuronal Mechanisms of Memory Formation. C. Holscher. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 327-345.

Cain, D.P. 2000. Synaptic models of neuroplasticity: What is LTP? Toward a Theory of Neuroplasticity. C. Shaw, and J. McEachern. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Psychology Press. 118-129.

Cain, D.P., K. Ighanian, and F. Boon. 2000. Individual and combined Manipulation of Muscarinic, NMDA and Benzodiazepine receptor activity in the water maze task: Implications for a rat model of Alzheimer Dementia. Behavioral Brain Research 111: 125-137.


Chen, X. 2000. Growing up in a collectivistic culture: Socialization and socio-emotional development in Chinese children. International Perspectives on Human Development. A.L. Comunian, and U.P. Gielen. Lengerich, Germany: Pabst Science Publishers. 331-353.

Chen, X., H. Chen, and V. Kaspar. 2001. Group social functioning and individual socio-emotional and school adjustment in Chinese children. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 47 (2): 264-299.

Chen, X., H. Chen, V. Kaspar, and S. Noh. 2000. Adolescent social, emotional and school adjustment in Mainland China. International Journal of Group Tensions 29: 51-78.

Chen, X., and B. Li. 2000. Depresed mood in Chinese children: Developmental significance for social and school. International Journal of Behavioral Development 24: 472-479.

Chen, X., M. Liu, and D. Li. 2000. Parental warmth, control and indulgence and their relations to adjustment in Chinese. Journal of Family Psychology 14: 401-419.

Chen, X., H. Wu, H. Chen, L. Wang, and G. Cen. 2001. Parental affect, guidance and power assertion and aggressive behavior in Chinese children. Parenting: Science and Practice 1: 159-183.

Liang, L., H. Chen, and X. Chen. 2000. Patterns of toddler-mother attachment. Psychological Science 23: 324-328.


Dobson, K.S., and D.J.A. Dozois. 2000. Historical and philosophical bases of the cognitive-behavioral therapies. Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies. K.S. Dobson. New York, New York: Guilford Press. 3-39.

Dobson, K.S., and D.J.A. Dozois. 2001. Professional psychology and the prescription privilege debate: Still not ready to go to the altar. Canadian Psychology 42 (2): 131-135.

Dozois, D.J.A. 2000. Influences on Freud's mourning and melancholia and its contextual validity. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 20: 167-195.

Dozois, D.J.A., and K.S. Dobson. 2001. Information processing and cognitive organization in unipolar depression: Specificity and comorbidity issues. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 110 (2): 236-246.


Danso, H., and V.M. Esses. 2001. Black experimenters and the intellectual test performance of white participants: The tables are turned. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 37 (2): 158-165.

Jackson, L.M., and V.M. Esses. 2000. The effect of economic competition on people's willingness to help empower immigrants. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 3: 419-435.

Jackson, L.M., V.M. Esses, and C.T. Burris. 2001. Contemporary sexism and discrimination: The importance of respect for men and women. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 27: 48-61.

Quinn, K.A., E.M. Ross, and V.M. Esses. 2001. Attributions of responsibility and reactions to affirmative action: Affirmative action as help. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 27 (3): 321-331.


Gall, T.L., and D.R. Evans. 2000. Pre-retirement expectations and the quality of life of male retirees in later retirement. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 32: 187-197.

Gall, T.L., D.R. Evans, and S. Bellerose. 2000. Transition to first-year university: Patterns of change in adjustment across life domains. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 19: 544-567.

Kramer, J.F., P. Potter, K.L. Harburn, M. Speechley, G.B. Rollman, and D.R. Evans. 2001. An upper body muskuloskeletal assessment instrument for patients with work-related muskuloskeletal disorders: A pilot study. Journal of Hand Therapy 14: 115-119.


Everling, S. 2000. The influence of stimulus eccentricity and direction on characteristics of pro and anti-saccades in non-human primates. Journal of Neurophysiology 84: 2595-2604.

Everling, S., A. Matthews, and H. Flohr. 2001. Prestimulus cortical potentials predict the performance in a saccadic distractor paradigm. Clinical Neurophysiology 112: 1088-1095.

Everling, S., and D.P. Munoz. 2000. Neuronal correlates for preparatory set associated with pro-saccades and anti-saccades in the primate frontal eye field. Journal of Neuroscience 20: 387-400.

Munoz, D.P., M.C. Dorris, M. Pare, and S. Everling. 2000. On your mark, get set: Brainstem circuitry underlying saccade initiation. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 78: 934-944.


Finegan, J.E. 2000. The impact of person and organizational values on organizational commitment. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 73: 149-169.

Finegan, J.E. 2000. A process model of person-organization value fit. Proceedings of the 2000 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Organizational Behaviour Division. B. Wright. 5. 21. 68--76.

Finegan, J.E., and H.K.S. Laschinger. 2001. The effects of structural and psychological empowerment on job strain and affective commitment. Proceedings of the 2001 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, Organizatioinal Behaviour Division. N. Cole. 5. 22. 12-21.

Laschinger, H.K.S., J.E. Finegan, J. Shamian, and S. Casier. 2000. Organizational trust and empowerment in restructured health care settings: Effects on staff nurse commitment. Journal of Nursing Administration 30 (9): 413-425.

Laschinger, H.K.S., J.A. Sabiston, J.E. Finegan, and J. Shamian. 2001. Voices from the trenches: Nurses' experiences of hospital restructuring in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership 14 (1): 6-13.


Davidson-Harden, J., W.A. Fisher, and P.R. Davidson. 2000. Attitudes toward people in exclusive dating relationships who initiate condom use. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 9 (1): 1-14.

Fisher, W.A., and A. Barak. 2000. Online sex shops: Phenomenological, psychological, and ideological perspectives on internet sexuality. Cyberpsychology and Behavior 3 (4): 575-589.

Fisher, W.A., and R. Boroditsky. 2000. Sexual activity, contraceptive choice, and reproductive health risk among single Canadian women Aged 15-19: Additional findings from the Canadian Contraceptive Study. Canadian Journal of Human Sexualty 9 (2): 79-93.

Fisher, W.A., K.L. Dervatis, A.D. Bryan, J. Silcox, and H. Kohn. 2000. Sexual Health, Reproductive Health, Sexual Coercion, and Partner Abuse Indicators in a Canadian Obstetrics and Gynaecology Outpatient Population. Journal of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada 22: 714-724.

Fisher, W.A., M. Sand, W. Lewis, and R. Boroditsky. 2000. Canadian Menopause Study - I: Understanding women's intentions to utilize hormone replacement therapy. Maturitas 37: 1-14.


Goffin, R.D., and I.R. Gellatly. 2001. A multi-rater assessment of organizational commitment: Are self-report measures biased? Journal of Organizational Behavior 22: 437-451.

Jelley, R.B., and R.D. Goffin. 2001. Can performance feedback accuracy be improved? Effects of rater priming and rating scale format on rating accuracy. Journal of Applied Psychology 86: 134-144.

Jelley, R.B., R.D. Goffin, and S.H. Wagner. 2001. Does including Halo improve performance rating accuracy? Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Human Resources Division. T.C. Brown. 22. 1-10.

McCarthy, J.M., and R.D. Goffin. 2000. Test-taking anxiety in a selection context: The moderating role of applicant gender. Proceedings of the 2000 Administrative Sciences Association of Canada and International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management Joint Conference, Human Resources. 21. 82-92.


Connolly, J.D., M.A. Goodale, J.F.X. DeSouza, R. Menon, and T. Vilis. 2000. A comparison of frontoparietal fMRI activation during anti-saccades and anti-pointing. Journal of Neurophysiology 84: 1645-1655.

Danckert, J., and M.A. Goodale. 2001. Superior performance for visually guided pointing in the lower visual field. Experimental Brain Research 137: 303-308.

Goodale, M.A. 2000. Occipitotemporal and occipitoparietal visual pathways in the primate brain. Neocortial Epilepsies. P. Williamson, and A.M. Siegel. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lippincott-Raven Publishers. 75-86.

Goodale, M.A., and G.K. Humphrey. 2001. Separate visual pathways for action and perception. The Blackwell Handbook of Perception. B. Goldstein. Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishers. 311-343.

Goodale, M.A., and K.J. Murphy. 2000. Space in the brain: Different neural substrates for allocentric and egocentric frames. Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual Questions. T. Metzinger. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 189-202.

Haffenden, A.M., and M.A. Goodale. 2000. The effect of learned perceptual associations on visuomotor control varies with kinematic demands. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 12: 950-964.

Haffenden, A.M., K.C. Schiff, and M.A. Goodale. 2001. The dissociation between perception and action in the Ebbinghaus Illusion: Nonillusory effects of pictoral cues on grasp. Current Biology 11: 177-181.

Hu, Y., and M.A. Goodale. 2000. Constraints in human visuomotor systems. Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). 3. 1633-1638.

Hu, Y., and M.A. Goodale. 2000. Grasping after a delay shifts size-scaling from absolute to relative metrics. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 12: 856-868.

James, K.H., G.K. Humphrey, and M.A. Goodale. 2001. Manipulating and recognizing virtual objects: Where the action is. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (Special Issue on Cognitive Neuroscience) 55: 111-120.

James, T.W., G.K. Humphrey, J.S. Gati, R.S. Menon, and M.A. Goodale. 2000. The effects of visual object priming on brain activation before and after recognition. Current Biology 10: 1017-1024.

Marotta, J.J., and M.A. Goodale. 2000. The role of familiar size in the control of grasping. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 13: 8-17.

Wilkinson, F., T.W. James, H. Wilson, J.S. Gati, R.S. Menon, and M.A. Goodale. 2000. Radial and concentric gratings selectively activate human Extrastriate form areas: An fMRI. Current Biology 10: 1455-1458.


Gribble, P.L., and D.J. Ostry. 2000. Compensation for loads during arm movements using equilibriuim-point control. Experimental Brain Research 135 (4): 474-482.


Duff, S.J., and E. Hampson. 2000. A beneficial effect of estrogen on working memory in postmenopausal women taking hormone replacement therapy. Hormones and Behavior 38: 262-276.


Baxter, B.W., and R.E. Hinson. 2001. Is smoking automatic? Demands of smoking behavior on attentional resources. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 110: 59-66.

Wall, A.-M., S.A. McKee, and R.E. Hinson. 2000. Assessing variation in alcohol outcome expectancies across environmental context: An examination of the situational specificity hypotheis. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 14: 367-375.

Wild, T.C., R.E. Hinson, J. Cunningham, and J. Bacchiochi. 2001. Perceived vulnerability to alcohol-related harm in young adults: Independent effects of risky alcohol use and drinking motives. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmaology 9: 117-125.


Goodale, M.A., and G.K. Humphrey. 2001. Separate visual pathways for action and perception. The Blackwell Handbook of Perception. B. Goldstein. Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishers. 311-343.

Goodyear, B.G., D.A. Nicolle, G.K. Humphrey, and R.S. Menon. 2000. BOLD fMRI response of early visual areas to perceived contrast in human amblyopia. The Journal of Neurophysiology 84 (4): 1907-1913.

Humphrey, G.K., and R. Blake. 2001. Introduction. Brain and Mind (Special Issue on Binocular Rivalry) 2 (1)

James, K.H., G.K. Humphrey, and M.A. Goodale. 2001. Manipulating and recognizing virtual objects: Where the action is. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology (Special Issue on Cognitive Neuroscience) 55: 111-120.

James, T.W., G.K. Humphrey, J.S. Gati, R.S. Menon, and M.A. Goodale. 2000. The effects of visual object priming on brain activation before and after recognition. Current Biology 10: 1017-1024.


Paunonen, S.V., M.C. Ashton, and D.N. Jackson. 2001. Nonverbal assessment of the big five personality factors. European Journal of Personality 15: 3-18.

Paunonen, S.V., and D.N. Jackson. 2000. What Is beyond the big five? Plenty! Journal of Personality 68: 821-835.


Jared, D., and J.F. Kroll. 2001. Do bilinguals activate phonological representations in one or both of their languages when naming words? Journal of Memory and Language 44: 2-31.

Pexman, P.M., S.J. Lupker, and D. Jared. 2001. Homophone effects in lexical decision. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 27: 139-156.


Joanisse, M.F., F.R. Manis, P. Keating, and M.S. Seidenberg. 2000. Language deficits in dyslexic children: Speech perception, phonology and morphology. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 77: 30-60.


Katz, A.N. 2000. Processing of sarcastic irony. LACUS Forum XXVI: The Lexicon. A. Melby, and A. Lommel. Fullerton, California: The Linguistic Society of Canada and the United States.

Pexman, P., T. Ferretti, and A.N. Katz. 2000. Discourse factors that influence on-line reading of metaphor and irony. Discourse Processes 29: 201-222.

Tomes, J., and A.N. Katz. 2000. Confidence-accuracy relations for real and suggested events. Memory 8: 273-283.

Toplak, M., and A.N. Katz. 2000. On the uses of sarcastic irony. Journal of Pragmatics 32 (10): 1467-1488.


Choleris, E., A.W. Thomas, M. Kavaliers, and F.S. Prato. 2001. A detailed ethological analysis of the mouse open field test: Effects of Diazepam, Chlordizepoxide, and an extremely low frequency pulsed magnetic field. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 25: 235-260.

Choleris, E., A.W. Thomas, K.-P. Ossenkopp, M. Kavaliers, P. Valsecchi, and F.S. Prato. 2000. Sex Differences in Conditioned Taste Aversion and in the Effects of Exposure to a Specific Pulsed Magnetic Field in the Deer Mouse, Peromyscus Maniculatus. Physiology & Behavior 71: 237-249.

Engeland, C.G., D.V. Nielsen, M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2001. Locomotor activity changes following lipopolysaccharide treatment in mice: A multivariate assessment of behavioral tolerance. Physiology & Behavior 72: 481-491.

Kavaliers, M., E. Choleris, and D.D. Colwell. 2001. Learning from others to cope with biting flies: Social learning of fear-induced conditioned analgesia and active avoidance. Behavioral Neuroscience 115 (3): 661-674.

Kavaliers, M., D.D. Colwell, and E. Choleris. 2001. NMDA-mediated social learning of fear-induced conditioned analgesia to biting flies. NeuroReport 12 (4): 663-667.

Kavaliers, M., D.D. Colwell, and E. Choleris. 2000. Parasites and behavior: An ethopharmacological perspective. Parasitology Today 16: 464-468.

Kavaliers, M., and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2001. Measuring anxiety in animal models: An introduction to the symposium. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 25: 203-204.

Kavaliers, M., and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2001. Special Issue - Measuring Anxiety in Animal Models: Proceedings of a Satellite Symposium at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 25.

Kavaliers, M., and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2001. Special Issue - Measuring Anxiety in Animal Models: Proceedings of a Satellite Symposium at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 3. 25.

Kent, W.D.T., S.K. Cross-Mellor, M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2000. Acute effects of corticosterone on LiCl-induced rapid gustatory conditioning in rats: A taste reactivity analysis. NeuroReport 11: 3903-3808.


Kohler, S., M. Moscovitch, G. Wincour, and A.R. McIntosh. 2000. Episodic encoding and recognition of pictures and words: Role of the human medial temporal lobes. Acta Psychologica 105: 159-179.

Rosenbaum, R.S., S. Priselac, S. Kohler, S.E. Black, F. Gao, L. Nadel, and M. Moscovitch. 2000. Remote spatial memory in an amnesic person with extensive bilateral hippocampal lesions. Nature Neuroscience 3: 1044-1048.

Trinka, E., F. Dubeau, F. Andermann, A. Bastos, A. Hui, L.M. Li, S. Kohler, and A. Olivier. 2000. Clinical findings, imaging characteristics and outcome in catastrophic postencephalitic epilepsiy. Epileptic Disorders 2: 153-162.

Trinka, E., F. Dubeau, F. Andermann, A. Hui, A. Bastos, L.M. Li, S. Kohler, and A. Olivier. 2000. Successful epilepsy surgery in catastrophic postencephalitic epilepsy. Neurology 54: 2170-2173.


Kuiper, N.A., M. McKee, S.S. Kazarian, and L.J. Olinger. 2000. Social perceptions in psychiatric inpatients: Relation to positive and negative affect. Personality and Individual Differences 29: 479-493.


Pexman, P.M., S.J. Lupker, and D. Jared. 2001. Homophone effects in lexical decision. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 27: 139-156.

Taylor, T.E., and S.J. Lupker. 2001. Sequential effects in naming: A time-criterion account. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 27: 117-138.


Martin, R.A., and S. Svebak. 2001. Stress. Motivational Styles in Everyday Life: A Guide to Reversal Theory. M.J. Apter. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 119-137.

McCabe, S.B., I.H. Gotlib, and R.A. Martin. 2000. The deployment-of-attention task and vulnerability to depression: Sad mood induction and history of depression. Cognitive Therapy and Research 24 (4): 427-444.


Ferretti, T.R., K. McRae, and A. Hatherell. 2001. Integrating verbs, situation schemas, and thematic role concepts. Journal of Memory and Language 44: 516-547.


Meyer, J.P., and L. Herscovitch. 2001. Commitment in the workplace: Toward a general model. Human Resource Management Review 11: 299-326.

Meyer, J.P., and C.A. Smith. 2000. Human resource management practices and organizational commitment: Test of a mediation. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 17: 319-331.


Moran, G.A., and D.R. Pederson. 2000. Des Représentations Maternelles Jusqu-à la Premiere Relation par l'Entremise de la Sensibilité Maternelle: Une Revision du Modèle Développemental. Attachement et Développement: Le Role des Premières Relations dans le Développement Humain. G. Tarabulsy, S. Larose, D.R. Pederson, and G.A. Moran. Sainte-Foy, Quebec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. 235-266.

Tarabulsy, G., S. Larose, D.R. Pederson, and G.A. Moran. 2000. Introduction: Comprendre le Rôle des Relations d'Attachement Parent-Enfant dans le Développement Humain. Attachement et Développement: Le Role des Premières Relations dans le Développement Humain. G. Tarabulsy, S. Larose, D. Pederson, and G.A. Moran. Sainte-Foy, Quebec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. 1-24.

van IJzendoorn, M.H., G.A. Moran, J. Belsky, D.R. Pederson, M.J. Bakermanns-Kranenburg, K. Kneppers, and K. Fisher. 2000. The Similarity of Siblings' Attachments to Their Mother. Child Development 71 (4): 1086-1098.


Murray, H.G. 2001. Low-inference teaching behaviors and college teaching effectiveness: Recent developments and controversies. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research. 16. J.C. Smart. New York, New York: Agathon.

Murray, H.G. 2000. What do 21st century teachers need to know about what motivates students? University Teaching in the 21st Century. S. Piccinin. Ottawa, Ontario: Centre for University Teaching.


Al-Semaen, Y.M., J.E. Jensen, P.C. Williamson, R.S. Drost, R.S. Menon, and R.W.J. Neufeld. 2001. Region-specific changes in phosphorous metabolites in chronic medicated schizophrenic patients: A 31P chemical shift imaging study at 4.0 Tesla. Schizophrenia Research 49: 191.

Neufeld, R.W.J. 2001. Forward to J. Malouff. Measures of Emotional Intelligence. New York, New York: Mellin.

Neufeld, R.W.J. 2000. Report on 1992 award for schizophrenia research: A tribute to Joey & Toby Tannenbaum. Distinguished Scientist Award for Schizophrenia Research: 1991-2000. G. Awad, and M.V. Seeman. Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation. 8-10.


Maio, G.R., J.M. Olson, L. Allen, and M.M. Bernard. 2001. Addressing discrepancies between values and behavior: The motivating effect of reasons. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 37: 104-117.

Olson, J.M., O. Buhrmann, and N.J. Roese. 2000. Social comparison and counterfactual thinking: A comparative analysis. Handbook of Social Comparison: Theory and Research. J.M. Suls, and L. Wheeler. New York, NY: Plenum. 379-398.

Olson, J.M., C.L. Hafer, A. Couzens, and I. Kramins. 2000. You're OK, I'm OK: The self-presentation of affective reactions to deprivation. Social Justice Research 13: 359-332.

Olson, J.M., N.J. Roese, and M.P. Zanna. 2000. Expectancies. Psychology and Future. J. Moeller, and B. Strauss. Gottingen, Germany: Hogrefe. 31-49.

Olson, J.M., P.A. Vernon, J.A. Harris, and K.L. Jang. 2001. The heritability of attitudes: A study of twins. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 80: 845-860.

Quinn, K.A., and J.M. Olson. 2001. Judgements of discrimination as a function of group experience and contextual cues. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 33: 38-46.


Choleris, E., A.W. Thomas, K.-P. Ossenkopp, M. Kavaliers, P. Valsecchi, and F.S. Prato. 2000. Sex Differences in Conditioned Taste Aversion and in the Effects of Exposure to a Specific Pulsed Magnetic Field in the Deer Mouse, Peromyscus Maniculatus. Physiology & Behavior 71: 237-249.

Engeland, C.G., D.V. Nielsen, M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2001. Locomotor activity changes following lipopolysaccharide treatment in mice: A multivariate assessment of behavioral tolerance. Physiology & Behavior 72: 481-491.

Kavaliers, M., and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2001. Measuring anxiety in animal models: An introduction to the symposium. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 25: 203-204.

Kavaliers, M., and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2001. Special Issue - Measuring Anxiety in Animal Models: Proceedings of a Satellite Symposium at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 25.

Kavaliers, M., and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2001. Special Issue - Measuring Anxiety in Animal Models: Proceedings of a Satellite Symposium at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 3. 25.

Kent, W.D.T., S.K. Cross-Mellor, M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2000. Acute effects of corticosterone on LiCl-induced rapid gustatory conditioning in rats: A taste reactivity analysis. NeuroReport 11: 3903-3808.


Paunonen, S.V. 2001. Inconsistencies in the personality consistency debate. Psychological Inquiry 12: 91-93.

Paunonen, S.V. 2000. Validity evidence for the different item styles of overt honesty measures. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference. 21. 112-121.

Paunonen, S.V., and M.C. Ashton. 2001. Big five predictors of academic achievement. Journal of Research in Personality 35: 78-90.

Paunonen, S.V., M.C. Ashton, and D.N. Jackson. 2001. Nonverbal assessment of the big five personality factors. European Journal of Personality 15: 3-18.

Paunonen, S.V., and D.N. Jackson. 2000. What Is beyond the big five? Plenty! Journal of Personality 68: 821-835.

Paunonen, S.V., and A.A.M. Nicol. 2001. The personality hierarchy and the prediction of work behaviors. Personality Psychology in the Workplace. R. Hogan, and B.W. Roberts. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 161-191.


Moran, G.A., and D.R. Pederson. 2000. Des Représentations Maternelles Jusqu-à la Premiere Relation par l'Entremise de la Sensibilité Maternelle: Une Revision du Modèle Développemental. Attachement et Développement: Le Role des Premières Relations dans le Développement Humain. G. Tarabulsy, S. Larose, D.R. Pederson, and G.A. Moran. Sainte-Foy, Quebec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. 235-266.

Tarabulsy, G., S. Larose, D.R. Pederson, and G.A. Moran. 2000. Introduction: Comprendre le Rôle des Relations d'Attachement Parent-Enfant dans le Développement Humain. Attachement et Développement: Le Role des Premières Relations dans le Développement Humain. G. Tarabulsy, S. Larose, D. Pederson, and G.A. Moran. Sainte-Foy, Quebec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. 1-24.

van IJzendoorn, M.H., G.A. Moran, J. Belsky, D.R. Pederson, M.J. Bakermanns-Kranenburg, K. Kneppers, and K. Fisher. 2000. The Similarity of Siblings' Attachments to Their Mother. Child Development 71 (4): 1086-1098.


Breau, L.M., P.J. McGrath, K.D. Craig, D. Santor, K.L. Cassidy, and G.J. Reid. 2001. Facial expression of children receiving immunizations: A principal components analysis of the child facial coding system. Clinical Journal of Pain 17: 178-186.

Foster, E., T.P. Graham, D.J. Driscoll, G.J. Reid, J.G. Reiss, I.A. Russell, M. Sermer, S. Siu, K. Uzark, R.G. Williams, and G.D. Webb. 2001. Task Force 2: Special health care needs of adults with congenital heart disease. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 37 (5): 1161-1198.

Reid, G.J. 2001. Young adults with congenital heart defects: A new area for pediatric psychology. Progress Notes: Newsletter of the Society of Pediatric Psychology 25 (1): 3-4, 7-8.


Olthof, A., and W.A. Roberts. 2000. Summation of symbols by pigeons (Columba Livia): The importance of number and mass of reward items. Journal of Comparative Psychology 114 (2): 158-166.

Roberts, W.A. 2001. Spatial representation and the use of spatial codes in animals. Spatial Schemas in Abstract Thought. M. Gattis. Boston, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 15-44.

Roberts, W.A., R. Coughlin, and S. Roberts. 2000. Pigeons flexibly time or count on cue. Psychological Science 11 (3): 218-222.


Kramer, J.F., P. Potter, K.L. Harburn, M. Speechley, G.B. Rollman, and D.R. Evans. 2001. An upper body muskuloskeletal assessment instrument for patients with work-related muskuloskeletal disorders: A pilot study. Journal of Hand Therapy 14: 115-119.

Rollman, G.B., and S. Lautenbacher. 2001. Sex differences in musculoskeletal pain. Clinical Journal of Pain 17: 20-24.

Rollman, G.B., S. Lautenbacher, and K.S. Jones. 2000. Sex and gender differences in responses to experimentally induced pain in humans. Sex, Gender, and Pain. R.B. Fillingim. Seattle, Washington: IASP Press. 165-190.


Rushton, J.P. 2000. Race, Evolution and Behavior. 2nd ed. Port Huron, Michigan: Charles Darwin Research Institute. 106 pp.

Rushton, J.P. 2001. A scientometric appreciation of H.J. Eysenck's contrbutions to psychology. Personality and Individual Differences 31: 17-39.

Rushton, J.P., and C.D. Ankney. 2000. Size matters: A review and new analyses of racial differences in cranial capacity and intelligence that refute Kamin and Omari. Personality and Inidividual Differences 29: 591-620.

Rushton, J.P., and M. Skuy. 2000. Performance on Raven's Matrices by African and White University Students in South Africa. Intelligence 28: 251-265.


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