Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

The University of Western Ontario

Dentistry: 1997-1998


BANTING, D.W. (Community Dentistry)

Banting, D.W. 1998. Dental Education in Canada -- What Lies Ahead? Canadian Dental Association Journal 64 (6): 443-448.


BOHAY, R.N. (Oral Medicine & Radiology)

Suljak, J.P., R.N. Bohay, and G.P. Wysocki. 1998. Lateral Periodontal Cyst: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Canadian Dental Assocation Journal 64 (1): 48-51.


FOLEY, T.F. (Graduate Orthodontics)

Foley, T.F., and P.G. Duncan. 1997. Soft tissue profile changes in late adolescent males. The Angle Orthodontist 67 (5): 373-380.

Foley, T.F., D.L. Stirling, and J. Hall-Scott. 1997. The reliability of three sagittal reference planes in the assessment of Class II treatment. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 112 (3): 320-329.

Gross, M.W., T.F. Foley, and A.H. Mamandras. 1997. Direct bonding to Adlloy-treated amalgam. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 112 (3): 252-258.

McNamara, C.M., T.F. Foley, V.R. O'Sullivan, N. Crowley, and R.J. McConnell. 1997. External resorption presenting as an intracoronal radiolucent lesion in a pre-eruptive tooth. Oral Diseases 3: 199-201.

McNamara, C.M., T.F. Foley, G.Z. Wright, and J.R. Sandy. 1997. The management of premolar supernumeraries in three orthodontic cases. Journal of Clinic Pediatric Dentistry 22 (1): 15-18.


GOLDBERG, H.A. (Oral Biology)

Domenicucci, C., H.A. Goldberg, and J. Sodek. 1997. Identification of Lysyl Oxidase and TRAMP as the Major Proteins in Dissociative Extracts of the Demineralized Collagen Matrix of Porcine Dentine. Connective Tissue Research 36 (3): 151-163.

Goldberg, H.A., and K.J. Warner. 1997. The Staining of Acidic Proteins on Polyacrylamide Gels: Enhanced Sensitivity and Stability of "Stains-All" Staining in Combination with Silver Nitrate. Analytical Biochemistry 251: 227-233.


GROSS, M.W. (Orthodontics & Paediatric Dentistry)

Gross, M.W., T.F. Foley, and A.H. Mamandras. 1997. Direct bonding to Adlloy-treated amalgam. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 112 (3): 252-258.


HATIBOVIC-KOFMAN, S. (Orthodontics & Paediatric Dentistry)

Hatibovic-Kofman, S., G.Z. Wright, and I. Braverman. 1998. Microleakage of sealants after conventional, bur, and air-abrasion preparation of pits and fissures. Pediatric Dentistry 20 (3): 173-176.


KAVALIERS, M. (Oral Biology & Bioelectromagnetics Western)

Choleris, E., P. Valsecchi, Y. Wang, P. Ferrari, M. Kavaliers, and M. Mainardi. 1998. Social Learning of a Food Preference in Male and Female Mongolian Gerbils is Facilitated by the Anxiolytic, Chlordiazepoxide. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 60 (2): 575-584.

Colwell, D.D., M. Kavaliers, and T.J. Lysyk. 1997. Stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, mouthpart removal influences stress and anticipatory responses in mice. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 11: 310-314.

Kavaliers, M., and E. Choleris. 1997. Sex differences in N-methyl-D-aspartate involvement in k opioid and non-opioid predator-induced analgesia in mice. Brain Research 768: 30-36.

Kavaliers, M., E. Choleris, and D.M. Saucier. 1997. The NMDA Receptor Antagonist, NPC 12626, Reduces the Pronociceptive Effects of Orphanin FQ and Kappa Opiate Antinociception in the Land Snail, Cepaea nemoralis. Peptides 18 (7): 943-947.

Kavaliers, M., D.D. Colwell, and T.S. Perrot-Sinal. 1997. Opioid and non-opioid NMDA-mediated predator-induced analgesia in mice and the effects of parasitic infection. Brain Research 766: 11-18.

Perrot-Sinal, T.S., D. Innes, M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 1998. Plasma Testosterone Levels Are Related to Various Aspects of Locomotor Activity in Wild-Caught Male Meadow Voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus). Physiology and Behavior 64 (1): 31-36.

Prato, F.S., M. Kavaliers, A.W. Thomas, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 1998. Modulatory actions of light on the behavioural responses to magnetic fields by land snails probably occur at the magnetic field detection stage. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 265: 367-373.

Thomas, A.W., M. Kavaliers, F.S. Prato, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 1998. Analgesic Effects of a Specific Pulsed Magnetic Field in the Land Snail, Cepaea nemoralis: Consequences of Repeated Exposures, Relations to Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance with DPDPE. Peptides 19 (2): 333-342.


KOGON, S.L. (Oral Medicine & Radiology)

Kogon, S.L., and R.G. Stephens. 1998. The RCDSO Quality Assurance Program: Substance Or Illusion. Ontario Dentist 75 (2): 61-66.


MAMANDRAS, A.H. (Graduate Orthodontics)

Gross, M.W., T.F. Foley, and A.H. Mamandras. 1997. Direct bonding to Adlloy-treated amalgam. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 112 (3): 252-258.

McCarthy, G.M., A.H. Mamandras, and J.K. MacDonald. 1997. Infection control in the orthodontic office in Canada. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 112 (3): 275-281.


MCCARTHY, G.M. (Oral Biology)

McCarthy, G.M. 1998. Infection-Control Challenges in CME. The Canadian Journal of CME 10 (Jan.): 1-2.

McCarthy, G.M., and J.K. MacDonald. 1998. A comparison of infection control practices of different groups of oral specialists and general dental practitioners. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontics 85 (1): 47-54.

McCarthy, G.M., and J.K. MacDonald. 1998. Improved compliance with recommended infection control practices in the dental office between 1994 and 1995. American Journal of Infection Control 26 (1): 24-28.

McCarthy, G.M., and J.K. MacDonald. 1997. The Infection Control Practices of General Dental Practitioners. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 18 (10): 699-703.

McCarthy, G.M., A.H. Mamandras, and J.K. MacDonald. 1997. Infection control in the orthodontic office in Canada. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 112 (3): 275-281.


MCCONNELL, R.J. (Orthodontics & Paediatric Dentistry)

McNamara, C.M., T.F. Foley, V.R. O'Sullivan, N. Crowley, and R.J. McConnell. 1997. External resorption presenting as an intracoronal radiolucent lesion in a pre-eruptive tooth. Oral Diseases 3: 199-201.


OSSENKOPP, K.-P. (Bioelectromagnetics Western)

Perrot-Sinal, T.S., D. Innes, M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 1998. Plasma Testosterone Levels Are Related to Various Aspects of Locomotor Activity in Wild-Caught Male Meadow Voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus). Physiology and Behavior 64 (1): 31-36.

Prato, F.S., M. Kavaliers, A.W. Thomas, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 1998. Modulatory actions of light on the behavioural responses to magnetic fields by land snails probably occur at the magnetic field detection stage. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 265: 367-373.

Thomas, A.W., M. Kavaliers, F.S. Prato, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 1998. Analgesic Effects of a Specific Pulsed Magnetic Field in the Land Snail, Cepaea nemoralis: Consequences of Repeated Exposures, Relations to Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance with DPDPE. Peptides 19 (2): 333-342.


PAE, E.K. (Orthodontics & Paediatric Dentistry)

Pae, E.K. 1997. Cephalometry needs innovation, not renovation. Angle Orthodontist 67 (5): 395-396.

Pae, E.K., K.A. Ferguson, and A.A. Lowe. 1998. Cephalometric characteristics of non-obese obstructive sleep apnea patients. Journal of Dental Research 77: 664.

Pae, E.K., A. Kuhlberg, and R. Nanda. 1997. Role of the pharyngeal airway length in patients with a lack of overbite. American Journal of Orthodontics 112 (2): 179-186.

Pae, E.K., A.A. Lowe, and J.A. Fleetham. 1997. A thin-plate spline analysis of the face and tongue in obstructive sleep apnea patients. Clinical Oral Investigation 1: 178-184.

Pae, E.K., A.A. Lowe, and Y.C. Park. 1997. A size analysis in obstructive sleep apnea patients. Korean Journal of Orthodontics 27 (7): 865-870.


SANDHU, H.S. (Periodontics)

Sandhu, H.S., I.A. Salloum, and J.E. Stakiw. 1998. Scaling and Root Planing: Hand Versus Power-driven Instruments. Canadian Dental Association Journal 64 (4): 269-275.

Sandhu, H.S., V. Sharma, and G.S. Sidhu. 1997. Role of Psychiatric Disorders in Self-Inflicted Periodontal Injury: A Case Report. Journal of Periodontology 68 (11): 1136-1139.


STAKIW, J.E. (Periodontics)

Sandhu, H.S., I.A. Salloum, and J.E. Stakiw. 1998. Scaling and Root Planing: Hand Versus Power-driven Instruments. Canadian Dental Association Journal 64 (4): 269-275.


STEPHENS, R.G. (Oral Medicine & Radiology)

Kogon, S.L., and R.G. Stephens. 1998. The RCDSO Quality Assurance Program: Substance Or Illusion. Ontario Dentist 75 (2): 61-66.


WRIGHT, G.Z. (Orthodontics & Paediatrics Dentistry)

Hatibovic-Kofman, S., G.Z. Wright, and I. Braverman. 1998. Microleakage of sealants after conventional, bur, and air-abrasion preparation of pits and fissures. Pediatric Dentistry 20 (3): 173-176.

McNamara, C.M., T.F. Foley, G.Z. Wright, and J.R. Sandy. 1997. The management of premolar supernumeraries in three orthodontic cases. Journal of Clinic Pediatric Dentistry 22 (1): 15-18.