Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

The University of Western Ontario

Psychology: 1996-1997



Allen, N.J., and J.P. Meyer. 1996. Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: An Examination of Construct Validity. Journal of Vocational Behavior 49 (3): 252-276.

Meyer, J.P., and N.J. Allen. 1997. Commitment in the Workplace: Theory, Research and Application. Advanced Topics in Organizational Behavior. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. x, 150 pp. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

West, M.A., and N.J. Allen. 1997. Selecting for Team Work (Chapter 24). International Handbook of Selection and Assessment. N. Anderson, and P. Herriot. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. 493-506.



Lupker, S.J., P. Brown, and L. Colombo. 1997. Strategic Control in a Naming Task: Changing Routes or Changing Deadlines? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 23 (3): 570-590.



Cain, D.P. 1997. LTP, NMDA, Genes, and Learning. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 7: 235-242.

Cain, D.P., and D. Saucier. 1996. The Neuroscience of Spatial Navigation: Focus on Behavior Yields Advances. Reviews in the Neurosciences 7: 215-231.

Cain, D.P., D. Saucier, and F. Boon. 1997. Testing Hypotheses of Spatial Learning: The Role of NMDA Receptors and NMDA-Mediated Long-Term Potentiation. Behavioral Brain Research 84: 179-193.

Saucier, D., and D.P. Cain. 1996. Competitive NMDA Receptor Antogonists do not Block Cholinergic Kindling with Carbachol. Epilepsy Research 24: 9-18.



Chen, X. 1997. The Changing Chinese Family: Resources, Parenting Practices, and Children's Socio-emotional Problems. Family and Family Therapy in International Perspective. U.P. Gielen, and A.L. Comunian. Milan, Italy: Marinelli Editrice.

Chen, X., K.H. Rubin, and D. Li. 1997. Relation between Academic Achievement and Social Adjustment: Evidence from Chinese Children. Developmental Psychology 33 (3): 518-525.



Bell, D.W., and V.M. Esses. 1997. Ambivalence and Response Amplification Toward Native Peoples. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 27 (12): 1063-1084.

Esses, V.M., and R.C. Gardner. 1996. Multiculturalism in Canada: Context and Current Status. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 28 (3): 145-152.

Esses, V.M., and R.C. Gardner. 1996. Le multiculturalisme au Canada: Contexte et état actuel. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 28 (3): 153-160.

Gardner, R.C., and V.M. Esses. (Editors). 1996. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 28 (3). Special Issue Ethnic Relations in a Multicultural Society, R.C. Gardner and V.M. Esses (Guest Editors).

Maio, G.R., D.W. Bell, and V.M. Esses. 1996. Ambivalence and Persuasion: The Processing of Messages about Immigrant Groups. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 32: 513-536.



Evans, D.R. 1997. Health Promotion, Wellness Programs, Quality of Life and the Marketing of Psychology. Canadian Psychology 38 (1): 1-12.

Evans, D.R. 1996. Ontario Legislation: The Health Care Consent Act, 1996. Ontario Psychologist 28: 12-14.

Grace, G.M., and D.R. Evans. 1996. Legislation and the Practice of Psychology in Ontario: The Child and Family Services Act, 1990. Ontario Psychologist 28 (3): 18-19.

Leschied, A.W., and D.R. Evans. 1996. An Act to Amend the Young Offenders Act - Bill C-37. Ontario Psychologist 28 (Sept.): 6-7.



Barak, A., and W.A. Fisher. 1997. Effects of Interactive Computer Erotica on Men's Attitudes and Behaviour Toward Women: An Experimental Study. Computers in Human Behaviour 13 (2): 1-17.

Barak, A., W.A. Fisher, Y. Alexander, and T. Tamir. 1996. Individual Difference Correlates of HIV Serostatus among Heterosexual and Homosexual Men. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 5 (2): 91-99.

Boroditsky, R., W.A. Fisher, and M. Sand. 1996. The 1995 Canadian Contraception Study. Journal of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada 18: 1-31.

Fisher, J.D., and W.A. Fisher. 1997. Just Like Me. This is a 30 minute long broadcast quality AIDS prevention motivation videotape which is empirically targeted to motivate urban minority teens to practice AIDS prevention and features the documentary stories of 8 social comparison minority teens with AIDS.

Fisher, J.D., and W.A. Fisher. 1997. Knowing the Facts. This is a 16 minute long broadcast quality AIDS prevention information videotape which is empirically targeted at the AIDS prevention information needs of urban minority teens.

Fisher, J.D., and W.A. Fisher. 1997. Stakes Are High. This is a 36 minute long broadcast quality AIDS prevention behavioral skills videotape which is empirically targeted to model ecologically valid AIDS prevention behavioral skills for urban minority teens.

Fisher, J.D., S.J. Misovich, D. Kimble, W.A. Fisher, and T. Malloy. 1996. AIDS Risk Reduction for College Students: An STD/HIV/AIDS Prevention Program. Users Guide. Los Altos, California: Sociometrics.

Fisher, W.A. 1997. Sex Psych Prof Taking Heat: Fear and Loathing on the Research Trail. The Sex Scientists. G.C. Brannigan, E.R. Allgeier, and R. Allgeier. New York, NY: Harper-Collins.

Fisher, W.A. 1997. The Sexual Opinion Survey: Development and Validation of a Measure of Affective Orientation to Sexuality. Sexuality Related Measures: A Compendium. 2nd ed. C. Davis, W.L. Yarber, R. Bauserman, G. Schreer, and S.L. Davis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Lefebvre, G., R.H. Lea, R. Boroditsky, W.A. Fisher, S. Belisle, and M. Sand. 1996. The Benefits of Awareness Study: An Evaluation of Targetted, User-Friendly Education Among Oral Contraceptive Users. Journal of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada 18 (Nov.): 1111-1121.

Misovich, S.J., J.D. Fisher, and W.A. Fisher. 1997. Close Relationships and Elevated HIV Risk Behavior: Evidence and Possible Underlying Psychological Processes. Review of General Psychology 1 (1): 72-107.

Misovich, S.J., J.D. Fisher, and W.A. Fisher. 1996. The Perceived AIDS-Preventive Utility of Knowing One's Partner Well: A Public Health Dictum and Individuals' Risky Sexual Behavior. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 5 (2): 83-90.

Misovich, S.J., J.D. Fisher, and W.A. Fisher. 1997. Social Comparison Processes and AIDS Risk and AIDS Preventive Behavior (Chapter 4). Health, Coping, and Social Comparison. B. Buunk, and F.X. Gibbons. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 95-123.

Misovich, S.J., W.A. Fisher, and J.D. Fisher. 1997. A Measure of AIDS Prevention Information, Motivation, Behavioral Skills, and Behavior. Sexuality Related Measures: A Compendium. C. Davis, W.L. Yarber, R. Bauserman, G. Schreer, and S.L. Davis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.



Esses, V.M., and R.C. Gardner. 1996. Multiculturalism in Canada: Context and Current Status. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 28 (3): 145-152.

Esses, V.M., and R.C. Gardner. 1996. Le multiculturalisme au Canada: Contexte et état actuel. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 28 (3): 153-160.

Gardner, R.C., and V.M. Esses. (Editors). 1996. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 28 (3). Special Issue Ethnic Relations in a Multicultural Society, R.C. Gardner and V.M. Esses (Guest Editors).



Goffin, R.D., M.G. Rothstein, and N. Johnston. 1996. Personality Testing and the Assessment Center: Incremental Validity for Managerial Selection. Journal of Applied Psychology 81 (6): 746-756.



Carey, D.P., E.L. Hargreaves, and M.A. Goodale. 1996. Reaching to Ipsilateral or Contralateral Targets: Within-Hemisphere Visuomotor Processing Cannot Explain Hemispatial Differences in Motor Control. Experimental Brain Research 112: 496-504.

Goodale, M.A. 1996. Visuomotor Modules in the Vertebrate Brain. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 74: 390-400.

Goodale, M.A., and K.J. Murphy. 1997. Action and Perception in the Visual Periphery. Parietal Lobe Contributions to Orientation in 3D Space: Experimental Brain Research Supplements. P. Thier, and H.-O. Karnath. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag. 447-462.

Goodale, M.A., and P. Servos. 1996. The Visual Control of Prehension (Chapter 5). Advances in Motor Learning and Control. H. Zelaznik. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers. 87-122.

Humphrey, G.K., M.A. Goodale, C.V. Bowen, J.S. Gati, T. Vilis, B.K. Rutt, and R.S. Menon. 1997. Differences in Perceived Shape from Shading Correlate with Activity in Early Visual Areas. Current Biology 7: 144-147.

Murphy, K.J., C.I. Racicot, and M.A. Goodale. 1996. The Use of Visuomotor Cues as a Strategy for Making Perceptual Judgements in a Patient with Visual Form Agnosia. Neuropsychology 10 (3): 396-401.

Patla, A., and M.A. Goodale. 1996. Obstacle Avoidance during Locomotion Is Unaffected in a Patient with Visual Form Agnosia. NeuroReport 8 (1): 165-168.



Harris, J.A., J.P. Rushton, E. Hampson, and D.N. Jackson. 1996. Salivary Testosterone and Self-Report Aggressive and Pro-Social Personality Characteristics in Men and Women. Aggressive Behavior 22: 321-331.

Mead, L.A., and E. Hampson. 1996. Asymmetric Effects of Ovarian Hormones on Hemispheric Activity: Evidence from Dichotic and Tachistoscopic Tests. Neuropsychology 10 (4): 578-587.

Mead, L.A., and E. Hampson. 1996. A Sex Difference in Turning Bias in Humans. Behavioural Brain Research 78: 73-79.

Mead, L.A., and E. Hampson. 1997. Turning Bias in Humans Is Influenced by Phase of the Menstrual Cycle. Hormones and Behavior 31: 65-74.

Moffat, S.D., and E. Hampson. 1996. A Curvilinear Relationship between Testosterone and Spatial Cognition in Humans: Possible Influence of Hand Preference. Psychoneuroendocrinology 21: 323-337.

Sherry, D.F., and E. Hampson. 1997. Evolution and the Hormonal Control of Sexually-Dimorphic Spatial Abilities in Humans. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 1: 50-56.



Kiers, H.A.L., and R.A. Harshman. 1997. Relating Two Proposed Methods for Speedup of Algorithms for Fitting Two- and Three-Way Principal Component and Related Multilinear Models. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 36: 31-40.



Herbert, A.H., and G.K. Humphrey. 1996. Bilateral Symmetry Perception: Testing a "Callosal" Hypothesis. Perception 25: 463-480.

Humphrey, G.K., M.A. Goodale, C.V. Bowen, J.S. Gati, T. Vilis, B.K. Rutt, and R.S. Menon. 1997. Differences in Perceived Shape from Shading Correlate with Activity in Early Visual Areas. Current Biology 7: 144-147.



Innis, N.K. 1997. A Purposive Behaviorist: Edward C. Tolman. A Pictorial History of Psychology. W.G. Bringmann, H.E. Leuck, R. Miller, and C.E. Early. Carol Stream, Illinois: Quintessence Publishing Co. 214-220.



Harris, J.A., J.P. Rushton, E. Hampson, and D.N. Jackson. 1996. Salivary Testosterone and Self-Report Aggressive and Pro-Social Personality Characteristics in Men and Women. Aggressive Behavior 22: 321-331.

Jang, K.L., W.J. Livesley, P.A. Vernon, and D.N. Jackson. 1996. Heritability of Personality Disorder Traits: A Twin Study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 94: 438-444.



Jared, D. 1997. Spelling-Sound Consistency Affects the Naming of High-Frequency Words. Journal of Memory and Language 36: 505-529.



Katz, A. 1996. On Interpreting Statements as Metaphor or Irony: Contextual Heuristics and Cognitive Consequences (Chapter 1). Metaphor: Implications and Applications. J.S. Mio, and A. Katz. Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum. 1-22.

Katz, A. 1996. Pragmatics and the Processing of Metaphor: Category Dissimilarity in Topic and Vehicle Asymmetry. Pragmatics and Cognition 4: 265-304.

Katz, A., and P. Pexman. 1997. Processing of Figurative Language: Occupation of Speaker Turns Metaphor into Irony. Metaphor and Symbol 12: 19-41.

Mio, J.S., and A. Katz. 1996. Metaphor: Implications and Applications. Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum. xiv, 269 pp. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Seligman, C.R., and A. Katz. 1996. Dynamics of Value Systems. Psychology of Values: The Ontario Symposium. Volume 8. C.R. Seligman, J.M. Olson, and M.P. Zanna. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum. 53-75.



James, T.W., and D. Kimura. 1997. Sex Differences in Remembering the Location of Objects in an Array: Location-Shifts Versus Location-Exchanges. Evolution and Human Behavior 18: 155-163.

Kimura, D. 1997. Neuropsychology Test Procedures. 6th Revised ed. London, England: DK Consultants. 173 pp.

Kimura, D. 1996. Understanding the Human Brain. Children's Britannica Yearbook. J. Cox, and B. Carragher. London, England: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 136-141.

Saucier, D.M., and D. Kimura. 1996. Dermatoglyphic Asymmetry Is Related to Perceptual Asymmetry and to Interhemispheric Transmission. Laterality 1 (3): 185-198.



Destun, L.M., and N.A. Kuiper. 1996. Autobiographical Memory and Recovered Memory Therapy: Integrating Cognitive, Clinical, and Individual Difference Perspectives. Clinical Psychology Review 16 (5): 421-450.

Westra, H.A., and N.A. Kuiper. 1996. Communality and Specificity of Dysfunctional Cognitions, and the Prediction of Four Different Forms of Psychological Maladjustment. Personality and Individual Differences 20 (5): 575-588.



Hino, Y., and S.J. Lupker. 1996. Effects of Polysemy in Lexical Decision and Naming: An Alternative to Lexical Access Accounts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 22 (6): 1331-1356.

Lupker, S.J., P. Brown, and L. Colombo. 1997. Strategic Control in a Naming Task: Changing Routes or Changing Deadlines? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 23 (3): 570-590.



Martin, R.A. 1996. Humour as Therapeutic Play: Stress-Moderating Effects of Humor. Journal of Leisurability 23 (4): 8-15.

Martin, R.A. 1996. The Situational Humor Response Questionnaire (SHRQ) and Coping Humor Scale (CHS): A Decade of Research Findings. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 9: 251-272.

Martin, R.A., G.E. Berry, T. Dobranski, M. Horne, and P.G. Dodgson. 1996. Emotion Perception Threshold: Individual Differences in Emotional Sensitivity. Journal of Research in Personality 30: 290-305.

Martin, R.A., and S. Svebak. 1997. The Psychobiology of Telic Dominance and Stress (Chapter 6). Stress and Health: A Reversal Theory Perspective. S. Svebak, and M.J. Apter. Washington, D.C.: Taylor & Francis. 69-80.

Svebak, S., and R.A. Martin. 1997. Sense of Humor as a Form of Coping (Chapter 14). Stress and Health: A Reversal Theory Perspective. S. Svebak, and M.J. Apter. Washington, D.C.: Taylor & Francis. 173-184.



McRae, K., and S. Boisvert. 1996. The Importance of Automatic Semantic Relatedness Priming for Distributed Models of Word Meaning. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum. 278-283.

McRae, K., V.R. de Sa, and M.S. Seidenberg. 1997. On the Nature and Scope of Featural Representations of Word Meaning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 126 (2): 99-130.

McRae, K., T.R. Ferretti, and L. Amyote. 1997. Thematic Roles as Verb-Specific Concepts. Language and Cognitive Processes 12 (2/3): 137-176.



Allen, N.J., and J.P. Meyer. 1996. Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: An Examination of Construct Validity. Journal of Vocational Behavior 49 (3): 252-276.

Irving, P.G., and J.P. Meyer. 1997. A Multidimensional Scaling Analysis of Managerial Third-Party Conflict Intervention Strategies. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science 29 (1): 7-18.

Meyer, J.P. 1997. Organizational Commitment (Chapter 5). International Review of Organizational Psychology, Volume 12. C.L. Cooper, and I.T. Robertson. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. 175-228.

Meyer, J.P., and N.J. Allen. 1997. Commitment in the Workplace: Theory, Research and Application. Advanced Topics in Organizational Behavior. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. x, 150 pp. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

Meyer, J.P., J.M. Gemmell, and P.G. Irving. 1997. Evaluating the Management of Interpersonal Conflict in Organizations: A Factor Analytic Study of Outcome Criteria. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 14 (1): 1-13.



Murray, H.G. 1996. Review of an Educational Psychology Textbook as Kitsch: Reconstructing Woolfolk. Canadian Journal of Education 21 (2): 200-202.

Murray, H.G. 1997. Teaching as Experimentation. University of Guelph Teaching Forum Newsletter 48 (May): 3-6.

Murray, H.G., E. Gillese, M. Lennon, P. Mercer, and M. Robinson. 1996. Ethical Principles for College and University Teaching. Ethical Dimensions of College and University Teaching. L. Fisch. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass.

Murray, H.G., and M. Lang. 1997. Does Classroom Participation Improve Student Learning? Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 20 (Feb.): 7-9.

Renaud, R.D., and H.G. Murray. 1996. Aging, Personality, and Teaching Effectiveness in Academic Psychologists. Research in Higher Education 37 (3): 323-340.



Neufeld, R.W.J., and P. Williamson. 1996. Neuropsychological Correlates of Positive Symptoms: Delusions and Hallucinations (Chapter 11). Schizophrenia: A Neuropsychological Perspective. C. Pantelis, H.E. Nelson, and T.R.E. Barnes. London, England: John Wiley & Sons. 205-235.



Olson, J.M., N.J. Roese, and R.J. Diebert. 1996. Psychological Biases in Counterfactual Thought Experiments (Chapter 2). Counterfactual Thought Experiments in World Politics: Logical, Methodological, and Psychological Perspectives. P.E. Tetlock, and A. Belkin. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. 296-300.

Olson, J.M., N.J. Roese, and M.P. Zanna. 1996. Expectancies (Chapter 8). Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles. E.T. Higgins, and A.W. Kruglanski. New York, NY: Guilford. 211-238.

Roese, N.J., and J.M. Olson. 1997. Counterfactual Thinking: The Intersection of Affect and Function. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 29: 1-59.

Roese, N.J., and J.M. Olson. 1996. Counterfactuals, Causal Attributions, and the Hindsight Bias: A Conceptual Integration. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 32: 197-227.

Seligman, C.T., J.M. Olson, and M.P. Zanna. (Editors). 1996. The Psychology of Values. The Ontario Symposium, Volume 8. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ix, 344 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.



Kavaliers, M., K.-P. Ossenkopp, F.S. Prato, D.G.L. Innes, L.A.M. Galea, and D.M. Kinsella. 1996. Spatial Learning in Deer Mice: Sex Differences and the Effects of Endogenous Opioids and 60 Hz Magnetic Fields. Journal of Comparative Physiology: A Sensory, Neural and Behavioural Physiology 179: 715-724.

Ossenkopp, K.-P., Y.J. Rabi, and L.A. Eckel. 1996. Oestradiol-Induced Taste Avoidance Is the Result of a Conditioned Palatability Shift. NeuroReport 7 (15-17): 2777-2780.

Perrot-Sinal, T.S., V.R. Heale, K.-P. Ossenkopp, and M. Kavaliers. 1996. Sexually Dimorphic Aspects of Spontaneous Locomotor Activity in Meadow Voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus): Effects of Exposure to Fox Odor. Behavioural Neuroscience 110 (5): 1126-1132.

Perrot-Sinal, T.S., M.A. Kostenuik, K.-P. Ossenkopp, and M. Kavaliers. 1996. Sex Differences in Performance in the Morris Water-Maze and the Effects of Initial Non-stationary Hidden Platform Training. Behavioural Neuroscience 110 (6): 1309-1320.

Thomas, A.W., M. Kavaliers, F.S. Prato, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 1997. Antinociceptive Effects of a Pulsed Magnetic Field in the Land Snail, Cepaea nemoralis. Neuroscience Letters 222: 107-110.



Paunonen, S.V. 1997. On Chance and Factor Congruence Following Orthogonal Procrustes Rotation. Educational and Psychological Measurement 57 (1): 33-59.



Zarbatany, L., and S. Pepper. 1996. The Role of the Group in Peer Group Entry. Social Development 5 (3): 251-260.

Zarbatany, L., M. Van Brunschot, K. Meadows, and S. Pepper . 1996. Effects of Friendship and Gender on Peer Group Entry. Child Development 67: 2287-2300.



Roberts, W.A. 1996. Stimulus Generalization and Hierarchical Structure in Categorization by Animals. Stimulus Class Formation in Humans and Animals. T.R. Zentall, and P.M. Smeets. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. 35-54.

Wright, A.A., and W.A. Roberts. 1996. Monkey and Human Face Perception: Inversion Effects for Human Faces but Not for Monkey Faces or Scenes. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 8 (3): 278-290.



McDermid, A.J., G.B. Rollman, and G.A. McCain. 1996. Generalized Hypervigilance in Fibromyalgia: Evidence of Perceptual Amplification. Pain 66: 133-144.



Harris, J.A., J.P. Rushton, E. Hampson, and D.N. Jackson. 1996. Salivary Testosterone and Self-Report Aggressive and Pro-Social Personality Characteristics in Men and Women. Aggressive Behavior 22: 321-331.

Rushton, J.P. 1997. Afterword. Race, Evolution, and Behavior. (softcover) ed. J.P. Rushton. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers. 277-297.

Rushton, J.P. 1996. Egalitarian Dogmas. Right Now! 13 (Oct.): 20-21.

Rushton, J.P. 1996. Political Correctness and the Study of Racial Differences. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless 5 (2): 213-229.

Rushton, J.P. 1996. Preface. Race, Evolution, and Behavior. J.P. Rushton. Tokyo, Japan: Hakuhin-sha Publishing Co. 20. Preface to the Japanese Translation.

Rushton, J.P. 1997. Race, Evolution, and Behavior: A Life History in Perspective. 1st paperback ed. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers. xviii, 358 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Rushton, J.P. 1997. Race, Intelligence, and the Brain: The Errors and Omissions of the 'Revised' Edition of S. J. Gould's The Mismeasure of Man (1996). Personality and Individual Differences 23 (1): 169-180.

Rushton, J.P. 1997. Race, IQ, and the APA Report on The Bell Curve. American Psychologist 52 (1): 69-70.

Rushton, J.P. 1996. Self-report Delinquency and Violence in Adult Twins. Psychiatric Genetics 6: 87-89.

Rushton, J.P. 1997. Why The Bell Curve Didn't Go Far Enough on Race (Chapter 5). Intelligence, Political Inequality, and Public Policy. E. White. Westport, CT: Praeger. 119-140.

Rushton, J.P., and C.D. Ankney. 1997. Race and Sex Differences in Brain Size and Cognitive Ability. Advances in Cognition and Educational Practice 4: 25-77.



Seligman, C.R., and A. Katz. 1996. Dynamics of Value Systems. Psychology of Values: The Ontario Symposium. C.R. Seligman, J.M. Olson, and M.P. Zanna. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum. 53-75. Volume 8.

Seligman, C.R., J.M. Olson, and M.P. Zanna. (Editors). 1996. The Psychology of Values. The Ontario Symposium, Volume 8. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. ix, 344 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.



Petersen, K., and D.F. Sherry. 1996. No Sex Difference Occurs in Hippocampus, Food-Storing, or Memory for Food Caches in Black-Capped Chickadees. Behavioural Brain Research 79: 15-22.

Sherry, D.F. 1997. Cross-Species Comparisons. Characterizing Human Psychological Adaptations. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons. 181-194. Ciba Foundation Symposium No. 208.

Sherry, D.F., B.G. Galef Jr., and M.M. Clark. 1996. Sex and Intrauterine Position Influence the Size of the Gerbil Hippocampus. Physiology and Behavior 60 (6): 1491-1494.

Sherry, D.F., and E. Hampson. 1997. Evolution and the Hormonal Control of Sexually-Dimorphic Spatial Abilities in Humans. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 1: 50-56.



Simner, M.L. 1996. Predictive Validity of the Caregiver's School Readiness Inventory. Dynamic Assessment and Instruction: From Theory to Applications. M. Luther, E. Cole, and P. Gamlin. North York, Ontario: Captus University Publications.

Simner, M.L. 1996. Recommendations by the Canadian Psychological Association for Improving the North American Safeguards that Help Protect the Public against Test Misuse. European Journal of Psychological Assessment 12 (1): 72-82.

Simner, M.L. 1996. The Use of Handwriting Legibility Scales in Grade One to Help Identify Children at Risk of Early School Failure. Handwriting and Drawing Research: Basic and Applied Issues. M.L. Simner, C.G. Leedham, and A.J.W.M. Thomassen. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press. 197-202.

Simner, M.L., C.G. Leedham, and A.J.W.M. Thomassen. 1996. Handwriting and Drawing Research: Basic and Applied Issues. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press. xi, 529 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.



Hodson, G., and R.M. Sorrentino. 1997. Groupthink and Uncertainty Orientation: Personality Differences in Reactivity to the Group Situation. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 1 (2): 144-155.



Symons, L.A., P. Pearson, and B. Timney. 1996. The Aftereffect to Relative Motion Does Not Show Interocular Transfer. Perception 25: 651-660.

Timney, B., and K. Keil. 1996. Horses Are Sensitive To Pictorial Depth Cues. Perception 25: 1121-1128.



Caldji, C., and C.H. Vanderwolf. 1996. The Effects of Different Types of Pre-training on the Rat's Retention Performance in a Swim-to-Platform Task following Administration of Scopolamine. Behavioural Brain Research 80: 217-220.

Dringenberg, H.C., G.B. Baker, L.J. Urichak, and C.H. Vanderwolf. 1996. Anti-Serotonergic Effects of Urethane and Chloral Hydrate May Not Be Mediated by a Blockade of 5-HT2 Receptors. Journal of Neural Transmission 103: 693-698.

Dringenberg, H.C., and C.H. Vanderwolf. 1996. 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) Agonists: Effects on Neocortical Slow Wave Activity after Combined Muscarinic and Serotonergic Blockade. Brain Research 728: 181-187.

Vanderwolf, C.H., and G.B. Baker. 1996. The Role of Brain Noradrenaline in Cortical Activation and Behavior: A Study of Lesions of the Locus Coeruleus, Medial Thalamus, and Hippocampus-Neocortex and of Muscarinic Blockade in the Rat. Behavioural Brain Research 78: 225-234.



Jang, K.L., W.J. Livesley, and P.A. Vernon. 1996. The Genetic Basis of Personality at Different Ages: A Cross-Sectional Twin Study. Personality and Individual Differences 21 (2): 299-301.

Jang, K.L., W.J. Livesley, and P.A. Vernon. 1996. Heritability of the Big Five Personality Dimensions and Their Facets: A Twin Study. Journal of Personality 64 (3): 577-591.

Jang, K.L., W.J. Livesley, P.A. Vernon, and D.N. Jackson. 1996. Heritability of Personality Disorder Traits: A Twin Study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 94: 438-444.

Miller, L.T., and P.A. Vernon. 1997. Developmental Changes in Speed of Information Processing in Young Children. Developmental Psychology 33 (3): 549-554.

Miller, L.T., and P.A. Vernon. 1996. Intelligence, Reaction Time, and Working Memory in 4- to 6-Year-Old Children. Intelligence 22: 155-190.

Vernon, P.A., K.L. Jang, J.A. Harris, and J.M. McCarthy. 1997. Environmental Predictors of Personality Differences: A Twin and Sibling Study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 72 (1): 177-183.

Vernon, P.A., D. Lee, J.A. Harris, and K.L. Jang. 1996. Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Individual Differences in Alcohol Expectancies. Personality and Individual Differences 21 (2): 183-187.



Azar, S.T., and D.A. Wolfe. 1997. Child Abuse and Neglect. Behavioral Treatment of childhood Disorders. 2nd ed. E.J. Mash, and R.A. Barkley. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Jaffe, P., N. Lemon, J. Sandler, and D.A. Wolfe. 1996. Working Together to End Domestic Violence. Tampa, Florida: Mancorp Publishing. xi, 243 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.

McGee, R.A., D.A. Wolfe, and S.K. Wilson. 1997. Multiple Maltreatment Experiences and Adolescent Behavior Problems: Adolescents' Perspectives. Development and Psychopathology 9: 131-149.

Sas, L.D., D.A. Wolfe, and K. Gowdey. 1996. Children and the Courts in Canada. Criminal Justice and Behavior 23 (2): 338-357.

Wolfe, D.A. 1996. Advances in Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention: A Synthesis of Selected Projects Funded under the Federal Family Violence Initiative (1991-1996). Ottawa, Ontario: Health Canada.

Wolfe, D.A., C. Wekerle, and K. Scott. 1997. Alternatives to Violence: Empowering Youth to Develop Healthy Relationships. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. xiv, 182 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.



Denton, K., and L. Zarbatany. 1996. Age Differences in Support Processes in Conversations between Friends. Child Development 67: 1360-1373.

Zarbatany, L., and S. Pepper. 1996. The Role of the Group in Peer Group Entry. Social Development 5 (3): 251-260.

Zarbatany, L., M. Van Brunschot, K. Meadows, and S. Pepper . 1996. Effects of Friendship and Gender on Peer Group Entry. Child Development 67: 2287-2300.