Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

The University of Western Ontario

Huron College: 1996-1997



Blair, D. 1997. Free Trade Versus the Environment in NAFTA (Chapter 9). Surviving Globalism: The Social and Environmental Challenges. T. Schrecker. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan. 158-176.



Blocker, J. 1996. Black Migration to Muncie, 1860-1930. Indiana Magazine of History 92 (Dec.): 297-320.



Crimmins, J. 1996. Contending Interpretations of Bentham's Utilitarianism. Canadian Journal of Political Science 29 (4): 751-777.

Crimmins, J., and P. Nesbitt-Larking. 1996. Canadian Prime Ministers in the House of Commons: Patterns of Intervention. The Journal of Legislative Studies UK 2 (3): 145-171.



Fitzpatrick, S., and R. Gellately. 1996. Accusatory Practices: Denunciation in Modern European History, 1789-1989. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 231 pp.

Gellately, R. 1996. Confinement in Germany 1933-1945: Protective Custody and Other Police Strategies. The Prerogatives of Confinement. N. Finzsch, and R. Jutte. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 191-211.

Gellately, R. 1996. Denunciations in Twentieth-Century Germany: Aspects of Self-Policing in the Third Reich and the German Democratic Republic. The Journal of Modern History 68 (4): 931-967.

Gellately, R. 1997. Emergence d'un 'système judiciaire de type policier'. Pouvoirs et Polices au XXe Siècle: Europe, États-Unis, Japon. J. Berlière, and D. Peschanski. Belgique: Éditions Complexe. 63-79.

Gellately, R. 1997. Zur Entstehungsgeschichte einer selbstüberwachenden Gesellschaft. Anpassung, Verweigerung, Widerstand: Soziale Millieus, Politische Kultur und der Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland im regionalen Vergleich. D. Schmiechen-Ackermann. Berlin, Germany: Hentrick Verlag. 109-121.

Gellately, R., and S. Fitzpatrick. 1996. Introduction to the Practice of Denunciation in Modern European History. The Journal of Modern History 68 (4): 747-767.



Hyland, P. 1996. An Introduction to Shakespeare: The Dramatist in His Context. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan. vii, 215 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Hyland, P. 1997. Shakespeare's Heroines: Disguise in the Romantic Comedies. Shakespearean Criticism 34: 130-131.

Hyland, P. 1996. Singapore: Poet, Critic, Audience. The Postcolonial Studies Reader. B. Ashcroft, G. Griffith, and H. Tiffin. London, UK: Routledge. 471-474.

Hyland, P. 1996. Wrestling with Shakespeare: Dryden's Troilus and Cressida. Enlightened Groves: Essays in Honour of Professor Zenzo Suzuki. E. Hara, H. Ozawa, and P. Robinson. Tokyo, Japan: Shohakusha. 17-30.



Keypour, D. 1996. Lecture mythocritique des Faux-Monnaveurs d'André Gide. LittéRéalité VIII (1): 19-31.



Leighton, D. 1996. Profile: Talking with Pierre Burton. Canadian Children's Literature 83 (Fall): 43-49.



McCarthy, D. 1997. Poems entitled "Mary's Child", "The End of the Millenium on the Road to Athy", "Reading to Graham", and "Some Classrooms in Japan". Descant 96 28 (1): 101-107.

McCarthy, D. 1996. The True and False Guide: Characterization in Katherine Govier's Between Men. Studies in Canadian Literature 21 (1): 107-131.



Crimmins, J., and P. Nesbitt-Larking. 1996. Canadian Prime Ministers in the House of Commons: Patterns of Intervention. The Journal of Legislative Studies UK 2 (3): 145-171.

Nesbitt-Larking, P. 1996. Canadian Prime Ministers in the House of Commons: Pattern of Intervention. Journal of Legislative Studies 2 (3): 145-177.



Owens, G. 1996. Pre-Famine Ireland and The "New History". Irish Literary Supplement 15 (2): 26-27.



Rodger, V.W. 1997. Mieux traduire, mieux s'exprimer. Cahier d'exercises pour l'appretissage du français écrit et parlé. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholar's Press Inc. 266 pp.

Rodger, V.W. 1997. Mieux traduire, mieux s'exprimer. Livre du maître. Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars' Press Inc. 154 pp.



Schachter, J.-P. 1997. The Angel in the Machine. Journal of Philosophical Research 22: 445-460.



King, G.A., J.A. Specht, I. Schultz, G. Warr-Leeper, W. Redekop, and N. Risebrough. 1997. Social Skills Training for Withdrawn Unpopular Children with Physical Disabilities: A Preliminary Evaluation. Rehabilitation Psychology 42.



Williamson, D. 1997. Beacon Hill Lodges and Service Employees' Union, Loc. 210. Labour Arbitration Cases (Fourth Series), Vol. 57. C.G. Simmons. Aurora, ON: Canada Law Book Inc. 241-247.

Williamson, D. 1997. Zalev Brothers Ltd. and International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 793. Labour Arbitration Cases (Fourth Series), Vol. 57. C.G. Simmons. Aurora, ON: Canada Law Book Inc. 145-158.


XU, D.

Xu, D. 1996. Effects of Collecting Social Insurance Funding on Economic System. Economics Research 8: 12-15.

Xu, D. 1997. Strategies of Economic Reform. Beijing, China: China Social Science Publishing House. 385 pp.

Xu, D. 1996. Tax Burden on Basic Industrial Sectors. Quantitative and Technical Economics 6: 25-29.

Xu, D., and J. Li. 1997. Tax Reform in China. Beijing, China: China Economic Publishing House. 370 pp.

Xu, D., and L. Rui. 1996. Government Function and Economic Development. Beijing, China: China Economic Publishing House. 272 pp.