Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

The University of Western Ontario

Modern Languages and Literatures: 1996-1997



Adamson, M.W. 1996. Die Kochrezepte in Codex J.5 (no. 125) der Bibliothek des Priesterseminars Brixen: Edition und Kommentar. Würzburger medizinhistorische Mitteilungen 14: 291-303.



de Looze, L. 1996. 'La fourme du pié toute escripte': Mélusine and the Entrance into History. Melusine of Lusignan: Founding Fiction in Late Medieval France. D. Maddox, and S. Sturm-Maddox. University of Georgia Press. 125-136.

de Looze, L. 1997. Pseudo-Autobiography in the Fourteenth Century: Juan Ruiz, Guillaume de Machaut, Jean Froissart, and Geoffrey Chaucer. Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida. xi, 211 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.

de Looze, L. 1996. The Robbery. Exile 19.

de Looze, L. 1996. Translation of French/Latin documents for Bill Gates/Martin Kemp/Corbis Productions. Corbis Productions: CD ROM.



Hess, G., and J. Jankofsky. 1996. Sonnentanz. Ein Walter-Bauer-Lesebuch. Halle (Saale): Projekte Verlag. 235 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.



Mihailescu, C.-A. 1996. DIA/DI (Di/di. On wars and dialogues/Romanian). Dialog si libertate: Eseuri în onoarea lui Mihai Sora (Dialogue and Freedom. Festschrift for M.S.). S. Antohi, and A. Craiutu. Bucharest: Editura NEMIRA & Co. 180-185.

Mihailescu, C.-A. 1996. Julian the Administrator. Knowledge Displaced in the Academia. Euresis 1-2: 74-81.

Mihailescu, C.-A. 1997. Ritual at the Birth of Kitsch. The Comparatist XXI (May): 49-67.

Mihailescu, C.-A., and W. Hamarneh. 1996. Fiction Updated: Theories of Fictionality, Narratology, and Poetics. Theory/Culture Series. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. xiii, 327 pp. Includes bibliographical references.

Mihailescu, C.-A., and W. Hamarneh. 1996. Under the Jealous Gaze of Truth (Introduction). Fiction Updated: Theories of Fictionality, Narratology, and Poetics. C.-A. Mihailescu, and W. Hamarneh. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. 3-18.



Tumanov, V. 1997. The First Temptation of the Last Magus: a Comparison of Michel Tournier's Taor, prince de Mangalore, Edward Schaper's Die Legende vom vierten König and Henry van Dyke's The Story of the Other Wise Man. Orbis Litterarum 52: 280-297.

Tumanov, V. 1997. Mind Reading: Unframed Direct Interior Monologue in European Fiction. Internationale Forschungen Zur Allgemeinen Und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft, 19. Atlanta, GA: Editions Rodopi. viii, 142 pp. Includes bibliographical references.

Tumanov, V. 1996. Mythic Cycles in Chingiz Aitmatov's Spotted Dog Running Along the Seashore. Canadian Slavonic Papers 38 (1-2): 135-154.