Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

Psychology 2003-2004


Beiko, J., R. Lander, E. Hampson, F. Boon, and D.P. Cain. 2004. Contribution of Sex Differences in the Acute Stress Response to Sex Differences in Water Maze Performance in the Rat. Behavioural Brain Research 151 : 239-253.


Campbell, L., J.A. Simpson, M. Stewart, and J.G. Manning. 2003. Putting Personality in Social Context: Extraversion, Emergent Leadership, and the Availability of Rewards. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 29 : 1547-1559.

Juda, M., L. Campbell, and C. Crawford. 2004. Female Dieting as a Result of a Lack of Social Support: An Evolutionary Approach. Evolution and Human Behavior 25: 200-208.


Chen, X., C. Zappulla, L.C. Alida, B. Schneider, V. Kaspar, A.M.D. Oliveira, Y. He, D. Li, B.B.N. Li, and et al. 2004. Self-Perceptions of Competence in Brazilian, Canadian, Chinese and Italian Children: Relations with Social and School Adjustment. International Journal of Behavioral Development 28 : 129-138.

Chen, X., Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, and Wang. L. 2004. Peer Relationships among Chinese and North American Boys: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Adolescent Boys in Context. N. Way, and J. Chu. New York, New York: New York University Press. 197-218.

Miller, J., and X. Chen. 2003. Immigration and Adjustment from a Developmental Perspective. Newsletter of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development 44 (2): 1.

Yang, Y., S. Zheng, X. Chen, L. Chang, and Y. He. 2003. Academic Achievement and Social Functioning: Moderating Effects of the Peer Group in Chinese Children. Psychological Exploration 234: 45-50.


Bell, A.H., B.D. Corneil, D.P. Munoz, and A.M. Meredith. 2003. Visual Fixation Influences Sensory Responses and Multisensory Integration in the Primate Superior Colliculus. European Journal of Neuroscience 18 : 2867-2873.

Corneil, B.D., E. Olivier, and D.P. Munoz. 2004. Visual Responses on Neck Muscles Reveal Selective Gating That Prevents Express Saccades. Neuron 42 (5): 831-841.

Scherberger, H., I. Fineman, S. Musallam, D.J. Dubowitz, K.A. Bernheim, B. Pesaran, B.D. Corneil, B. Gilliken, and R.A. Andersen. 2003. Magnetic Resonance Image-Guided Implantation of Chronic Recording Electrodes in the Macaque Intraparietal Sulcus. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 130 : 1-8.


Culham, J.C. 2003. Attention-Grabbing Motion in the Human Brain. Neuron 40 (3): 451-452.

Culham, J.C. 2004. Human Brain Imaging Reveals a Parietal Area Specialized for Grasping. Attention and Performance XX: Functional Neuroimaging of Human Cognition . N. Kanwisher, and J. Duncan. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. 417-438.

Culham, J.C., S.L. Danckert, J.F.X. DeSouza, J.S. Gati, R.S. Menon, and M.A. Goodale. 2003. Visually-Guided Grasping Produces fMRI Activation in Dorsal But Not Ventral -Stream Brain Areas. Experimental Brain Research 153 : 158-170.

James, T.W., J.C. Culham, G.K. Humphrey, A.D. Milner, and M.A. Goodale. 2003. Ventral Occipital Lesions Impair Object Recognition But Not Object-Directed Grasping: An FMRI Study. Brain 126: 2463-2475.


Dobson, K.S., and D.J.A. Dozois. 2004. Attentional Biases in Eating Disorders: A Meta-Analytic Review of Stroop Performance. Clinical Psychology Review 23 : 1001-1022.

Dobson, K.S., and D.J.A. Dozois. 2004. The Prevention of Anxiety and Depression: Promises and Prospects. The Prevention of Anxiety and Depression: Theory, Research, and Practice . D.J.A. Dozois, and K.S. Dobson. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 283-295.

Dozois, D.J.A., and R. Covin. 2004. The Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II), Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), and Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSS). Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment: Vol. 2. Personality Assessment and Psychopathology . M. Hersen (Series Ed.), D.L. Segal, and M. Hilsenroth (Vol. Eds.). New York, New York: Wiley. 50-69.

Dozois, D.J.A., and K.S. Dobson. 2004. The Prevention of Anxiety and Depression: Introduction. The Prevention of Anxiety and Depression: Theory, Research, and Practice . Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 1-6.

Dozois, D.J.A., and K.S. Dobson. . 2004. The Prevention of Anxiety and Depression: Theory, Research, and Practice . Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. xii, 330 pp.

Dozois, D.J.A., K.S. Dobson, and H.A. Westra. 2004. The Comorbidity of Anxiety and Depression, and the Implications of Comorbidity for Prevention. The Prevention of Anxiety and Depression: Theory, Research, and Practice . D.J.A. Dozois, and K.S. Dobson. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 261-280.

Dozois, D.J.A., R.A. Martin, and P.A. Fewen. 2004. Selective Attention for Interpersonal and Achievement Content in Previously Depressed Individuals. Canadian Psychological Association. St. John's, Newfoundland:

Dozois, D.J.A., and H.A. Westra. 2004. The Nature of Anxiety and Depression: Implications for Prevention. The Prevention of Anxiety and Depression: Theory, Research, and Practice . D.J.A. Dozois, and K.S. Dobson. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 9-41.

Dozois, D.J.A., H.A. Westra, K.A. Collins, T.S. Fung, and J.K.F. Garry. 2004. Stages of Change in Anxiety: Psychometric Properties of the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA) Scale. Behaviour Research and Therapy 42 : 711-729.

Westra, H.A., S.H. Stewart, M. Teehan, K. Johl, D.J.A. Dozois, and T. Hill. 2004. Benzodiazepine Use Associated with Decreased Memory for Psychoeducation Material in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Panic Disorder. Cognitive Therapy and Research 28 (2): 193-208.


Dovidio, J.F., S.L. Gaertner, T.L. Stewart, V.M. Esses, M. ten Vergert, and G. Hodson. 2004. From Intervention to Outcome: Processes in the Reduction of Bias. Education Programs for Improving Intergroup Relations: Theory, Research, and Practice . W.G. Stephan, and P. Vogt. New York, New York: Teachers College Press. 243-265.

Esses, V.M., G. Hodson, and J.F. Dovidio. 2003. Public Attitudes toward Immigrants and Immigration: Determinants and Policy Implications. Canadian Immigration Policy for the 21st Century . C.M. Beach, A.G. Green, and J.G. Reitz (Eds.). Montreal, Quebec: McGill Queen's Press. 507-535.

Maio, G.R., H. Willis, M. Hewstone, and V.M. Esses. 2003. Intergroup Attitudes and Attitudes toward Devolution: Field and Laboratory Experiments. British Journal of Social Psychology 42 : 477-493.

Thomas, C.A., and V.M. Esses. 2004. Individual Differences in Reactions to Sexist Humour. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations 7 (1): 89-100.


Brown, M., J.F. DeSouza, H.C. Goltz, K. Ford, R.S. Menon, M.A. Goodale, and S. Everling. 2004. Comparison of Memory and Visually-Guided Saccades Using Event-Related FMRI. Journal of Neurophysiology 91: 873-889.

DeSouza, J.F.X., and S. Everling. 2004. Focused Attention Mdulates Visual Responses in the Primate Prefrontal Cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology 91 : 852-855.

Munoz, D.P., and S. Everling. 2004. Look Away: The Anti-Saccade Task and the Voluntary Control of Eye Movement. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5 : 218-228.


Finegan, J.E., and L. Fleming. 2004. Affective Commitment in Volunteer Organizations. Canadian Psychology 45 (2(a)): 13.

Laschinger, H.K.L., J.E. Finegan, J. Shamian, and P. Wilk. 2004. A Longitudinal Analysis of the Impact of Workplace Empowerment on Work Satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior 25 (4): 527-545.


Fisher, W.A., R.B. Boroditsky, and B. Morris. 2004. Canadian Contraception Study: Part I. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 26 : 580-590.

Fisher, W.A., S. Dunn, and A. Lalonde. 2004. Canadian Contraception Consensus - Part I. Chapter 2. Contraceptive Care and Access. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 26: 148-153.

Morris, M., S. Dunn, W.A. Fisher, and T. Rowe. 2004. Chapter 1: Introduction. Canadian Contraception Consensus - Part I 26 : 144-148.

Rosen, R.C., W.A. Fisher, I. Eardley, C. Niederberger, A. Nadel, and M. Sand. 2004. The Multinational Men's Attitudes to Life Events and Sexuality (MALES) Study - I: Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction and Related Health Concerns in the General Population. Current Medical Research and Opinion 20 : 607-617.


Goffin, R.D., and N.D. Christiansen. 2003. Correcting Personality Tests for Faking: A Review of Popular Personality Tests and an Initial Survey of Researchers. International Journal of Selection and Assessment 11 (1/2): 340-344.

Goffin, R.D., R.B. Jelley, and S.H. Wagner. 2003. Is Halo Helpful? Effects of Inducing Halo on Performance Rating Accuracy. Social Behavior and Personality 31 (6): 625-636.

Simner, M.L., and R.D. Goffin. 2003. A Position Statement by the International Graphonomics Society on the Use of Graphology in Personnel Selection Testing. International Journal of Testing 3 : 353-364.


Brown, M., J.F. DeSouza, H.C. Goltz, K. Ford, R.S. Menon, M.A. Goodale, and S. Everling. 2004. Comparison of Memory and Visually-Guided Saccades Using Event-Related FMRI. Journal of Neurophysiology 91: 873-889.

Connolly, J.D., R.A. Andersen, and M.A. Goodale. 2003. FMRI Evidence for a 'Parietal Reach Region' in the Human Brain. Experimental Brain Research 153 : 253-259.

Culham, J.C., S.L. Danckert, J.F.X. DeSouza, J.S. Gati, R.S. Menon, and M.A. Goodale. 2003. Visually-Guided Grasping Produces Activation in Dorsal But Not Ventral Stream Brain Areas. Experimental Brain Research 153 : 180-189.

Culham, J.C., S.L. Danckert, J.F.X. DeSouza, J.S. Gati, R.S. Menon, and M.A. Goodale. 2003. Visually-Guided Grasping Produces fMRI Activation in Dorsal But Not Ventral -Stream Brain Areas. Experimental Brain Research 153 : 158-170.

Danckert, J., S.M. Mirsitari, S. Danckert, S. Wiebe, W.T. Blume, D. Carey, R.S. Menon, and M.A. Goodale. 2004. Spared Somatomotor and Cognitive Functions in a Patient with a Large Porencephalic Cyst Revealed by FMRI. Neuropsychologia 42 : 405-418.

Ganel, T., and M.A. Goodale. 2003. Visual Control of Action But Not Perception Requires Analytical Processing of Object Shape. Nature 426: 664-667.

Goodale, M.A., and A.D. Milner. 2004. Sight Unseen: An Exploration of Conscious and Unconscious Vision . Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. ix, 135 pp.

Goodale, M.A., and D.A. Westwood. 2004. An Evolving View of Duplex Vision: Separate But Interacting Cortical Pathways for Perception and Action. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 14: 203-211.

James, T.W., J.C. Culham, G.K. Humphrey, A.D. Milner, and M.A. Goodale. 2003. Ventral Occipital Lesions Impair Object Recognition But Not Object-Directed Grasping: An FMRI Study. Brain 126: 2463-2475.

Króliczak, G., M.A. Goodale, and G.K. Humphrey. 2003. The Effects of Different Aperture-Viewing Conditions on the Recognition of Novel Objects. Perception 32 : 1169-1179.

Westwood, D.A., and M.A. Goodale. 2003. A Haptic Size-Contrast Illusion Affects Conscious Size Perception But Not Grasping. Experimental Brain Research 153: 253-259.

Whitney, D., H.C. Goltz, Thomas, C.G., J. Gati, R. Menon, and M.A. Goodale. 2003. Flexible Retinotopy: Motion Dependent Position Coding in the Visual Cortex. Science 302 : 878-881.

Whitney, D., H.C. Goltz, C.G. Thomas, and M.A. Goodale. 2003. The Representation of a Moving Object in the Visual Cortex Shows Peak FMRI Activation at Its Trailing Edge. Perception 32 (Supp): 21.


Darainy, M., N. Malfait, P.L. Gribble, F. Towhidkhoh, and D.J. Ostry. 2004. Control of Human Arm Impedance in Statics. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions .

Debicki, D.B., P.L. Gribble, S. Watts, and Hore J. 2004. Kinematics of Wrist Joint Flexion in Overarm Throws Made by Skilled Subjects. Experimental Brain Research 154 : 382-94.


Beiko, J., R. Lander, E. Hampson, F. Boon, and D.P. Cain. 2004. Contribution of Sex Differences in the Acute Stress Response to Sex Differences in Water Maze Performance in the Rat. Behavioural Brain Research 151 : 239-253.

Hampson, E. 2003. Neuropsychological Functioning in Healthy Postmenopausal Women Taking Long-Term Estrogen Replacement. Journal of Psychopharmacology 17 (Supp): A9.

Hampson, E., and S.D. Moffat. 2004. The Psychobiology of Gender: Cognitive Effects of Reproductive Hormones in the Adult Nervous System. The Psychology of Gender . A.H. Eagly, A.E. Beall, and R.J. Sternberg. New York, New York: Guilford Press. 38-64.


Harshman, R.A., S. Hong, and M.E. Lundy. 2003. Shifted Factor Analysis--Part I: Models and Properties. Journal of Chemometrics 17 : 363-378.

Hong, S., and R.A. Harshman. 2003. Shifted factor analysis--Part II: Algorithms. Journal of Chemometrics 17 : 379-388.

Hong, S., and R.A. Harshman. 2003. Shifted Factor Analysis--Part III: N-Way Generalization and Application. Journal of Chemometrics 17: 389-399.


Goldstein, A.L., A.M. Wall, S.A. McKee, and R.E. Hinson. 2004. Accessibility of Alcohol Expectancies from Memory: Impact of Mood and Motives in College Student Drinkers. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 65 : 95-104.

McKee, S.A., D. Rounsaville, P. Petrelli, and R.E. Hinson. 2004. Survey of Subjective Effects of Smoking while Drinking among College Students. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 6 : 111-117.


Hoaken, P.N.S., and S.H. Stewart. 2003. Drugs of Abuse and the Elicitation of Human Aggressive Behaviour. Addictive Behaviors 28 : 1533-1554.

Hoaken, P.N.S., and S.H. Stewart. 2004. An Investigation of the Effects of Alcohol Intoxication on Executive Cognitive Function and the Judgement of Facial Expressions of Emotion. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 28 : 108A.

Pihl, R.O., J.M. Assaad, and P.N.S. Hoaken. 2003. The Alcohol-Aggression Relationship and Differential Sensitivity to Alcohol. Aggressive Behavior 29 : 302-315.


James, T.W., J.C. Culham, G.K. Humphrey, A.D. Milner, and M.A. Goodale. 2003. Ventral Occipital Lesions Impair Object Recognition But Not Object-Directed Grasping: An FMRI Study. Brain 126: 2463-2475.

Króliczak, G., M.A. Goodale, and G.K. Humphrey. 2003. The Effects of Different Aperture-Viewing Conditions on the Recognition of Novel Objects. Perception 32 : 1169-1179.


Joanisse, M.F., and M.S. Seidenberg. 2003. Phonology and Syntax in Specific Language Impairment: Evidence from a Connectionist Model. Brain And Language 86: 40-56.


Choleris, E., M. Kavaliers, and D.W. Pfaff. 2004. Functional Genomics of Social Recognition. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 16 : 383-389.

Cross-Mellor, S., S. Roberts, M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2004. Comparing Immune Activation (Lipopolysaccharide) and Toxin (Lithium Chloride) Induced Gustatory Conditioning: Lipopolysacharide Produces Conditioned Taste Avoidance But Not Aversion in Rats. Behavioral Brain Research 148 : 11-19.

Engeland, C.G., M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2003. The Influence of Photoperiod and Sex on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Hypoactivity and Behavioral Tolerance Development in Meadow Voles (Microtus Pennsylvanicus). Psychoneuroendocrinology 28 : 970-991.

Franklin, A.E., C.G. Engeland, M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2003. Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Hypoactivity and Behavioral Tolerance Development Are Modulated by the Light-Dark Cycle in Male and Female Rats. Psychopharmacology 170 : 399-408.

Shupak, N.M., J.M. Hensel, S.K. Cross-Mellor, M. Kavaliers, F.S. Prato, and A.W. Thomas. 2004. Analgesic and Behavioral Effects of a 100ut Specific Pulsed Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field on Control and Morphine Treated CF-1 Mice. Neuroscience Letters 354 : 30-33.

Tenk, C.M., M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2004. Acute Effects of Corticosterone on Lithium Chloride-Induced Conditioned Place Aversion and Locomotor Activity in Rats. Hormones and Behavior 46 : 122.


Kerkkänen, P., N.A. Kuiper, and R.A. Martin. 2004. Sense of Humor, Physical Health and Well-Being at Work: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study of Finnish Police Officers. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 17 (1/2): 21-35. Special issue on Humor and Physical Health.

Kuiper, N.A., M. Grimshaw, C. Leite, and G. Kirsh. 2004. Humor Is Not Always the Best Medicine: Specific Components of Sense of Humor and Psychological Well-Being. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 17 (1/2): 35-168.

Kuiper, N.A., and S. Nicholl. 2004. Thoughts of Feeling Better? Sense of Humor and Physical Health. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 17 (1/2): 37-66.


Danckert, S., J. Gati, R. Menon, and S. Kohler. 2004. The Neural Correlates of Consciously Experienced Novelty. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16 (Supp): 14.

Köhler, S., T. Paus, R.L. Buckner, and B. Milner. 2004. Effects of Left Inferior Prefrontal Stimulation on Episodic Memory Formation: A Two-Stage FRI-RTMS Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16: 178-188.


Kinoshita, S., and S.J. Lupker. 2003. Masked Priming: State of the Art . Hove, England: Psychology Press. 371 pp.

Lupker, S.J., Y. Hino, and P.M. Pexman. Ambiguity Effects in Semantically-Based Tasks: Semantic Activation or Decision-Making Processes? Proceedings of the hirteenth conference of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology . T. Bajo, and J. Lupiáñez. Granada, Spain: Universidad de Granada.

Lupker, S.J., S. Kinoshita, M. Coltheart, and T.E. Taylor. 2003. Mixing Costs and Mixing Benefits in Naming Words, Pictures and Sums. Journal of Memory and Language 49 : 556-575.

Perea, M., and S.J. Lupker. 2003. Does Jugde Activate COURT? Transposed-Letter Similarity Effects in Masked Associative Priming. Memory & Cognition 31 (6): 829-841.

Perea, M., and S.J. Lupker. 2003. Transposed Letter Confusability Effects in Masked Form Priming. Masked Priming: State of the Art . S. Kinoshita, and S.J. Lupker. Hove, England: Psychology Press. 97-120.

Perea, M., S.J. Lupker, and E. Goikoetxea. 2003. Effects of Transposed Letter Similarity with Nonadjacent Letters in Visual Word Recognition: The Differential Role of Vowels and Consonants. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology . T. Bajo, and J. Lupiáñez.

Rastle, K., S. Kinoshita, S.J. Lupker, and M. Coltheart. 2003. Crosstask Strategic Effects. Memory & Cognition 31 (6): 867-876.


Maney, D.L., E.A. MacDougall-Shackleton, S.A. MacDougall-Shackleton, G.F. Ball, and T.P. Hahn. 2003. Immediate Early Gene Response to Hearing Song Correlates with Receptive Behavior and Depends on Dialect in Female Mountain White-Crowned Sparrows. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 189 : 667-674.


Hernandez, A.M., and S.A. MacDougall-Shackleton. 2004. Effects of Early Song Experience on Song Preferences and Song-Control and Auditory Brain Regions in Female House Finches (Carpodacus Mexicanus). Journal of Neurobiology 59 : 247-258.


Dozois, D.J.A., R.A. Martin, and P.A. Fewen. 2004. Selective Attention for Interpersonal and Achievement Content in Previously Depressed Individuals. Canadian Psychological Association. St. John's, Newfoundland:

Kazarian, S.S., and R.A. Martin. 2004. Humor Styles, Personality, and Well-Being among Lebanese University Students. European Journal of Personality 18: 209-219.

Kerkkänen, P., N.A. Kuiper, and R.A. Martin. 2004. Sense of Humor, Physical Health and Well-Being at Work: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study of Finnish Police Officers. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 17 (1/2): 21-35. Special issue on Humor and Physical Health.

Martin, R.A. 2004. Sense of Humor and Physical Health: Theoretical Issues, Recent Findings, and Future Directions. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 17: 1-19.

Martin, R.A. (Ed.). 2004. Sense of Humor and Health [Special Issue]. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 17 (1/2): 1-179.

Svebak, S., R.A. Martin, and J. Holmen. 2004. The Prevalence of Sense of Humor in a Large, Unselected County Population in Norway: Relations with Age, Sex, and Some Health Indicators. Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 17 : 121-134.


Elman, J.L., M. Hare, and K. McRae. 2004. Cues, Constraints, and Competition in Sentence Processing. Beyond Nature-Nurture: Essays in Honor of Elizabeth Bates . M. Tomasello, and D. Slobin. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrenc Erlbaum Associates. 183-205.

Hare, M., K. McRae, and J.L. Elman. 2004. Admitting that Admitting Verb Sense into Corpus Analyses Makes Sense. Language and Cognitive Processes 19 (2): 181-224.

Richardson, D.C., M.J. Spivey, L.W. Barsalou, and K. McRae. 2003. Spatial Resentations Activated during Real-Time Comprehension of Verbs. Cognitive Science 27 : 767-780.


Bentein, K. and Meyer, J.P. 2004. Evolution of Commitment during Organizational Entry: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada :

Meyer, J.P., and I.R. Gellatly. 2003. Stress Management as an Employee Retention Strategy. Best Practices: Employee Retention . J.P. Meyer, and L. Topolnytsky (Authors). Toronto, Ontario: Carswell. 15.1-15.8.


Morton, J.B., S.E. Trehub, and P.D. Zelazo. 2003. Sources of Inflexibility in 6-Year-Olds' Understanding of Emotion in Speech. Child Development 74 (6): 1857-1868.


Jensen, J.E., J. Miller, P.C. Williamson, R.W.J. Neufeld, R.S. Menon, A.K. Malla, R. Manchanda, B. Schaefer, and et al. 2004. Focal Changes in Brain Energy and Phosopholid Metabolism in First Episode Schizophrenia: A 31PMRS Chemical-Shift Imaging Study at 4 Tesla. British Journal of Psychiatry 184 : 409-415.

Lanius, R.A., P.C. Williamson, M. Densmore, K. Boksman, R.W.J. Neufeld, J.S. Gati, and R.S. Menon. 2004. The Nature of Traumatic Memories: A 4-T FMRI Functional Connectivity Analysis. American Journal of Psychiatry 161 : 36-44.

Levy, L., R.W.J. Neufeld, and W. & Yao. 2003. Methodological Challenges to Capturing Dynamical Aspects of Health-Care Acquisition. Emotional and Interpersonal Dimensions of Health Services: Enriching the Art of Care with the Science of Care. L. Dube, and D. Moscowitz. Montreal, Quebec: McGill-Queen's University Press. 138-150.

Théberge, J., Y. Al-Semaan, P. Williamson, R.S. Menon, R.W.J. Neufeld, N. Rajakumar, B.A. Schaefer, and et.al. 2003. Glutamate and Glutamine in the Anterior Cingulate and Thalamus of Medicated Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia and Healthy Comparison Subjects Measured with 4.0 Tesla. American Journal of Psychiatry 160 (12): 2231-2233.

Williamson, P.C., J. Théberge, A.K. Malla, R.W.J. Neufeld, R. Bartha, R.S. Menon, J. Takhar, M. Densmore, and D.J. Drost. 2003. Tesla 1H MRS Correlates of Neuronal Degeneration in the Left Anterior Cingulate and Thalamus in First-Episode and Chronic Schizophrenic Patients. Schizophrenia Research 60 (1): 247.


Bernard, M.M., G.R. Maio, and J.M. Olson. 2003. Effects ofIntrospection about Reasons for Values: Extending Research on Values-as-Truisms. Social Cognition 21 (1): 1-25.

Hafer, C.L., and J.M. Olson. 2003. An Analysis of Empirical Research on the Scope of Justice. Personality and Social Psychology Review 7 (4): 311-323.

Maio, G.R., V.M. Esses, K.H. Arnold, and J.M. Olson. 2004. The Function-Structure Model of Attitudes: Incorporating the Need for Affect. Contemporary Perspectives on the Psychology of Attitudes . G.G. Haddock, and G.R. Maio. London, England: Psychology Press. 9-33.

Maio, G.R., J.M. Olson, M.M. Bernard, and M.A. Luke. 2003. Ideologies, Values, Attitudes, and Behavior. Handbook of Social Psychology . J. Delamater. New York, New York: Kluwer/Plenum. 283-308.


Cross-Mellor, S., S. Roberts, M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2004. Comparing Immune Activation (Lipopolysaccharide) and Toxin (Lithium Chloride) Induced Gustatory Conditioning: Lipopolysacharide Produces Conditioned Taste Avoidance But Not Aversion in Rats. Behavioral Brain Research 148 : 11-19.

Cross-Mellor, S.K., S. Roberts, M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2003. Activation of the Immune System in Rats with Lipopolysaccharide Reduces Voluntary Sucrose Intake But Not Intraoral Intake. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 76 : 153-159.

Engeland, C.G., M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2003. The Influence of Photoperiod and Sex on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Hypoactivity and Behavioral Tolerance Development in Meadow Voles (Microtus Pennsylvanicus). Psychoneuroendocrinology 28 : 970-991.

Franklin, A.E., C.G. Engeland, M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2003. Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Hypoactivity and Behavioral Tolerance Development Are Modulated by the Light-Dark Cycle in Male and Female Rats. Psychopharmacology 170 : 399-408.

Tenk, C.M., M. Kavaliers, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 2004. Acute Effects of Corticosterone on Lithium Chloride-Induced Conditioned Place Aversion and Locomotor Activity in Rats. Hormones and Behavior 46 : 122.


Paunonen, S.V., G. Haddock, F. Forsterling, and M. Keinonen. 2003. Broad Versus Narrow Personality Measures and the Prediction of Behavior across Cultures. European Journal of Personality 17 : 413-433.


Girgrah, N., G.J. Reid, S. MacKenzie, and F. Wong. 2003. Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy: Does It Contribute to Chronic Fatigue and Decreased Health-Related Quality of Life in Cirrhosis? Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 17 (9): 545-551.

Reid, G.J., M.J. Irvine, B. McCrindle, R. Sananes, P. Ritvo, S. Siu, and G. Webb. 2004. Prevalence and Correlates of Successful Transition from Pediatric to Adult Health Care among a Cohort of Young Adults with Complex Congenital Heart. Pediatrics 113 (3): e197-e205.

Reid, G.J., P.H. Seidelin, E.L. Yeo, M.J. Irvine, B. Strauss, R. Nolan, H.K. Lau, W.J. Kop, and L. Schwartz. 2004. Increased Platelet Activation in Response to Mental Stress among Patients with Documented Coronary Artery Disease. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 27 (Supp): S070.

Russell, G., J. Sutton, G.J. Reid, I. Cohen, and C. Benyon. 2003. Ontario Family Doctors and Universal Influenza Immunization: A Qualitative Exploration. Canadian Family Physician (49): 1315-1322.

Watt-Watson, J., B. Stevens, J. Katz, J. Costello, G.J. Reid, and T. David. 2004. Impact of Preoperative Education on Pain Outcomes after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. Pain 109 (1-2): 73-85.


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