Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

Political Science 2003-2004


Abelson, D.E. 2004. The Business of Ideas: The Think Tank Industry in the USA. Think Tank Traditions: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas. 1st ed. D. Stone, and A. Denham (Eds.). Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. 215-31.

Wiktorowicz, M., M. Lapp, I. Brodie, and D.E. Abelson. 2003. Nonprofit Groups and Health Policy in Ontario: Assessing Strategies and Influence in a Changing Environment. Delicate Dances: Public Policy and the Nonprofit Sector. 1st ed. K.L. Brock. Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. 171-221.


Agocs, C. 2004. Race and Ethnic Relations. Introduction to Sociology: A Canadian Focus. 8 ed. J. Teevan, and W.E. Hewitt (Eds.). Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall. 170-198.

Agocs, C., R. Attieh, and M. Cooke. 2004. Agents of Change? A Study of Equity Practitioners in Canadian Universities. Inside Corporate U: Women in the Academy Speak Out. 1 ed. M. Reimer (Editor). Women's Issues Publishing Program Toronto: Sumach Press. 198-225.


Harmes, A. 2004. The Return of the State: Protestors, Power-Brokers and the New Global Compromise. Vancouver/Torotno: Douglas & McIntyre. 280 pp.


Jones, C.W.B. 2004. Global Liberalism: Political or Comprehensive? Universitiy of Toronto Law Journal 54 (2): 227-248.


Ladner, K.L. 2003. The Alienation of Nation: Understanding Aboriginal Electoral Participation. Electoral Insight: Aboriginal Participation in Elections 5 (3): 21-26.

Ladner, K.L. 2003. Governing Within an Ecological Context: Creating an AlterNative Understanding of Blackfoot Governance. Studies in Political Economy 70: 125-152.

Ladner, K.L. 2003. Treaty Federalism: An Indigenous Vision of Canadian Federalisms. New Trends. 2 ed. M. Smith, and F. Rocher (Eds.). Peterborough: Broadview. 176-194.


Long, D.G. 2004. A Theory of Philosophical Enquiry: unity and plurality in Adam Smith's thought. Journal of Scottish Philosophy 2 (1): 1-21.


Mansur, S. 2004. Muslim on Muslim Violence: What Drives It? Occasional Paper Series, Center for Security Policy 1 (1): 8.


Armstrong, J.A., R.A. Anthes, W.Y. Arms, W.E. Easterling III, R.S. Greenfield, W.W. Hoover, J. Litman, G. McBean, R.V. Nathan, M.A. Pirone, R. Radner, R.T. Ryan, and K.R. Sollins. 2003. Fair Weather: Effective Partnerships in Weather and Climate Services. Washington, D.C., USA: The National Academies Press. 238 pp. Available at http://www.nap.edu/books/0309087465/html/.

Bruce, J.P., H. Martin, P. Colucci, G. McBean, J. McDougall, D. Shrubsole, J. Whalley, R. Halliday, M. Alden, L. Mortsch, and B. Mills. 2003. Climate Change Impacts on Boundary and Transboundary Water Management. Climate Change Action Fund Project A458/402: 1-307.

McBean, G. 2004. Climate Change and Extreme Weather: A Basis for Action. Natural Hazards 31 (1): 177-190.

McBean, G. 2004. Review of the Possible Implications of Climate Change on the Long-term Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel. Nuclear Waste Management Organization Background Papers 4 (5): 1-35. Available at http://www.nwmo.ca/default.aspx?DN=525,209,199,20,1,Documents.

McBean, G., and C. Coleman. 2004. Changements climatiuqes, Ce que les sciences naturelles et les décideurs politiques aimeraient savoir des economists. Changement Climatique, Flux Technologiques, Financiers et Commerciaux. L.M. Cloutier, and C. Debresson. Sante-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. 23-44.

McBean, G., and D. Henstra. 2004. Disaster resilient cities - a goal for the future. Opinion Canada 6 (18): 1-3. Available at www.opinioncanada.ca.

McBean, G., and D. Henstra. 2004. The new urban reality: Canadian cities and the increasing threats from a changing climate. Opinion Canada 6 (17): 1-3. Available at www.opinioncanada.ca.


McDougall, J.N. 2003. European and North American Integration: Some Implications for Transnational Democracy. Transnational Democracy in Critical and Comparative Perspective: Democracies Range Reconsidered. B. Morrison (Editor). Aldershot, England; Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate Publishing Limited. 119-135.

McDougall, J.N. 2003-2004. Review of: "Drawing Lines in Sand and Snow: Border Security and North American economic integration" by Bradley J. Condon and Tapen Sinha. International Journal 58 (1): 237-8. Review.


Morrison, B. 2003. Introduction : Transnational Democracy in Context and in Question. Transnational Democracy in Critical and Comparative Perspective : Democracy's Range Reconsidered. B. Morrison. The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing Company. 1-16.

Morrison, B. December, 2003 . Transnational Democracy : The Pursuit of a Usable Past. Transnational Democracy in Critical and Comparative Perspective : Democracy's Range Reconsidered. B. Morrison. The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing Company. 37-54.

Morrison, B. (Editor). 2003. Transnational Democracy in Critical and Comparative Perspective: Democracy's Range Reconsidered. The International Political Economy of New Regionalisms Series. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing Company. 264 pp.


Pérez-Baltodano, A. 2004. La descentralización fiscal y la reconstrucción del poder del Estado en América Central. Tercera Conferencia Centroamericana por la Descentralización del Estado y el Desarrollo Local. Asociación de Municipios de Nicaragua y Diputació Barcelona. Managua, Nicaragua: Asociación de Municipios de Nicaragua AMUNIC y Diputació Barcelona. 63-80.

Pérez-Baltodano, A. 2004. Entre el Estado Conquistador y el Estado Nación: Providencialismo, pensamiento político y estructuras de poder en el desarrollo histórico de Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua: Instituto de Historia de Nicaragua y Centroamérica, Universidad Centroamericana. 866 pp.

Pérez-Baltodano, A. 2004. Globalización Estado y Sociedad: Perspectivas mundiales, regionales y nicaragüenses. Managua, Nicaragua: Fondo Editorial CIRA. 155 pp.

Pérez-Baltodano, A. 2004. Globalization, Human Security and Social Policy: North And South. Handbook of Comparative Social Policy. P. Kennett (Editor). London, England: Edward Elgar Publishing. 23-42.


Riddell-Dixon, E. 2003. Canada at the United Nations in the New Millennium. Canada Among Nations 2003: Coping with the American Colossus. D. Carment, F.O. Hampson, and N. Hillmer. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press. 256-286.

Riddell-Dixon, E. 2004. Le Centre Pearson en danger - Le Canada doit investir dans le maintien de la paix: L'engagement du ministére des affaires étrangères s'est considérablement émoussé au cours des ans. Le Devoir : A7.

Riddell-Dixon, E. 2003. Domestic Demographics and Canadian Foreign Policy. Independence in an Age of Empire: Assessing Unilateralism and Multilateralism. D. Stairs. Calgary: Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute. 113-123.

Riddell-Dixon, E. 2004. Peace comes at a price. Globe and Mail : A21.

Riddell-Dixon, E. 2004. Walking the Talk: A Prerequisite for Effective Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century. Independence in an Age of Empire: Assessing Unilateralism and Multilateralism. G.F. Walker (Editor). Halifax: Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, Dalhousie University. 113-123.


Sancton, A. 2004. Beyond the Municipal: Governance for Canadian Cities. Policy Options 25 (02): 26-31.

Sancton, A., and R. Young. 2003. Paul Martin and Cities: Show Us the Money. Policy Options 25 (01): 29-34.


Schild, V. 2003. Die Freiheit der Frauen und gesellschaftlicher Fortschritt. Feministinnen, der Staat und die Armen bei der Schaffung neoliberaler Gouvernementalität. Peripherie. Zeitschrift Für Politik Und Ökonomie in Der Dritten Welt 92 (23): 481-506.


Simpson, E. 2003. NATO Reform: New Strategies to Advance International and National Security. Pugwash Newsletter. USA: Council of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. 40 (2). 82-90.


Scotto, T.J., L.B. Stephenson, and A. Kornberg. 2004. From a two-party-plus to a one-party-plus? Ideology, vote choice, and prospects for a competitive party system in Canada. Electoral Studies 23 (3): 463-483.

Stephenson, L.B., T.J. Scotto, and A. Kornberg. 2004. Slip, Sliding Away or Le Plus Ca Change...: Canadian and American Partisanship in Comparative Perspective. The American Review of Canadian Studies 34 (2): 283-312.


Vernon, R. 2003. Against Restitution. Political Studies 51 (3): 542-557.

Vernon, R. 2003. Bergson's Two Sources Revisited: The Moral Possibility of Nationalism. Contemporary Political Theory 2 (3): 271-288.


Sancton, A., and R. Young. 2003. Paul Martin and Cities: Show Us the Money. Policy Options 25 (01): 29-34.

Young, R. 2004. Jean Chrétien's Quebec Legacy: Coasting then Stickhandling Hard. Review of Constitutional Studies 9 (1&2): 31-52.

Young, R. 2003. Managing Interdependence in a Federal Political System: Comments. The Art of the State: Governance in a World Without Frontiers. T. Courchene, and D. Savoie. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy. 153-59.

Young, R. 2003. The Politics of Paying for Cities in Canada. Paying for Cities: the Search for Sustainable Municipal Revenues. P. Boothe (Editor). Edmonton: The Institute for Public Economics. 83-97.