Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

Geography 2003-2004


Ashmore, P. 2003. Braided Channels. Encyclopedia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks. G.V. Middleton (Editor). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. 85-87.

Ashmore, P. 2003. Cut and Fill. Encyclopedia of Geomorphology. London, UK: Routledge. 212-213 .

Pyrce, R., and P. Ashmore. 2003. Particle Path Length Distributions in Meandering Gravel-bed Streams: Results from Physical Models. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 28 (9): 951-966.

Pyrce, R., and P. Ashmore. 2003. The Relation Between Particle Path Length Distributions and Channel Morphology in Gravel-bed Streams: A Synthesis. Geomorphology 56 (1-2): 167-187.


Code, W. 2003. The Economics of Tall Buildings After the World Trade Center Disaster. The CIB-CTBUH Conference on Tall Buildings: Strategies for Performance in the Aftermath of the World Trade Centre. F. Shafii, R. Bukowski, and R. Klemencic. Kuala Lumpur: CIB Task Group on Tall Buildings, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 313-320.


Creed, I.F., D.L. Morrison, and N.S. Nicholas. 2004. Is Coarse Woody Debris a Net Sink or Source of Nitrogen in the Red Spruce - Fraser Fir Forest of the Southern Appalachians, USA? Canadian Journal of Forestry Research 34 : 716-727.

Creed, I.F., S.E. Sanford, F.D. Beall, L.A. Molot, and P.J. Dillon. 2003. Cryptic Wetlands: Integrating Hidden Wetlands in Regression Models of the Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon from Forested Landscapes. Hydrological Processes 17 (18): 3629-3648.

Creed, I.F., K.L. Webster, and D.L. Morrison. 2004. A Comparison of Techniques for Measuring Density and Concentrations of Carbon and Nitrogen in Coarse Woody Debris at Different Stages of Decay. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research 34 : 744-753.

Creed, I.F., K.L. Webster, and D.L. Morrison. 2004. Density as a Predictor of the Nitrogen Content of Coarse Woody Debris: A Comparison of Four Techniques. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research 34 : 744-753.


Gilliland, J. 2003. It's About Time: Exploring the Fourth Dimension in the Morphology of Urban Disasters. Urban Morphology 7 (2): 110-112.

Gilliland, J. 2003. Putting Gambling in Its Place: A Geographical Study of VLT Accessibility and Play by Montreal Youth. Youth Gambling International 3 (3): 1-2.

Gilliland, J., and S. Olson. 2003. Montréal, l'avenir du passé. GÉOinfo Jan-Fev : 5-7. Available at http://www.pggq.gouv.qc.ca/geoinfo.


Meyer, S., and M.B. Green. 2003. Headquarters in Canada: An Analysis of Spatial Patterns. Urban Geography 24 (3): 232-252.

O'Hagan, S.B., and M.B. Green. 2004. Corporate Knowledge Transfer via Interlocking Directorates: A Network Analysis Approach. Geoforum 35 : 127-139.


Luckman, B.H. 2003. Assessment of Present, Past and Future Climate Variability in the Americas from Treeline Environments, IAI CRN03 Annual Report 2003. London: University of Western Ontario. 122 pp.

Luckman, B.H. 2003. Climate Variability as Inferred from Tree Rings in Treeline Environments. Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research, Annual Report 2002-2003. M.O. Schwartz. Sao Paulo: Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research. 34-51.

Luckman, B.H. 2003. IAI CRNO3 Scientific Progress Report, 2002-2003, Canada. Assessment of Present, Past and Future Climate Variability in the Americas from Treeline Environments, IAI CRN03 Annual Report 2003. B.H. Luckman. London: University of Western Ontario. 40-56.

Luckman, B.H. 2003. Overview. Assessment of Present, Past and Future Climate Variability in the Americas from Treeline Environments, IAI CRN03 Annual Report 2003. B.H. Luckman. London: University of Western Ontario. 1-9.

Luckman, B.H., and D.J. Smith. 2004. CFCAS Annual Report: 2003/2004 - Developing a Proxy Climate Database for the Last 300 Years in the Canadian Cordillera . London, ON: Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (CFCAS). 26 pp.

Wilson, R.J.S., J. Esper, and B.H. Luckman. 2003. Utilising Historical Tree-Ring Data for Dendroclimatology: A Case Study from the Bavarian Forest, Germany. Dendrocronologia 21 (2): 1-16.

Wilson, R.J.S., and B.H. Luckman. 2003. Dendroclimatic Reconstruction of Maximum Summer Temperatures from Upper Treeline Sites in Interior British Columbia, Canada. The Holocene 13 (6): 851-861.


Gorey, K.M., E.J. Holowaty, E. Laukkanen, and I.N. Luginaah. 2003. Social, Prognostic, and Therapeutic Factors Associated with Cancer Survival: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Detroit, Michigan. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 14 (4): 478-488.

Luginaah, I.N., and C. Dakubo. 2003. Consumption and Impacts of Local Brewed Alcohol (akpeteshie) in the Upper West Region of Ghana: A Public Health Tragedy. Social Science & Medicine 57: 1747-1760.


Dubois, G., J. Malczewski, and M. De Cort (Eds.). 2003. Mapping Radioactivity in the Environment: Spatial Interpolation Comparison 97. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. 268 pp.

Malczewski, J., T. Chapman, C. Flegel, D. Walters, D. Shrubsole, and M.A. Healy. 2003. GIS-multicriteria Evaluation with Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA): Case Study of Developing Watershed Management Strategies. Environment and Planning A 35 : 1769-1784.


Armstrong, J.A., R.A. Anthes, W.Y. Arms, W.E. Easterling III, R.S. Greenfield, W.W. Hoover, J. Litman, G. McBean, R.V. Nathan, M.A. Pirone, R. Radner, R.T. Ryan, and K.R. Sollins. 2003. Fair Weather: Effective Partnerships in Weather and Climate Services. Washington, D.C., USA: The National Academies Press. 238 pp. Available at http://www.nap.edu/books/0309087465/html/.

Armstrong, J.A., R.A. Anthes, W.Y. Arms, W.E. Easterling III, R.S. Greenfield, W.W. Hoover, J. Litman, G.A. McBean, R.V. Nathan, M.A. Pirone, R. Radner, R.T. Ryan, and K.R. Sollins. 2003. Fair Weather: Effective Partnerships in Weather and Climate Services . Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. 238 pp.

Bruce, J.P., H. Martin, P. Colucci, G. McBean, J. McDougall, D. Shrubsole, J. Whalley, R. Halliday, M. Alden, L. Mortsch, and B. Mills. 2003. Climate Change Impacts on Boundary and Transboundary Water Management. Climate Change Action Fund Project A458/402: 1-307.

Bruce, J.P., H. Martin, P. Coucci, G. McBean, D. Shrubsole, J. Whalley, H. Halliday, M. Alden, L. Mortsch, B. Mills, C. Coleman, Y. Zhang, J. Jia, M. Porco, and S. Henstra. 2003. The Implications of Climate Change for Canada's Boundary and Transboundary Water Management . Ottawa : Climate Change Action Fund, Natural Resources Canada.

McBean, G. 2004. Climate Change and Extreme Weather: A Basis for Action. Natural Hazards 31 (1): 177-190.

McBean, G. 2004. Review of the Possible Implications of Climate Change on the Long-term Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel. Nuclear Waste Management Organization Background Papers 4 (5): 1-35. Available at http://www.nwmo.ca/default.aspx?DN=525,209,199,20,1,Documents.

McBean, G., and C. Coleman. 2004. Changements climatiuqes, Ce que les sciences naturelles et les décideurs politiques aimeraient savoir des economists. Changement Climatique, Flux Technologiques, Financiers et Commerciaux. L.M. Cloutier, and C. Debresson. Sante-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. 23-44.

McBean, G., and D. Henstra. 2004. Disaster resilient cities - a goal for the future. Opinion Canada 6 (18): 1-3.

McBean, G., and D. Henstra. 2004. The new urban reality: Canadian cities and the increasing threats from a changing climate. Opinion Canada 6 (17): 1-3.


Bruce, J.P., H. Martin, P. Coucci, G. McBean, D. Shrubsole, J. Whalley, H. Halliday, M. Alden, L. Mortsch, B. Mills, C. Coleman, Y. Zhang, J. Jia, M. Porco, and S. Henstra. 2003. The Implications of Climate Change for Canada's Boundary and Transboundary Water Management . Ottawa : Climate Change Action Fund, Natural Resources Canada.

Malczewski, J., T. Chapman, C. Flegel, D. Walters, D. Shrubsole, and M.A. Healy. 2003. GIS-multicriteria Evaluation with Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA): Case Study of Developing Watershed Management Strategies. Environment and Planning A 35 : 1769-1784.

Schulte-Hostedde, B., and D. Shrubsole. 2003. Adjusting to Policy Change: The Case of Wetland Management in Ontario. Canadian Water Resources Journal 28 (3): 421-436.

Walters, D., and D. Shrubsole. 2003. Agricultural Drainage and Wetland Management in Ontario. Journal of Environmental Management 69 : 369-379.


Stooke, P.J. 2003. Stooke Small Bodies Maps: EAR-A-3-RDR-STOOKEMAPS-V1.0. NASA Planetary Data System Available: http://www.psi.edu/pds/archive/stookemaps.html [cited August 31, 2005].


Grafton, D., M. Troughton, and J. Rourke. 2004. Rural Community and Health Care Interdependence: An Historical, Geographical Study. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine 9 (3): 156-163.

Lemieux, C., G.J. Nelson, T.T.M. Beechey, and R. Davidson (Eds.). 2004. Protected Areas and Watershed Management, Proceedings Parks Research Forum of Ontario (PRFO) Annual Meeting, UWO, May 8-10, 2003 SOURCE. Waterloo: Heritage Resources Centre, University of Waterloo. 558.

Quinlan, C., and M. Troughton. 2004. Designation of the Thames as a Canadian Heritage River. Protected Areas and Watershed Management, Proceedings Parks Research Forum of Ontario (PRFO) Annual Meeting, UWO, May 8-10, 2003. C. Lemieux, G.J. Nelson, T. Beechey, and M. Troughton (Eds.). Waterloo: Heritage Resources Centre, University of Waterloo. 111-118.

Troughton, M. 2004. Agricultural and Rural Resources (Chapter 8). Resource and Environmental Management in Canada : Addressing Conflict and Uncertainty. 3rd ed. B. Mitchell (Editor). Toronto: Oxford University Press. 233-264.

Troughton, M. 2004. The Rural Built Heritage Preservation Dilemma : Exemplification from Southern Ontario. The Structure and Dynamics of Rural Territories : Geographical Perspectives. D. Ramsey, and C. Bryant (Eds.). Brandon: Rural Development Institute, Brandon University. 28-43.

Troughton, M., and W. DeYoung. 2004. Reconstructing the Rural Built Heritage in Southwestern Ontario. Protected Areas and Watershed Management, Proceedings Parks Research Forum of Ontario (PRFO) Annual Meeting, UWO, May 8-10, 2003. C. Lemieux, G.J. Nelson, T. Beechey, and M. Troughton (Eds.). Waterloo: Heritage Resources Centre, University of Waterloo. 475-482.


Soux, A., J.A. Voogt, and T.R. Oke. 2004. A Model to Calculate What a Remote Sensor 'Sees' of an Urban Surface. Boundary Layer Meteorology 111 : 109-132.

Voogt, J.A., and T.R. Oke. 2003. Thermal Remote Sensing of Urban Climates. Remote Sensing of Environment 86 : 370-384.


Arzandeh, S., and J. Wang. 2003. Monitoring the Change of Phragmites Distribution Using Satellite Data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (1): 24-35.

Peng, X., J. Wang, M. Raed, and J. Gari. 2003. Land Cover Mapping From RADARSAT Stereo Images in a Mountainous Area of Southern Argentina. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (1): 75-87.

Zhang, Q., and J. Wang. 2003. A Rule-based Urban Land Use Inferring Method for Fine-Resolution Multispectral Imagery. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (1): 1-13.

Zhang, Q., J. Wang, P. Gong, and P. Shi. 2003. Study of Urban Spatial Patterns from SPOT Panchromatic Imagery Using Textural Analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (21): 4137-4160.


Weis, T. 2003. Confronting Neoliberalism in Southern Mexico: A Primer on the Zapatista Movement and Its Contribution to Global Activism. Transition 32 : 116-132.

Weis, T. 2004. Restructuring and Redundancy: The Impacts and Illogic of Neoliberal Agricultural Reforms in Jamaica. Journal of Agrarian Change 4 (4): 461-491.


Burton, H.M., and Calgary Engraving Co. 2004. [Calgary, 1910]. Canadian Cities: Bird's Eye Views. Ottawa: Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives. Reproduction.

Toronto Lithographing Co. 2004. City of Ottawa, Canada [1893]. Canadian Cities: Bird's Eye Views. Ottawa: Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives. Reproduction.