Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

Sociology 2001-2002


Beaujot, R. 2002. Immigration in Context: History, Demography and Settlement. Immigration Policy and Practice in Canada. H. Adelman. Ottawa, Ontario: Metropolis Institute. 1-23.


Bélanger, D., and K.T. Hong. 2002. Too Late to Marry: Failure, Fate or Fortune? Female Singlehood in Rural North Vietnam. Gender, Household, State: Doi Moi in Viet Nam. J. Werner, and D. Bélanger. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Southeast Asia Program. 89-111.

Werner, J., and D. Bélanger. 2002. Gender, Household, State: Doi Moi in Viet Nam. Ithaca, New York, USA: Cornell Southeast Asia Program. 157 pp.

Werner, J., and D. Bélanger. 2002. Introduction: Gender and Viet Nam Studies. Gender, Household, State: Doi Moi in Viet Nam. J. Werner, and D. Bélanger. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Southeast Asia Program. 13-28.


Bourgeault, I., P. Armstrong, H. Armstrong, J. Choinierre, E. Mykhalovskiy, and J. White. 2001. Everyday experiences of implicit rationing: comparing the voices of nurses in California and British Columbia. Sociology of Health & Illness 23 (5): 633-653.


Carroll, M.P. 2002. The Debate Over a Crypto-Jewish Presence in New Mexico: The Role of Ethnographic Allegory and Orientalism. Society of Religion 63 (1): 1-19.


Connidis, I.A. 2001. Family Ties & Aging. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc. 325 pp.


Côté, J. E. 2002. Review of Concepts of the Self by Anthony Elliott. [Online] Available at http: //www.arts.ualberta.ca/cjscopy/reviews.

Côté, J.E. 2002. The role of identity capital in the transition to adulthood: The individualization thesis examined. Journal of Youth Studies 5 (2): 117-134.

Côté, J.E., and C. Levine. 2002. Identity Formation, Agency, and Culture. Hillsdale, New Jersey, USA: Lawrence Erlbaum. xiv, 247 pp.


McMullin, J.A., L. Davies, and G. Cassidy. 2002. Welfare Reform in Ontario: Tough times in mothers' lives. Canadian Public Policy XXVIII (2): 297-313.


Fernando, R. 2001. Analysis of Life Histories - A state space approach. Special Issue on Longitudinal Methodology - Canadian Studies In Population 28 (2): 341-359.

Fernando, R. 2001. The fundamentals of longitudinal research: An overview. Special Issue on Longitudinal Methodology - Canadian Studies In Population 28 (2): 169-185.

Fernando, R. 2001. Stability and Change: Illustrations with categorical and binary responses. Special Issue on Longitudinal Methodology - Canadian Studies In Population 28 (2): 491-512.


Gardiner, M. 2002. Bakhtin and Prosaics: A critical interrogation. Bakhtin and His Intellectual Ambience. B. Zylko. Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego, Gdansk: Wydawnictwo. 109-120.


Curtis, J., and E. Grabb. 2002. Involvement in the Organizational Base of New Social Movements in English Canada and French Canada. Political Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. 1st ed. D. Baer. Toronto, Ontario: Oxford University Press. 164-181.

Grabb, E. 2002. Theories of Social Inequality: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives. 4th ed. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Harcourt Canada. xv, 262 pp.

Grabb, E., D. Baer, and J. Curtis. 2001. Has voluntary association activity decline? Cross-national analyses for 15 countries. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 38 (3): 249-274.

Grabb, E., D. Baer, and J. Curtis. 2001. Nations of joiners: Explaining voluntary association membership in democratic societies. American Sociological Review 66 (December): 783-805.

Grabb, E., and J. Curtis. 2002. Comparing central political values in the Canadian and American democracies. Political Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. D. Baer. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Oxford University Press. 37-54.


Côté, J.E., and C. Levine. 2002. Identity Formation, Agency, and Culture. Hillsdale, New Jersey, USA: Lawrence Erlbaum. xiv, 247 pp.

Levine, C. 2001. Questions Concerning Ego Identity and Its Health: A commentary on Schwartz's "The Evolution of Eriksonian and Neo-Eriksonian Identity Theory and Research". Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research 1 (1): 77-80.

Levine, C. 2002. Women, Men, and Persons: A response to "Feminist Perspectives on Erikson's Theory: Their relevance for contemporary identity development research". Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research 2 (3): 271-276.


Maxim, P., J. White, D. Beavon, and P. Whitehead. 2002. Dispersion and Polarization of Income among Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Canadians. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 38 (4): 464-476.


McMullin, J.A., L. Davies, and G. Cassidy. 2002. Welfare Reform in Ontario: Tough times in mothers' lives. Canadian Public Policy XXVIII (2): 297-313.


Bourgeault, I., P. Armstrong, H. Armstrong, J. Choinierre, E. Mykhalovskiy, and J. White. 2001. Everyday experiences of implicit rationing: comparing the voices of nurses in California and British Columbia. Sociology of Health & Illness 23 (5): 633-653.

Janzen, R., J. White, and C. Mumme. 2001. Junked Mail: The Politics and Consequences of Privatization. Studies in Political Economy 65 (Summer): 65-89.

Maxim, P., J. White, D. Beavon, and P. Whitehead. 2002. Dispersion and Polarization of Income among Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Canadians. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 38 (4): 464-476.


Maxim, P., J. White, D. Beavon, and P. Whitehead. 2002. Dispersion and Polarization of Income among Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Canadians. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 38 (4): 464-476.