The meeting was held on Friday, November 16, 2001, at 1:30 p.m. in Room 1R40, Richard Ivey School of Business.
D. Adkinson, P. Ashmore, D. Baxter, R. Beaujot, D. Bentley, F. Berruti, G. Blazak, R. Bohay, E. Cairns, T. Carmichael, M. Carroll, R. Corless, R. Darnell, P. Davenport, H. DeLasa, J. Doerksen, A. Esterhammer, C. Farber, W. Flintoff, T. Fulton, A. Garcia, J. Garland, J. Garnett, S. Gibson, R. Harris, C. Hall, J. Hatch, J. Haywood-Farmer, C. Herbert, R. Howse, I. Hramiak, F. Irani, W. Kennedy, D. Kneale, R. Kudar, A. Lee, R. Lipson, F. Longstaffe, S. Majhanovich, R. Martin, D. McCarthy, G. Moran, J. Morgan, G. Nakhla, P. Neary, N. Nelson, K. Okruhlik, S. Osborn, A. Pearson, A. Percival-Smith, C. Piper, C. Ross, S. Siegner, C. Sinal, S. Singh, E. Skarakis-Doyle, C. Smart, M. Speechley, J. Thomas, C. Thomson, B. Timney, M. Timney, T. Topic, T. Tutkaluk, S. Usprich, D. Vaillancourt, J. Van Fleet, J. Wallace, C. Watson, A. Weedon, G. Weese, B. Welling, P. Yeoman
Observers: B. Dominick, L. Gribbon, D. Jameson, D. Jorgensen
By Invitation: S. Grindrod, D. Riddell
On behalf of Senate, Dr. Davenport welcomed the newly elected and re-elected Senators.
The minutes of the meeting of October 19, 2001, were approved as circulated.
The President reported on Autumn Convocation and a recent meeting with students and parents at Lucas Secondary School. Overhead slides highlighting his presentation are attached as Appendix I.
On behalf of the Operations/Agenda Committee, it was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by S. Osborn,
That the following nominees be appointed to Senate to represent the constituencies shown for the two year terms (to October 31, 2003):
1) Representing the Faculty of Engineering Science: George Nakhla [Chemical & Biochemical Engineering]
2) Representing the Faculty of Health Sciences: Carroll Iwasiw [Nursing].
3) Representing the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry: Richard Bohay [Dentistry], Ewa Cairns [Dept. Medicine], and Irene Hramiak [Dept. Medicine].
The following were elected to the Senate Nominating Committee: E. Stewart (Graduate Student), T. Carmichael (terms to November 2002); J. Doerksen, A. Percival-Smith and B. Timney (terms to November 2003).
The following were elected as Alternates to the Nominating Committee: M. Timney (Undergraduate Student (term to November 2002) and W. Kennedy (term to November 2003).
It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by P. Yeoman,
That the Associate Vice-President (Research), Dr. Ted Hewitt, be a member of the Selection Committee for Dean of Graduate Studies soon to be established, in place of the Vice-President (Research) until such time as a new Vice-President (Research) takes office.
It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by P. Yeoman,
That the following Senate meeting dates for 2003 be approved, with all meetings to begin Fridays at 1:30 p.m:
January 24
February 21
March 21
April 11
May 16
June 20
September 19
October 17
November 14
December 5
Senate was advised that Sally Siegner has been reappointed to Senate by the Alumni Association for a term from November 1, 2001, to October 31, 2003.
The Senate Attendance Requirements, detailed in Exhibit I, were provided for information.
S.01-224 Meeting Schedule 2002
Senate received the following correction to the meeting schedule contained in the Senate Handbook recently issued: January 2002 meeting is January 18, 2002. The schedule of upcoming Senate meetings is found on
A. Pearson was re-elected to serve as Vice-Chair of Senate (to November 2002).
A. Weedon was re-elected to serve on the Board of Governors (term November 15, 2001, to November 14, 2005).
The following were elected to the Operations/Agenda Committee: S. Gibson (term to November 2002); W. Kennedy, A. Percival-Smith, and B. Skarakis-Doyle (terms to November 2003).
The following were elected to the Selection Committee - Dean of Graduate Studies: T. Carmichael, B. Skarakis-Doyle, and C. Ross.
The following were elected to the Selection Committee - Dean of the Richard Ivey School of Business: T. Hewitt, K. Okruhlik, and J. Stokes.
The following were elected to the Honorary Degrees Committee: C. Watson (term to November 2002), T. Carmichael, I. Holloway, F. Longstaffe, S. Singh, and F. Wilkinson (terms to November 2003).
The following were elected to the Senate Review Board Academic:
Chair: M. Atkinson (term to November 30, 2002)
Faculty: P. Allen, P. Barton, M. McNay, J. Stokes, J. Toswell, M. Usselman (terms December 1, 2001 to November 30, 2003), and M. Cheesman (term to June 30, 2002) to serve as Alternate to C. Roulston.
Undergraduate Students: R. Dhand, D. Mason, M. Scott, J. Teplinsky, M. Witen, and M. Zahavich (terms to November 30, 2002)
Graduate Students: A. Chan, D. Boutillier, D. Raymond, and T. Urbaniak.(terms to November 30, 2002)
The following were elected to SCAPA: J. Thomas (Graduate Student) and M. McLellan (Undergraduate Student) (terms to December 31, 2002); D. Bellhouse, J. Doerksen, J. Hatch,
S. Osborn, and A. Pitman (terms to December 31, 2003).
M. Goodale was elected to the Subcommittee on Research Ethics Policy (term to June 30, 2002).
Before presenting the motion, Professor Timney advised Senate of a change in the Calendar
Copy as set out in Exhibit III. Under the heading "Withdrawal", the second paragraph should
read: "If, after subsequent years, students wish to withdraw from either the Fanshawe or UWO
portions of the degree/diploma, they should consult with their respective institution the
academic advisor for the program in the institution to which they wish to transfer to
determine which credits may be applied in a transfer to another program within one of the
participating institutions."
With that change, on behalf of SCAPA, it was moved by B. Timney, seconded by P. Yeoman,
That, effective September 1, 2002, a new Western/Fanshawe Collaborative Program in Media Theory and Production be introduced, leading to a Bachelor of Arts in Media, Information and Technoculture offered by the Faculty of Information and Media Studies of the University and a Diploma in Media Theory and Production offered by the College, as detailed in Exhibit III.
It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by C. Sinal,
That a Four-Year BSc Honors Science of Materials program be introduced in the Faculty of Science, effective Sept 1, 2002, as detailed in Exhibit III.
It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by D. Vaillancourt,
That a Four-Year BSc Honors Medical Physics program be introduced in the Faculty of Science, effective September 1, 2002, as detailed in Exhibit III.
It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by D. Vaillancourt,
That a Four-Year Bachelor of Arts program in Comparative Literature and Civilization be introduced in the Faculty of Arts, effective September 1, 2002, as detailed in Exhibit III.
It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by S. Gibson,
That a Four-Year Bachelor of Arts program in German Studies be introduced in the Faculty of Arts, effective September 1, 2002, as detailed in Exhibit III.
It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by P. Yeoman,
That a Four-Year Bachelor of Arts program in Spanish, detailed in Exhibit III, be introduced in the Faculty of Arts, effective September 1, 2002.
It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by S. Gibson,
That a Four-Year BA program in French be introduced at King's College, effective September 1, 2002, as detailed in Exhibit III.
It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by A. Weedon,
That Senate approve the establishment of a collaborative graduate program in Biostatistics, detailed in Exhibit III, effective January 1, 2001.
The Chair of SCAPA withdrew the recommendation concerning the "Policy on Prerequisites and Antirequisities" pending reconsideration by SCAPA.
Senate was advised that SCAPA has created an ad hoc Subcommittee on Undergraduate Program Reform (SUPR) to review the structure of current undergraduate degree programs and proposals for changes to them in order to have them fit the matrix for undergraduate programs outlined in the proposal approved by Senate for the "Reform of the Undergraduate Program" (S.01-48).
The creation of the Subcommittee will set in motion the daunting task of reviewing all undergraduate programs forwarded from Departments and Faculties with a view to ensuring that the programs fit the new design. Since the bimonthly process for DAP approvals involves informing deans, department chairs and counsellors, a process is in place to let this group know about new proposals which have been received. Because of the quantity of information and the large number of people who receive DAP information, it is not recommended that the actual DAP process be used since it would burden the system. Instead, proposals for changes to programs will be posted for review by the university community on an ongoing basis. However, it is the responsibility of Deans' Offices to direct course changes to DAP, after program revisions have been approved by SUPR.
It is anticipated that SUPR will meet frequently with a view to completing the work by April 2003 so that revised programs, with an expected implementation of September 2004, will be correct in the information circulated to prospective students and printed in the academic calendar.
The approved Format Instructions for Submissions to the Subcommittee are located at the SUPR website:
Senate was advised that SCAPA has approved on behalf of the Senate the terms of reference for the following new scholarships, awards and bursaries for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:
Dr. Moran provided an overview of the Budget Planning Process for 2002-03. His presentation included an update on the 2001-02 budget, the budget outlook for 2002-03, and planning issues. Slides detailing his presentation are attached as Appendix 2.
Announcements & Communications, detailed in Exhibit IV, were received for information.
Mr. Vaillancourt asked a number of questions about the use of anti-plagiarism software: When does it take effect? Does its use require Senate approval, and if not, why not? How long will Western use the anti-plagiarism software?
Dr. Moran explained that the anti-plagiarism software is in use now and that students in all courses received notification of its use through the course outlines, as required by Senate regulation S.01-115 (May 2001). Information about the purchase of the software was transmitted to Senate from SCAPA. Western's use of the anti-plagiarism software is indefinite.
Professor Piper asked if a tax receipt could be issued to parking permit holders. Dr. Davenport took the question under advisement and agreed to forward same to the Associate Vice-President (Financial Services) for a response.
The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.
Signed by:
P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary