As approved at the November 16, 2001, meeting of the Senate. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

The meeting was held at 1:30 p.m. in Room 40, Richard Ivey School of Business.


P. Barker, D. Bell, D. Bentley, G. Blazak, R. Bohay, D. Brebner, P. Burman, C. Callaghan, M. Carroll, G. Cherian, L. Dagnino, P. Davenport, H. DeLasa, E. Dipchand, J. Doerksen, B. Dominick, D. Dutrizac, T. El Solh, A. Esterhammer, W. Flintoff, T. Fulton, J. Garland, J. Garnett, S. Grindrod, J. Haywood-Farmer, I. Holloway, N. Kapoor, A. Katz, G. Killan, D. Kneale, R. Kudar, A. Lee, S. Leung, R. Lipson, F. Longstaffe, J. MacKinnon, S. Mangsen, R. Martin, L. McKechnie, J. McMullin, M. McNay, G. Moran, J. Morgan, P. Neary, M. Novak, K. Okruhlik, S. Osborn, A. Pearson, A. Percival-Smith, C. Piper, S. Radcliffe, S. Rich, C. Ross, J. Roth, D. Sandler, S. Siegner, C. Sinal, C. Smart, B. Timney, S. Vavala, J. Van Fleet, A. Vandervoort, J. Wallace, G. Weese, B. Welling, M. Witen, B. Wood, J. ZhuObservers: D. Jameson, D. Jorgensen, M. Lawless

By Invitation: K. Goldthorp, R. Keirstead, D. Riddell, G. Tigert

S.01-190 Farewell to Senators

On behalf of Senate, Dr. Davenport thanked a number of Senators, whose terms end October 31st, for their time and contributions to the work of Senate.

S.01-191 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting of September 21, 2001, were approved as circulated.

S.01-192 Parking Services Budget Surplus [S.01-188]

Mr. Riddell provided the following responses to questions posed at the last Senate meeting concerning parking.

Is the administration taking the $300,000 windfall with regard to parking revenue into account in their parking plan? Yes, the money will be used to reduce the capital debt related to the $1.2 million project to replace the parking lot gate arms on campus and to restore the operating reserve.

Can the President confirm that the increase in parking rates is greater than necessary for cost recovery? Parking rates increased an average of $4.25 per month. Of this, $2.25 will be allocated to restore the operating budget contribution to $900,000 from $700,000. The $200,000 decrease in the parking contribution to the operating budget was the result of the high debtload experienced by Parking Services. The remaining $2.00 will be set aside to build up a capital reserve of $171,000. This capital reserve will be used to provide additional parking spaces to meet the demands associated with the arrival of the double cohort.

Has a decision been made about where the additional parking spaces will be located? No, a decision has yet to be reached, but a number of options are being considered.

Professor Jorgensen stated that Dr. Mercer, in an interview on June 21, 2001, hinted at the prospect of an additional parking rate increase next year, perhaps up to 10% over the current rate. He asked if Dr. Mercer was aware of the windfall when he hinted about further increases to the parking rates. Mr. Riddell stated that the proposed $2.00 increase instituted this year is insufficient to cover any capital acquisitions required in the future. The increase in rates is not necessarily the total increase that will be required to meeting future parking needs. The surplus is a one-time surplus. To pay down any major costs related to parking requires more than $171,000 a year.

Professor Jorgensen stated that in the interview Dr. Mercer suggested that the increase is to build up the capital reserve fund. If the unplanned surplus will be directed to the reserve fund, does the administration envisage the need for an additional parking rate increase which will in fact amount to the windfall experienced. Mr. Riddell responded that when a parking plan is devised, capital costs must be taken into account, including revenue and expenditures. Funds are needed for capital renewal and capital improvement, i.e., the addition of parking spaces. Over the past number of years Parking Services has not maintained existing parking lots to the appropriate level because of difficulties experienced due to revenue shortfalls.

Professor Jorgensen questioned the planning process. The surplus as of June 28 came as a surprise. The model presented is planned on the basis of a projected surplus of $117,000, not $420,000 actually achieved. He asked if the new information calls for a change in the administration's parking plans. Mr. Riddell stated that in the long term the surplus will be taken into account; either it will be applied to the operating reserve or allocated to fund capital improvements. Mr. Riddell stated that $4.25 parking increase is dedicated and Parking Services must show how the money is spent, i.e., whether it is spent on capital improvements or new parking.

Professor Piper asked if $900,000 is contributed back to the University's operating budget from Parking Services. Mr. Riddell confirmed that Parking Services' contribution to the operating budget last fiscal year was $700,000. This fiscal year it will be restored to $900,000. Professor Piper observed that the contribution is not part of the cost of operating parking, and asked if a tax receipt could be issued to permit holders. Mr. Riddell stated that one could view the $900,000 as being rent for the land because if Western contracted out its parking operation, Western would expect some form of payment in recognition of the ownership of the land. With regard to issuing tax receipts, he stated that the University of Saskatchewan is currently under review by Revenue Canada relating to the parking rates paid by its employees. Revenue Canada's position is that the rate paid by users is below what they should be paying and therefore the difference between the rate they should be paying and what they are paying should be a taxable benefit. Professor Jorgensen advised that CCRA has abandoned its attempt to see that as a taxable benefit.

Responding to questions about plans to allocate additional student parking spots, Mr. Riddell stated that when students arrived in September there were no student parking spots in Springett lot. The situation was monitored and adjustments were made to include some student parking there with the remainder being provided in the Huron Flats and Medway parking lots. Future parking plans take into account the potential demands placed on parking as a result of the double cohort.

Professor Carroll voiced concern that a portion of the parking rate increase is allocated back to the University's operating budget. In his view, faculty are paying rent above and beyond the cost of maintaining parking. Faculty do not pay rent for the offices they occupy. Dr. Davenport responded that the University's operating budget involves the academic and support units and the ancillary operations. Ancillary operations contribute to the central budget for items such as occupancy of space, administrative overhead, etc. In the case of Parking, the traditional contribution was $900,000 a year. At that level, the parking rates were somewhat below the average in the province. Two fiscal years ago Parking Services' contribution to the operating reserve dropped to $700,000 because of the large debtload but it did so with the expectation that the contribution level would return to $900,000 when feasible. Professor Carroll stated one view is that in order to fulfill his teaching requirements he needs a parking space and he suggested that Parking Services should reduce the transfer to the operating budget or not restore it to where it was. Dr. Davenport agreed to discuss this suggestion with Dr. Mercer. He suggested that the comparative parking figures should be distributed to Senators. [Attached as Appendix III.]


[Dean Pearson assumed the Chair]

The President reported on the following items: President's Priorities 2001-02, Federal Pre-Budget Consultation and Meeting with the Minister. Overhead slides highlighting his presentation are attached as Appendix 1.

Mr. Blazak reported that the Alumni Association Board will review the Strategic Plan and the Priorities of the President for 2001-2002 at its next meeting. He anticipates that the Association will embrace its expanding role as outlined in the Strategic Plan and the President's Priorities, i.e., the inclusion of advocacy for improved public funding. He asked what resources or direction might be expected from the University in helping achieve this goal. Dr. Davenport stated that the Strategic Planning Task Force (SPTF) discussed this issue. The University will work with the Alumni Association to develop a blueprint to fulfill the objectives.


It was moved by G. Moran, seconded by D. Bentley,

That Senate approve "Making Choices: Western's Commitments as a Research-Intensive University" and recommend its adoption by the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, as a document identifying strategic issues and defining institutional commitments for the coming decade.

Dr. Davenport provided an overview of the document "Making Choices: Western's Commitments as a Research-Intensive University". Revisions to the text of the June 28, 200l, draft document, reflecting comments and discussions in the University community since mid-summer are contained in Exhibit I, distributed with the Senate agenda. Overheads used to highlight his presentation are attached as Appendix 2.

Questions, Comments, Responses

The administration states its commitment to "harmonize and coordinate the instruments through which faculty report their activities" (Section 2.11). How do the administration's plans to develop performance indicators relate to provisions in the UWOFA collective agreement? [Jorgensen]

Western supports the simplification of reporting for individual professors. Faculty find themselves preparing two or three different kinds of reports on their publications every year when one should be sufficient. The difficulty is that those asking for the data want it in different forms. One possible solution to this problem could be the purchase of computer software that provides options when faculty complete reports on their publications. Institutional Performance Indicators are mandated by the Board of Governors but do not involve individual professorial reporting. They include items such as the average entering grades for Western students, average class size, student/faculty ratio, etc. The issue in the Strategic Plan that focuses on reporting and measuring against other institutions relates directly to non-faculty operating units. [Davenport]

Are the enrolment projections firm or are they dependent upon government funding? How will faculty workloads be adjusted to address increased enrolments, and why is a decrease expected in 2005? [Leung]

Western's enrolment forecasts are contingent on full funding at current levels for all additional students. The Provincial government required every university to submit its first year enrolment numbers and total undergraduate enrolment numbers for the years up to 2005 in order to address the challenge of the double cohort. In May 2001, the Provincial Budget announcement included $220 million for enrolment expansion in universities over the next three years. To address teaching loads associated with increasing enrolments, hiring will likely be a combination of regular faculty appointments to meet the sustained increase and part-time teaching appointments to address the temporary increased enrolment. [Davenport]

Will the government funding be lock-step with the increased first-year enrolment? [Katz]

The government's commitment to fund the enrolment expansion is to 2003 and the funding will follow the intake of students by a year. [Davenport]

Does Western expect fewer applications from students living in the greater Toronto area and from those outside Ontario? Rumors are circulating that Western will give special consideration to London high school students who apply for admission. [Garland]

It is difficult to predict how Ontario high school students will react to the double cohort. High school students continue to apply for admission to universities outside Ontario, but hopefully the enrolment expansions at Ontario universities will meet the needs of Ontario high school students. A basic admission standard for Western must be met. After grades, students are allowed to make a case for other considerations such as student leadership, athletics, arts, music. The double cohort will present a strain on the whole province, and to give students of London the kind of advantage where students would be accepted with a lower cut-off average could be considered inequitable. We have stated that London students will not be disadvantaged in our accommodation of the coming enrolment demand. [Davenport/Moran]

Western expects an increase in graduate student enrolment over the next four years. How will the University handle this increase? [El Solh]

Ontario universities have ambitious plans to increase graduate student enrolments but securing government funding is an obstacle that must be addressed. Western, in concert with other Ontario universities, must continue to lobby the provincial government for full operating funding for additional graduate students and the federal government to expand its commitment to graduate scholarships. [Davenport]

Many programs are moving from three years to four years therefore a larger number of students will remain at Western for a fourth year. Has this factor been taken into account in the draft report and have resources been set aside for that fourth year? [Brebner]

The draft report takes into account the fact that more students remain at Western for a fourth year and that year-to-year retention rates have improved due to the quality of our programs. The government announced its commitment to full funding for all undergraduate students. [Davenport]

Why is the commitment concerning the distribution of financial assistance to all "in our undergraduate programs" and not graduate students? [Morgan]

Western can make a commitment to ensure appropriate levels and means of distribution of financial assistance to students in need in all the undergraduate programs because the length of the program is known and the rules for progression are clear. This is not the case with graduate students. [Moran]

Western will receive funding for the double cohort but one must be aware of the financial consequences relative to the gradual decline in enrolment and be prepared to address this situation. [DeLasa]

Western's enrolment is not growing as fast as the rest of the province as a whole, Western's percentage of total government funding based on students will decrease. In terms of Western's own budget, if the government provides full funding for these students Western will not be hit with a decline in budget. [Davenport]

What is the feasibility of this plan coming to fruition if Western cannot secure the funds to hire the additional faculty and staff needed to address the double cohort? [Kudar]

The Task Force speculated on the fact that the plan is not feasible if additional resources are not obtained. If that is the case, Western will attempt to manoeuver in a way to get the best balance between resources and our commitments. One natural reaction would be to cut back the increase in graduate enrolments, but in some areas of the University it is difficult to recruit faculty without admitting additional graduate students. If the government does not provide enrolment funding Western cannot follow through on its enrolment projections. Page 10 of the plan shows the 25% increase in the student/faculty ratio and the goal is to recover about half of that over the next five years and the funding need is shown. Also shown is what will happen if Western receives full funding for the additional students but at the 1999-2000 rates, with no provision for inflation. [Davenport]
The SPTF report is about making choices which means that units must be flexible in order to find ways to preserve what is important to Western.[Moran] It is up to the members of every faculty and non-academic unit to look at how to engage in meeting the commitments set out in the report. [Longstaffe]

Has a study been conducted to determine if students might ask for the same sorts of courses for which they currently register? Are the projected enrolments not on the basis of demand but on the basis of physical capacity within an area? [Piper]

In general there are very few enrolment forecasts that are set by physical constraints. Enrolment targets are set following consultations with the Deans. [Davenport]
In limited enrolment programs and most of the second entry programs there is almost no increase in capacity that is being funded. The ability to increase class size to accommodate some part of the increase in enrolment through limited-term or part-time teaching is not there in most of the professional programs. Students in the double cohort therefore may be at a permanent disadvantage in access to second entry programs. We've been trying to put this issue on the agenda and it is not there. Another issue regarding space planning: it is Western's expectation that if the SuperBuild buildings can be constructed in time, and the cost of construction does not increase significantly more than expected, Western will have classrooms to accommodate the right size classes for the numbers of students. [Moran]

Is there an expectation to increase Western's entering scholarships? [Kneale]

If Western receives full funding for its students there is no reason not to continue with the current scholarship levels for more students because the overall budget will increase at the appropriate rate. Scholarships and awards are awarded in the Fall of each year based on the student's previous academic performance and current registration. A minimum 80% average is required for scholarship consideration and a minimum 70% average is required for award consideration, unless the description of a particular scholarship or award states otherwise. National Scholarships are associated with private donations to the University and Western continues to raise funds for National Scholarships. [Davenport]

The question was called and CARRIED.


[Dr. Davenport resumed the Chair.]

S.01-194 Senate Membership - Faculty Constituencies

On behalf of the Operations/Agenda Committee, it was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by W. Flintoff,

That the following nominees be appointed to Senate to represent the constituencies shown for the two year terms (to October 31, 2003):
1) Representing the Faculty of Law: Sydney Usprich
2) Representing the Faculty of Social Science: Peter Ashmore [Geography]
3) Representing Brescia College: Alicia Garcia [Human Ecology]


S.01-195 Senate Membership - Graduate Studies - Medicine & Dentistry, Health Sciences and Science Constituency

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by N. Kapoor,

That Mark Workentin, elected to Senate by the Graduate Studies - Medicine & Dentistry, Health Sciences and Science constituency, be granted a leave of absence to December 31, 2001, and
That Rob Lipson (Chemistry) be elected as Alternate to Professor Workentin (term to December 31, 2001).

S.01-196 Senate Membership - Member of Senate from the General Community

It was moved by A. Pearson, seconded by G. Weese,

That Shanthi Radcliffe be re-elected to serve on Senate (term from November 1, 2001 - October 31, 2003) as representative of the General Community.

S.01-197 University Records and Archives Policy

Senate received for information the University Records and Archives Policy, detailed in Exhibit II, Appendix 1. Once approved by the Board of Governors, the policy will provide a clear mandate for the development and implementation of a comprehensive records management and archives program for Western.

S.01-198 Candidates for Degrees and Diplomas - Autumn Convocation 2001

On behalf of the Senate (S.96-124), the Provost approved the list of Candidates for degrees and diplomas to be awarded at Autumn Convocation 2001, as recommended by the Registrar. The list of candidates is appended of the Official Minutes of this Senate meeting.


S.01-199 Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I (Promotion Division) - SCPT-I

The following were elected to the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure I (Promotion Division): M. Witen, J. Jiang (terms to November 2002), M. McNay, S. Osborn (terms to November 2003), M. Spence (term to November 2004) and T. Vandervoort (term to November 2005).

S.01-200 Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II (Tenure Division) - SCPT-II

The following were elected to the Senate Committee on Promotion and Tenure II (Tenure Division): J. Richardson, S. Mangsen (terms to November 2002), G. Emery, T. Lo (terms to November 2003), J. Polgar (term to November 2004), and C. Trick (term to November 2005).

S.01-201 Senate Committee on Appeals (SCA)

The following were elected as Members to the Senate Committee on Appeals: M. Driman, A. Pearson, K. Baines (terms to November 2002), S. Galsworthy, D. Hair (terms to November 2003), E. Noble and C. Nolan (terms to November 2004).

The following were elected as Alternates to the Senate Committee on Appeals: Y. Chumak, F. Longstaffe, D. Allison (terms to November 2002), J. Rylett, R. Semmens (terms to November 2003), E. Skarakis-Doyle and S. Singh (terms to November 2004).

S.01-202 Senate Grievance Committee

J. Garland (term January 1 to October 31, 2002, as Alternate for H. Laschinger) and R. Darnell (term to June 30, 2002) were elected to the Senate Grievance Committee.

S.01-203 Standing Committee on Campus Recreation

K. McConnell (term to November 2002) and B. Timney (term to November 2003) were elected to the Standing Committee on Campus Recreation.

S.01-204 Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics

W. Brown (term to November 2002) and G. Weese (term to November 2003) were elected to the Standing Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics.

S.01-205 University Council on Animal Care

M. Pronko (term to November 2002), B. Roberts, and L. Capretz (terms to November 2003) were elected to the University Council on Animal Care.


S.01-206 Withdrawal of the Tertiary Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program (S.98-165)

On behalf of the Senate Committee on Academic Policy and Awards, it was moved by B. Timney, seconded by J. MacKinnon,

That Senate approve the withdrawal of the Tertiary Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program in the Faculty of Health Sciences' School of Nursing, effective September 1, 2001.

S.01-207 Collaborative Masters and PhD program in Scientific Computing

It was moved by B. Timney, seconded by M. Witen,

That Senate approve the establishment of a collaborative graduate program in Scientific Computing.

S.01-208 New Scholarship and Award Conditions

SCAPA has approved, on behalf of the Senate, the terms of reference for the following new scholarships and awards for recommendation to the Board of Governors through the Vice-Chancellor:

HBA Ivey IPO Award (Richard Ivey School of Business)

George Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund (Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, Dentistry)


S.01-209 The Bill and Anne Brock Family Professorship in Child Health

On behalf of the Senate Committee on University Planning, it was moved by D. Bentley, seconded by D. Kneale,

That Senate approve and recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, that The Bill and Anne Brock Family Professorship in Child Health be established in perpetuity, under the terms of reference set out in Exhibit V, based on a generous endowed gift from Bill and Anne Brock.

It was moved by P. Neary, seconded by C. Piper,

That the wording of the first sentence in Reporting be revised as follows [shown in italics]:
The Deans of the Faculties of Medicine & Dentistry and Social Science and the Professor will provide a written report on the progress and advancement of the Professor's work each year.

Dean Neary explained that after the proposal to establish the Brock Professorship was approved by SCUP, it was noticed that the "Reporting" section of the terms of reference is inconsistent with the standard involvement of the Dean, rather than the Department Chair, in the annual reporting process. This amendment will correct that error.

The amendment was called and CARRIED

Professor Haywood-Farmer expressed surprise that the amount of the donation was made public. He asked if $1 million is enough to fund the Professorship. Mr. Goldthorp explained that an endowment in the range of $1 million to $2 million will provide the annual required level of support for a Professorship ($50,000 to $100,000 per year).

Dr. Davenport clarified that donors are asked if they wish the amount of their donation to be made public.

The main motion, as amended, was called and CARRIED.

S.01-210 JetForm Fellowship - Renamed Accelio Fellowship

It was moved by D. Bentley, seconded by A. Percival-Smith,

That Senate recommend to the Board of Governors, through the Vice-Chancellor, that the JetForm Fellowship be renamed the Accelio Fellowship and the terms of reference of the Fellowship be changed accordingly as shown in Exhibit V, as a result of the change of name of the donor corporation, effective September 18, 2001.

S.01-211 Survey of Student Finances

The report on the Survey of Student Finances 2000-01 was provided for information. It includes three components:

Undergraduate Direct-Entry Faculties - Appendix 1-A

Second-Entry Faculties - Appendix 1-B

Graduate Studies - Appendix 1-C

Professor Piper asked why MBA students are not included in the report with the graduate students. Mr. Tigert stated that the MBA program is self-funded and is therefore in a separate category.

Professor Osborn asked what the maximum amount of debt is for an undergraduate student. Mr. Tigert explained that the maximum amount of debt is $7,000/year from OSAP and government loans, therefore, the maximum amount of government debt for a four-year degree is $28,000 plus any personal bank loans. Student government debt loads are reduced by loan forgiveness. Students are entitled to earn a maximum government loan of $275/week for a single student and $500/week for a student with dependents. In a 34 week program that translates for single students into approximately $9,300 and for students with dependents $17,000. The government states the maximum debt a student carries forward for a 2 term academic year is $7,000. The rest is forgiven through the Ontario Student Opportunity Grant. When a student consolidates his/her loan after graduation the amount in excess of $7,000/2 terms is forgiven by the government.

Mr. Brebner observed that the survey was mailed to 2500 students in direct entry programs but only 992 students responded. He asked if an analysis had been made of the respondents. Were the respondents mostly those with no debt load or with debt load? Dr. Moran took the question under advisement and agreed to provide a response in due course.

Mr. Kapoor observed that there appears to be no relationship between the answers given and the debt loads. Dr. Moran observed that in general people believe that a university education is an extremely valuable investment. The amount of debt does not affect respondents' judgment of their education.


The report of the Academic Colleague on the 257th meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities, detailed in Exhibit VI, was received for information. Topics discussed at the meeting included: Preliminary Enrolment Data for 2001-02, ACUMEN Report on the Socio-economic Profile of University Students, EKOS Survey of Public Perceptions of the Quality, Funding, and Accessibility of Ontario Universities and the Ontario Institute of Technology.


Announcements & Communications, detailed in Exhibit VII, were provided for information.


S.01-214 Academic Calendar

Mr. Kapoor asked if the text of the Code of Student Conduct could be included in the Academic Calendar in addition to the web link provided on the internet. The Secretary of Senate agreed to refer this suggestion to Dr. Harris.


The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Signed by:

P. Davenport, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary.