Senate Agenda -EXHIBIT III - December 4, 1998
1. Four-Year BSc Honors Biology with Environmental Science
Recommended: That a Four-Year BSc Honors Biology with Environmental Science program be introduced in the Faculty of Science, effective September 1, 1999.
Admission Requirements
Completion of a 3-year BSc Biology and Environmental Science program, with a minimum average of 70% in all principal courses and no mark less than 60% in any of these.
Students who do not fulfill the requirements specified for admission may be allowed to proceed to this honors degree only with the special permission of the Coordinators of the Honors Biology Program and the Environmental Science Program.
Fourth Year
Environmental Science 494F/G
Either 1.0 senior course from Groups C, D or E (as described in the three-year BSc Environmental Science program), or Environmental Science 350a/b, if not already taken, and a senior half-course from groups C, D, or E.
3.5 full-course equivalents selected from the following: Biology 203F, 204a, 213b, 216b, 217b, 222b, 284a, 304a, 319a, 320y, 328a, 331G, 332a, 335b, 336a, 345a, 346b, 351b, 355b, 359b, 362, 366b, 370b, 392a, 393b, 491E*, Biophysics 467 a/b, Microbiology and Immunology 450a, Pharmacology 460a/b, 463a, Plant Sciences 402a, 403a, 404b, 408a, 450a*, 451b*, 452b, 490a, Zoology 420y, 421y, 434b*, 436G*, 441a*, 444a, 450a/b*, 451b*, 453b*
The fourth year program must include 2 full courses or equivalent at the 400-level, 1.5 laboratory courses, at least one full-course equivalent from among courses offered by each of the Departments of Plant Sciences and Zoology and no more than two full-course equivalents from any one department. Students must also include at least one 400-level half-course requiring substantial communication skills, which must be chosen from those courses in the list above which are marked with an *. All proposed Honors Biology with Environmental Science programs must be approved by the Coordinators of the Honors Biology Program and the Environmental Science Program, respectively.
The Environmental Science Program (along with various joint 3-year and Environmental Science programs) currently enrolls about 80 students, half of whom are in the Biology and Environmental Science stream.
Students with interests in Environmental Science and Chemistry, Geology or Toxicology already can pursue joint Honors degrees in these disciplines with Environmental Science. This proposal extends the same opportunity to the considerable number of Environmental Science students who would like to emphasize Biology in a joint Honors degree.
The proposed joint Honors Biology with Environmental Science degree is derived from the Honors Biology degree; the basic academic requirements are similar while Environmental Science 494F/G is specified and the biology course selections have been constrained to those courses deemed to be particularly relevant to Environmental Science.
Recommended: That the Joint Program with Fanshawe College be expanded to allow a student who has completed either the Diploma of Electrical Engineering Technology, or the Diploma of Control Engineering Technology at Fanshawe, to achieve a BSc in Physics with a further two years of study at UWO, effective September 1, 1999.
(To follow the Three Year BSc Program on page 126 of the 1998 Calendar. This material is not in the 1998 Calendar, because it was approved after the Calendar Deadline)
A. Students Commencing their Studies at the University of Western Ontario
Students in this program will study Physics for their first two years. They will then transfer to Fanshawe College, where they will study for a further two years and three months in either Electronics Engineering Technology or Control Engineering Technology. Students in both programs work for a total of sixteen months in CO-OP placements. Successful candidates will be awarded a Three-Year BSc in Physics and a Diploma from Fanshawe College. Students may also choose to study for one additional semester in the Electrical Engineering Technology program and will be granted a second Diploma from Fanshawe College.
Admission Requirements
A first year program that includes Physics 020 or 026, Calculus 050a/b plus 051a/b or Applied Mathematics 026 plus 025a/b, Computer Science 025a or 026a/b plus 027a/b, each with a minimum mark of 60%; one Arts or Social Science course; one option.
All students must consult with the Physics and Astronomy Department before entering year two of the program.
Second Year
Physics 200, 259E, 266b, 277a/b (non-credit)
Applied Mathematics 200 or 275 or 276 or 277 or 281a plus 282b
1.5 options numbered 100 or higher
Note: Options that will be particularly useful in this program include courses in Applied Mathematics, Business, Chemistry, Economics, Mathematics and Statistics. Students should take a half-course in linear algebra before the end of their second year. Applied Mathematics 275, 276 and 277 all have Applied Mathematics 025a/b and 026 as prerequisites. Students transferring from Engineering will have to include Computer Science 027a/b in their second year. Students should consult a counsellor in the appropriate department before selecting their options.
Second Year Summer Term
Students will transfer in May to Fanshawe College to complete Level Three of the common first year of the Electronics and Control Engineering programs. They will spend the next eight months as CO-OP students in industry. At the end of this experience, students must choose to study either Electronics Engineering or Control Engineering.
In Years One and Two, students will register and pay fees at The University of Western Ontario. For Levels Three to Six, students will register and pay fees at Fanshawe College.
B. Students who commence their studies at Fanshawe College
Students in this program will complete either the Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology or Control Engineering Technology at Fanshawe College. They will then transfer to The University of Western Ontario where they will study for a further two years. Successful candidates will be awarded a Three-Year BSc in Physics.
Admission Requirements
Students must hold either the Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology, or the Diploma in Control Engineering Technology, with a minimum cumulative average of "B" (2.7 g.p.a.).
First Year
Physics 020 or 026
Calculus 050a, 051b
One Arts or Social Science Course
2.0 options
To progress into Year II, a minimum of 60% in each of Physics 020 or 026 and Calculus 051b is required.
Second Year
Physics 200
Physics 259E
Applied Mathematics 200 or 275 or 276 or 277 or 281a plus 282b
1.0 option from the Faculty of Science numbered 100 or higher, approved by the Department
1.0 option
To qualify for the Three-Year BSc in Physics, students in this program must:
a. obtain a minimum overall average of 60% in ten courses taken at UWO.
b. obtain a minimum overall average of 60% in the Area of Concentration courses listed and taken at UWO.
c. take a minimum of 5.0 full courses or equivalent numbered 100 or higher at UWO.
d. meet the requirements for the Diploma in either Electronics Engineering Technology or Control Engineering Technology at Fanshawe College.
e. obtain a minimum cumulative average of "B" (2.7 g.p.a.) in the courses taken at Fanshawe College.
The courses taken at Fanshawe College may only be used to satisfy the requirements of Year III of the BSc degree at UWO.
Senate has recently approved the joint program in Physics and Electronics between The University of Western Ontario and Fanshawe College. Students take the first two years of their program at Western and then transfer to Fanshawe College. Successful students receive a Three-Year BSc Degree in Physics and a Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology or Control Engineering Technology. With one additional semester of study, students will qualify for a second diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology.
This new proposal addresses the need of those students who wish to proceed in the opposite direction by starting their program at Fanshawe College, and subsequently transferring to Western to complete their BSc in Physics. There have been four enquiries from students who wish to do this. This proposal is the mirror image of the original. Students from Fanshawe will be required to complete the first two years of the Three- Year BSc degree in Physics, and Western will recognize their credits from Fanshawe as replacing the courses in Year III of that program.
Students who commence their studies at Western are required to take a first-year course in Computer Science. Students who commence this program at Fanshawe will have taken up to five half-courses in computer science before they get to Western. They, therefore, are not required to take a first-year computer science course, although they are free to do so as one of the first year options, should they wish to learn Java.
It is possible that some students may take courses at Fanshawe that allow them to petition for advanced standing at UWO. If this is the case, a suitable substitution can be made via Special Permission.
Many issues were raised and addressed in the original proposal (33 pages), and in the interests of brevity, these have not been repeated here. A copy of the original proposal can be obtained by contacting Patrick Whippey at
3. Huron College - History 210E
Recommended: That Huron College introduce History 210E: Patterns and Perspectives in World History, effective September 1, 1999.
History 210E: Patterns and Perspectives in World History
The course stresses the interaction over time of major world civilizations. Emphasis is given to historical developments that have influenced more than one civilization or cultural region.
Prerequisite: One 020-099 History course.
3 hours
This course will become a core course in the Combined Honors International and Comparative Studies program, approved by Senate on December 5, 1997, and will provide an option in a new area for History honors students.
Recommended: That, effective September 1, 1999, the three-year Bachelor of Arts (Administrative and Commercial Studies) program at King's College be withdrawn and replaced with the four-year general Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies (BACS) program.
Area of Concentration: Finance and Administration
First Year
Economics 020
One full course or equivalent from: Calculus 050a/b, 051a/b, 08la/b; Linear Algebra 040a/b; Mathematics 028a/b, 030, 031
Business 020
Administrative and Commercial Studies 020a/b and Computer Science 031a/b (or another half course in Computer Science numbered 020-099)
One designated essay full-course equivalent numbered 020E-099E from English, French, History, Philosophy, Political Science, or Religious Studies
Second Year
Business 257
Economics 150a/b and 152a/b (permission will be given to students who are registered in Honors Economics and wish to transfer to the BACS program to count their equivalent Economics courses)
Statistical Science 135 or Economics 122a/b and 123F/G (permission will be given to students whoare registered in Honors Economics and wish to transfer to the BACS program to count their equivalent Economics courses)
Psychology 164 or Sociology 169 or Administrative and Commercial Studies 180
One full-course equivalent option
Third Year
Administrative and Commercial Studies 360a/b and 361a/b or 372
Administrative and Commercial Studies 310a/b and 320a/b
One full course or equivalent from Economics 154a/b, 156a/b, 165F/G, 180a/b, 184a/b; Actuarial Science 153
One full course equivalent option from Philosophy 142E, 203E, 162F/G, 201F/G; Religious Studies 165F/G,167F/G
One full-course equivalent option
Fourth Year
Administrative and Commercial Studies 330a and 410b
Two full courses or equivalent from: Administrative and Commercial Studies 275a/b, 372* (*must becompleted if not taken in Third Year), 460a/b, 46la/b; Economics 162a/b, 163a/b, 164a/b; Geography 372a/b; History 143F/G, 144F/G; Political Science 211E, 246E; Sociology 309a/b
One designated essay full-course equivalent numbered 200 or above
One full-course equivalent option
Note: Students are encouraged to consult with the Academic Counsellor about selecting options from prepared lists of courses that will allow for specialization in various theme areas (e.g. international relations, regional studies, business-government relations, etc.).
Area of Concentration: Organizational and Human Resources
First Year
Psychology 020
Sociology 020
One full course or equivalent from Calculus 050a/b, 051a/b, 081a/b; Linear Algebra 040a/b; Mathematics 028a/b, 030, 031
Business 020
Administrative and Commercial Studies 020a/b and Computer Science 03la/b (or another half course in Computer Science numbered 020-099)
Second Year
Business 257
Mathematics 028a (if not taken in the first year) and Statistical Science 024b; Statistical Science 023a/b and 024a/b or Statistical Science 135 or Sociology 231 or Social Work 205
Psychology 164 or Sociology 169 or Administrative and Commercial Studies 180
One designated essay full-course equivalent from English, History, Philosophy, Political Science or Religious Studies
One full course equivalent option
Third Year
Two full courses or equivalent from: Administrative and Commercial Studies 155a/b, 310a/b, 320a/b; Economics 150a/b, 152a/b, 155a/b, 156a/b; History 143F/G, 144F/G, 146F/G; Philosophy 140
One full-course equivalent from: Psychology 150, 154a/b, 155a/b, 170; Sociology 233
One full-course equivalent option from: Philosophy 142E, 162F/G, 201F/G, 203E; Religious Studies132, 165F/G, 167F/G
One full-course equivalent option
Fourth Year
One 200-300 level Administrative and Commercial Studies full course or equivalent in OrganizationalBehavior
Administrative and Commercial Studies 330a and 410b
One full course or equivalent from Administrative and Commercial Studies 355F/G, 356F/G; PoliticalScience 211E, 246E; Sociology 308F/G, 309F/G, 314F/G, 315F/G, 316F/G
One designated essay full-course equivalent numbered 200 or above
One full-course equivalent option
Note: Students are encouraged to consult with the Academic Counsellor about selecting options from prepared lists of courses that will allow for specialization in various theme areas (e.g. international relations, regional studies, business-government relations, etc.).
Combined Areas of Concentration
A number of combined areas of concentration are available within the BACS program. These include Finance and Administration combined with Economics, Finance and Administration combined with French, Finance and Administration combined with Statistics, Organizational and Human Resources combined with Psychology, Organizational and Human Resources combined with Sociology, and Organizational and Human Resources combined with French. Please see BACS counselling for details of these and other possible combinations.
The Faculty of Social Science has introduced a new four-year program in Administrative and Commercial Studies which will replace the existing three-year program. For the benefit of King's College students, the same program is proposed with some minor modifications and course substitutions.
September 1998 will be the final date for admission to the existing Administrative and Commercial Studies program.
As of September 1999, students who are registered in either second or third year of the Administrative and Commercial Studies program will have the option of either completing the three-year BA (ACS) program or transferring into the four-year Bachelor of Administrative and Commercial Studies (BACS) program. Those wishing to transfer must consult with the Academic Counsellor at King's College to receive the requisite counselling and permissions.
Students who are registered in the existing ACS program as of September 1998, will have until September 2008 to complete the program requirements necessary for graduation with a BA (Administrative and Commercial Studies).