Board of Governors - APPENDIX VII - September 23, 1999
1. Delegation of Authority on Committees Mandated Under
Conditions of Appointment (S.98-203)
Recommended: That (subject to Senate approval, September 17, 1999) for the duration of negotiations of a first contract with the UWO Faculty Association:
that the Associate Deans of Graduate Studies, Dr. N. Kuiper and Dr. M. Kreiswirth, be authorized to serve on behalf of the Dean of Graduate Studies on the Senate Committee on Promotion & Tenure when necessary.
The "Definitions" section of the Preamble to Conditions of Appointment states:
11. Provost shall mean the Provost (Vice-President Academic) or other senior academic administrative officer designated by Senate and the Board of Governors to carry out those duties specified in these Conditions of Appointment.
12. Dean of Graduate Studies shall mean the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies or other senior academic administrative officer designated by Senate and the Board of Governors to carry out those duties specified in these Conditions of Appointment.
In the past this has been interpreted to mean that the Senate and Board of Governors must designate any senior academic administrative officer by name. The Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. A.C. Weedon, is involved with the negotiation of a first collective agreement with the UWO Faculty Association. Last September, Senate approved a resolution (S.98-203) which reflected the names of the Associate Deans at the time -- N. Kuiper and W. Flintoff. This year the Associate Deans are N. Kuiper and M. Kreiswirth.
I. Introduction and Overview
The development of new undergraduate programs is at the heart of the University's mission to advance learning through teaching, research, and discovery:
In 1996, the Council of Ontario Universities approved the establishment of a system to audit the policies and procedures used by the individual universities to ensure the quality of ongoing undergraduate programs. In February 1997, this auditing procedure was extended to include the internal institutional review procedures employed in the establishment of new undergraduate programs. Authority for the auditing of institutional procedures across the province was vested in the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents, which established a specific Undergraduate Program Review Audit Committee. This Committee visited The University of Western Ontario in May 1998, examining the program review process in place for ensuring appropriate quality assessment in several established undergraduate programs and the degree of scrutiny applied in the process of developing new programs. A key recommendation of the Audit Committee was that a systematic set of guidelines be developed to prescribe the issues which must be addressed when new undergraduate programs are proposed.
These guidelines reflect the recommendations of the OCAV Undergraduate Program Review Audit Committee and conform to the requirements of the OCAV Constitution and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
II. Review Responsibility and Oversight
The Senate Committee on Academic Policies and Admissions (SCAPA) has overall responsibility "to examine, for recommendation to Senate, proposals for the establishment of new undergraduate programs and the discontinuation of undergraduate programs," as defined by its Terms of Reference in the Senate Handbook. In compliance with the procedures adopted by OCAV and its Undergraduate Program Review Audit Committee, SCAPA should employ these guidelines in its evaluation process and should also seek to include the Provost's Undergraduate Program Review Committee (PRC) and apprise that committee of the outcome of all program reviews having to do with the establishment of new undergraduate programs.
III. Elements of the Program Review Process
The Senate Committee on Academic Policies and Admissions (SCAPA) should seek to satisfy itself on the following issues, perhaps through appointing a subcommittee or working group to examine these points in detail and report back to the Committee:
For all reviews of proposed programs, SCAPA should prepare a checklist of the above items, to be forwarded with its recommendations to Senate, as a cover to all supporting documentation, such as Calendar Copy. Acknowledgment that such procedure has been followed will also be provided to the PRC, for information, and be acknowledged in the annual PRC report to Senate on the reviews of undergraduate programs.
IV. External Consultants
It will not normally be the procedure of the University to engage external consultants in the review of proposed new undergraduate programs, but if, in consultation, the Chair of SCAPA, the SCAPA review subcommittee/working group, and the Provost concur, external consultancy may be sought as to the viability, standards, or program design of such proposals.
V. Time-lines
Submission of new undergraduate programs for Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities approval is required by May 30, each year. Final requests for funding support must be made by November 15. Ministry submissions must include evidence of the SCAPA review process and approval by the University Senate, and a check-off list of Ministry concerns regarding quality, financial viability, student demand, and societal need signed by the President and Vice-Chancellor.
The terms of reference of the University Research Board require that the URB report to Senate annually, through the Operations/Agenda Committee. The 1998-99 report is attached as Annex 1.
Subject to Senate approval on September 17, 1999, the Faculty of Music, in partnership with the Western Centre for Continuing Studies, will establish a program leading to a Certificate in Piano Technology, effective September 1, 1999.
Executive Summary
The Faculty of Music of the University of Western Ontario, in partnership with the Centre for Continuing Studies, proposes to offer a unique and innovative certificate program in piano technology which will establish the University as a world leader in this field. Piano technology is a highly specialised area, requiring a high level of education and applied skills, currently available at only five schools around the world. Professional piano technicians are employed in many areas of the music industry; others are self-employed within the field.
George Brown College in Toronto has offered an internationally respected program of study for piano technology since 1977; however, the college has indicated that it is willing to see the program relocate to a more appropriate university environment. The Faculty of Music proposes to offer a Certificate in Piano Technology which will develop the knowledge, skills and expertise required to work in this specialised field in the 21st century. The proposed program will offer the only route for education for piano technicians in Canada; it will build on the outstanding reputation that the Faculty has developed, providing a stimulating and challenging environment for the program.
The program will consist of a total of five full credits as follows: two compulsory half-credit degree courses and eight compulsory certificate-credit courses (half-credit each). The certificate-credit courses will involve extensive practice and application in a controlled piano lab setting.
Eligibility for admission into the program will be based on admissibility to the University. While admission will not be restricted to graduates of music programs, applicants will be required to demonstrate knowledge of music theory, and will be required to successfully complete hearing and manual dexterity tests. The program will require one full academic year (two academic terms) of study, and full-time attendance; it will be completely self-supporting through revenues generated from tuition. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be awarded a Certificate in Piano Technology. Optional non-credit institutes will be available on a continuing basis to graduates of the program who wish to obtain additional professional development in specialised areas.
In February 1980 (S.2839), Certificate programs in General Police Studies and in Advanced Police Studies and a Diploma program in Police Management Studies were introduced at the Aylmer Police College which combined professional police training and university studies at Western.
The University Secretariat has been informed by the Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services that the three programs will be withdrawn, effective December 31, 1999. In his letter, P. Philp, Acting Deputy Director, Police Learning System, Ontario Police College states that "...police hiring and promotional practices changed such that a very large percentage of new hires and officers seeking promotions already possessed or were motivated to pursue advanced education. As a result, the Canadian Police College terminated their program in 1993 but the Ontario Police College continued to process those already registered, while not accepting new applications. At present, the number of active participants is extremely small. Moreover, the development and implementation of the Police Learning System will facilitate the pursuit of higher education."
The Honorary Degrees Committee of Senate announces the following persons who are to be honored by conferment of degrees honoris causa at the 273rd Convocation of the University to be held Thursday and Friday, October 21 and 22, 1999:
Thursday, October 21 - 3:30 p.m. - Jason Moscovitz - LL.D.
* = in programs hosted by the Faculties of Health Sciences, Medicine & Dentistry, Education, Engineering Science, and Music, and by the Richard Ivey School of Business
Friday, October 22 - 10:00 a.m.- Lynn Johnston - LL.D.
* = in programs hosted by the Faculties of Arts and Science
Friday, October 22 - 3:30 p.m. - Libby Fowler - LL.D.
* = in programs hosted by the Faculties of Information and Media Studies and Social Science
Spring 2000 Convocation Dates will be:
April 29 Graduate Studies: Richard Ivey School of Business (MBA)
May 2 Huron College (Theological Degrees)
May 12 Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry (MD degree only)[To Be Confirmed]
June 6 - 9 All Faculties and Affiliated Colleges
October 26 -27 All Faculties and Affiliated Colleges
Faculty of Education
R.P. Coulter, Associate Dean (Program), July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2002
Faculty of Engineering Science
I. Moore, Acting Dean, August 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000
S. Rohani, Chair, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2004
Faculty of Graduate Studies
M. Kreiswirth, Associate Dean (Arts and Social Sciences), July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2001
Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry
D.W. Banting, Associate Dean, July 1, 1999 - December 31, 1999
A. Bocking, Acting Chair, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, September 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000
K.C. Hayes, Acting Chair, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000
S.L. Kogon, Director, School of Dentistry and Associate Dean, July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2004
Richard Ivey School of Business
P. Beamish, Associate Dean (Research), July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2002
A. Morrison, Associate Dean, (Executive Development), July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2002
M. Pearce, Associate Dean (Programs), July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2002