Board of Governors, June 24, 1999 - APPENDIX IV
On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Senior Operations Committee has nominated David J. Thompson for reappointment to the Board of Directors of Foundation Western for a three-year term commencing September 1999. Mr. Thompson was initially appointed in February 1999 to complete the term of Libby Fowler, to September 1999.
The other University representatives on the Foundation Western Board are: Anne Toal, Larry Oehm, and Jim Good.
On behalf of the Board of Governors, the Senior Operations Committee approved the appointment of the following new members to the Ivey Advisory Board:
Bill Anderson, Lorne Braithwaite, Ronald Charles, Kevin Francis, Bobbie Gaunt, Serge Gouin, Paul J. Hill, Jane M. Howell, James L. Hunter, Eva Lee Kwok, Louis Lagassé, Jon E. Love, Christine Magee, Pierre L. Morrissette, Madeleine Paquin, Robert J. Ritchie, Joseph C. Shlesinger, Paul Walters, Prem V. Watsa.
The Committee acknowledged the resignations of the following from the Ivey Advisory Board: Robert D. Brown, Brian P. Drummond, Bruce Galloway, Charles (Bud) B. Johnston, Brian F. MacNeill, Larry M. Pollock, Helen K. Sinclair, Nancy G. Thomson.
A complete listing of the members of the Ivey Advisory Board is attached.
The Senior Operations Committee has appointed Dr. Carol Herbert, incoming Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry to serve as a representative of the University on the Joint Committee, starting September 1, 1999. She will replace Dr. R.Y. McMurtry whose term ends on June 30, 1999. The other University representatives on the Joint Committee are Dean Angelo Belcastro and Mr. Bill Peel.
June 1999
Bill Anderson
Lorne Braithwaite
Dan Branda
Thomas H. Brent
Robert V. Brouillard
Claude Bruneau
Ronald Charles
Henry K.S. Cheng
C. David Clark
Brendan R. Clouston
George A. Cope
Clare R. Copeland
Paul Davenport
Paul G. Desmarais
Robert A. Ferchat
Al Flood
Kevin Francis
Geno F. Francolini
Barbara H. Fraser
Ronald G. Gage
Jeffrey Gandz
Bobbie Gaunt
Peter C. Godsoe
Serge Gouin
Kenneth G. Hardy
Kenneth W. Harrigan
Paul J. Hill
Jane M. Howell
James L. Hunter
Richard W. Ivey
Donald K. Jackson
Donald K. Johnson
Michael M. Kanovsky
Maureen Kempston Darkes
Arkadi Kuhlmann
Eva Lee Kwok
Louis Lagassé
Gilles Lamoureux
Donald G. Lang
Jon E. Love
Robert W. Luba
Christine Magee
Chris R. Matthews
H. Harrison McCain
Pierre L. Morrissette
Michael J. Needham
Robert Nourse
Kevin O'Leary
Earl H. Orser
Madeleine Paquin
Dipak K. Rastogi
Bruce H. Reid
Grant L. Reuber
Robert J. Ritchie
Harry Rosen
Adrian B. Ryans
C. Richard Sharpe
Joseph C. Shlesinger
William Shurniak
Michael D. Sopko
Lawrence G. Tapp
George M. Tidball
Donald L. Triggs
Anthony von Mandl
Paul Walters
V. Prem Watsa
Peter N.T. Widdrington
John F. Wood
Larry Wynant
Honorary Members:
John A. Armstrong
Ralph M. Barford
Richard M. Ivey
Allan R. Taylor
David B. Weldon
William P. Wilder