Report of the Campus and Community Affairs Committee

Board of Governors - APPENDIX V - May 21, 1998


1. USC Annual Report on Activities within the University Community Centre

At its meeting of May 4, 1998, Mr. Ian Armour, President of the University Students' Council, presented the annual report on activities within the University Community Centre which are summarized in the written report, attached as Annex 1.

The Committee was pleased to note that many areas of contention identified in the USC/UCC report last year have been resolved. Regular meetings between senior representatives of the University Students' Council and the Vice-President (Administration) have been fruitful in finding solutions to mutual problems with respect to utilization of space in the University Community Centre.

2. Statement of Guiding Principles for Review of Student Activity Fee Funded Services

In the CCAC report of March 26, 1998, the Board was provided with the Statement of Guiding Principles for Review of Student Activity Fee Funded Services which was developed by the Student Services Committee. The Statement was at that time in draft form. Attached as Annex 2 is the final version of that document. The changes are minor, but include the addition of two items:

The first consideration in setting program priorities will be that the "programs are student-centered and service-based"

The first consideration in funding discussions will be "universality".