The meeting was held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building.
PRESENT: Mr. W.W. Peel, Chair, Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary
Mr. R. Bateman, Dr. W.A. Bridger, Dr. J.V. Collins, Dr. P. Davenport, Ms. S. Desmond, Mr. T. Garrard, Mr. W. Gibson, Dr. J.D. Hewitt, Mr. C. Keith, Dean R.M. Mathur, Dr. P.P. Mercer, Dr. G. Moran, Mr. T. O'Neil, Ms. J.M. Potter, Prof. J. Starkey, Dean J.L. Stokes, Mr. H.W. Taylor, Mr. T. Vine, Ms. C. Weldon, Ms. L. Whittaker
By INVITATION: J. Cole, K. Goldthorpe, S. Horvath, D. Riddell, O. Zamprogna
BG.97-142 Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting of May 22, 1997, were approved as circulated.
The Report of the President, detailed in Appendix I, consisted of the following topics:
Spring Convocation 1997
Visit to Western of Premier Mike Harris
Activities of the President, June 1997
Reflecting on the Premier's speech at Western on June 13, Mr. Bateman said that he had the impression that neither fee deregulation nor an Income Contingent Loan Repayment (ICLR) program are likely to happen for some time. He asked the President to comment on the implications for Western if that is true. Dr. Davenport stated that although Premier Harris did not elaborate on specific recommendations of the Smith Report, he did give an overall endorsement of the report, which is significant. While it is possible for an individual to disagree with specific recommendations in the report, the report as a whole does provide a "blueprint" to show how Ontario should move ahead in the area of university education. In a subsequent television interview the Premier expressed some doubt about the notion of total deregulation of fees but did not express any reservations about student loans. The Premier in later interviews said that the government is working very hard to establish a renewed loan system and expressed the hope that it would be in place for September 1998. Dr. Davenport said he is not discouraged about the possibilities for federal/provincial cooperation. At a meeting in Ottawa last March, in a meeting with the AUCC Presidents, Prime Minister Jean Chrétien set out three priorities for his second mandate: reform in the delivery of health care; research and innovation; and helping Canada's youth. AUCC views the student loan plan as a vital part of the federal program with regard to youth. The federal government sees the need as clearly as the Ontario government, but the two are working in slightly different contexts.
As to the prospects for university funding, Dr. Davenport stated that if the government buys into the Smith Report and believes in the arguments that the Advisory Panel made with regard to the importance of higher education, there is a chance to turn the funding situation around. The Report recommends increasing university grants to the average level in Canada per student, a 25% increase, or increase the grants to the average level in US public universities, which is an even higher standard. The Report also states that fees should be deregulated for any university that is willing to set aside 30% of the proceeeds to student aid, and includes very strong recommendations with regard to improving research funding and the student loan system.
BG.97-143a Stakeholder Survey
Mr. Garrard provided a brief summary of a stakeholder survey which is currently being undertaken. The objective of the survey is to provide those who are responsible for the University's interaction with several groups of stakeholders with a basis for addressing their current perceptions of Western. He highlighted his presentation with the use of overheads, copies of which are attached as Appendix 1 to these Minutes.
BG.97-143b Research at Western
Dr. Bridger provided information on the role of research activities at Western, including research revenues from 1989-96, licensing income and expenditures for 1995, the gap in technology transfer, the key provisions of a new intellectual property policy, and recent achievements in industry liaison. Copies of overheads used to highlight his presentation are attached as Appendix 2 to these Minutes.
Dr. Hewitt asked for an explanation of licensing and its relationship to industry. Dr. Bridger explained that licensing refers to the income that is paid by the users of patents. If the University owns part or all of the patent and the technology is used in a commercial product, the licensing income flows back to the owners.
In response to a question from Dr. Collins, Dr. Bridger advised that the Office of the Vice-President (Research) fulfils a "quarter backing" role in developing programs for Centres of Excellence. The Centres themselves are not individual labs, but networks across the country. There are certain areas of research at Western where it would make sense for a research network to be based at Western, in partnership with researchers across the country and industrial partners.
BG.97-144 Mediated Learning Fee
On behalf of the Property & Finance Committee, it was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by
W. Gibson,
That the Board of Governors approve a $50.00 increase to the mediated learning supplementary fee assessed on all mediated learning courses offered through the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning. This will bring the fee to $75.00.
Mr. Bateman recalled that at a recent Property and Finance meeting there was discussion about the decline in part-time enrolment amounting to approximately 20% in the last five years. He asked whether tripling the mediated learning fee might have a negative impact on enrolment. Dr. Moran replied that although part-time enrolment overall has been dropping, there has been a dramatic increase in enrolment in mediated courses. The challenge is to keep up with the additional costs associated with developing the use of modern information technology to deliver the mediated courses, which is the justification for the fee increase. It is not anticipated that the additional $50.00 will have a negative impact given the popularity and demand for these courses.
BG.97-145 Fund Raising Report
Mr. Garrard, Vice-President (External), provided a report on the 1996-97 fund raising activity and results detailed in Appendix II, Annex 1 of the agenda. Additional information about fund raising at Western was distributed at the meeting. This included the 1996-97 fund raising objectives as follows: complete the fund raising strategic planning process; launch the major gifts program, conduct the 125th Anniversary needs assessment process; complete the 125th Anniversary campaign plan and recruit volunteer leaders.
BG.97-146 Preliminary Unaudited Financial Results for 1996-97: Operating Fund
The Board received for information the Preliminary Unaudited Financial Results for 1996-97: Operating Fund detailed in Annex 2 of Appendix II.
BG.97-147 Preliminary Unaudited Financial Results for 1996-97: Capital Fund
The Preliminary Unaudited Financial Results for 1996-97: Capital Fund, contained in Appendix II, Annex 3, were received for information.
BG.97-148 Report on Investments
See Appendix II, Annex 4.
BG.97-149 Report on Scholarships
New and revised scholarships, awards and prizes as approved by the Property and Finance Committee were reported in Appendix II, Annex 5. An addendum detailing the terms of reference of the Elizabeth A. Fowler Bursary (Any Faculty), approved by Property & Finance was distributed at the meeting for information.
BG.97-150 Environment and Safety Incidents
See Appendix II, Information Item 6, concerning a minor fire in Bayfield Hall.
BG.97-151 Internal Audit Annual Report for 1996-97
The 1996-97 Internal Audit Annual Report (Appendix III, Annex 1) was received for information.
Ms. Desmond asked for clarification of the statement the "Audit Committee members have expressed an interest in identifying risk areas to the University" found on page 4, item 3 of the Internal Audit Annual Report for 1996-97. Dr. Collins explained that one of the principal functions of the Audit Committee is to consider and report to the Board on areas where there is risk to the University for failing to fulfil its responsibilities in a number of areas. Occupational Health and Safety is one of several areas of potential liability. How that liability will be managed depends on the structures the administration has set up. The Audit Committee will remind Board members from time to time of those areas where the Board should be particularly diligent because of the liability exposure. The role of the Audit Committee and the Board is to ensure that the administration is managing business well and thereby minimizing the exposure/risk to the University and individual Board members. Dr. Mercer reported that a meeting was held recently with the external auditors, Ernst & Young, for the purpose of reviewing the areas of risk. The report from that meeting will form the foundation of a report to the Board.
BG.97-152 The 1997-98 Internal Audit Work Plan
The 1997-98 Internal Audit Work Plan outlined in Appendix III, Annex 1, Schedule 1, was provided for information.
BG.97-153 Schedule for the Review of the Audited Financial Statements
The schedule for the review of the audited financial statements for the year ended April 30, 1997, for The University of Western Ontario and associated companies, detailed in Information Item 3 of Appendix III, was received for information.
BG.97-154 Annual Report of the Department of Occupational Health and Safety
The Annual Report of the Department of Occupational Health and Safety (Appendix III, Annex 2) was provided for the information of the Board. The reporting cycle for the unit was recently changed from the fiscal year to the calendar year, and therefore the report covers the period January 1 - December 31, 1996.
BG.97-155 Revision to Special Resolution 9: Election Procedures
It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by W. Gibson,
That the following articles of Special Resolution 9: Election Procedures, be amended as shown below with respect to:
Undergraduate Student Constituency
2.The Secretary of the Board may employ the USC Election Committee to supervise campaigning by candidates, to conduct on-campus elections of students to the Board and to count the poll, but any decision that a candidate be disqualified may be appealed to the Secretary of the Board by 4:00 p.m. of the second working day following the date of the letter notifying the candidate of the Election Committee's decision that the candidate be disqualified. Where there is inconsistency between the policies and procedures stated in USC Resolution Six and those of the Board, the policies and procedures of the Board shall take precedence and the final authority for resolving all disputes in such matters shall rest with the Secretary of the Board.
16.A recount requested by any candidate will be conducted if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Board and the Chair of the Board, there are sufficient grounds. The request for a recount together with a statement of grounds for the request must be received by the Secretary of the Board by 4:00 p.m. of the second working day after the closing of the polls.
BG.97-156 Board of Governors Election Schedule - 1997
The Board of Governors Election Schedule for 1997, detailed in Appendix IV, page 2, was received for information.
BG.97-157 Statement of Financial Transactions for the Year Ended April 30, 1997 - McIntosh Estate
It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by S. Desmond,
That the Board approve the statement of financial transactions (Appendix V, Annex 1) for the year ended April 30, 1997, in respect to income received by The University of Western Ontario from the McIntosh Estate.
The Board was advised that the budget of the McIntosh Gallery is approximately $400,000 per year which includes approximately $200,000 subsidy from Western with the balancing coming from grants received from various arts councils and granting organizations.
BG.97-158 Appropriations from the McIntosh Estate Funds for the Year Ending April 30, 1998
It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by H. Taylor,
That the Board approve appropriations from the McIntosh Estate funds for the year ending April 30, 1998, as follows (details are shown in Appendix V, Annex 2):
I.Prizes and Scholarships
- Geography 890
- Business Administration 950
- Public Speaking 1,800
II.Promotion of Music 5,900
Pictures 4,200
TOTAL 13,740
BG.97-159 McIntosh Gallery Committee: Members-At-Large
It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by T. Vine,
That the terms of the following members-at-large be renewed for one more year:
Jim Moscovich, Dalin Jameson, Dino Bidinosti and Ian Tripp.
BG.97-160 Chair, McIntosh Gallery Committee
The McIntosh Gallery Committee has elected David Laidler as its Chair.
BG.97-161 Size and Value of the University Art Collection
The Board was advised that as of December 31, 1996, there were 2,222 works in the University Art Collection with an appraised value for insurance purposes of $5,520,750.
BG.97-162 President's Priorities for 1997-98
It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by W. Gibson,
That the Board of Governors approve the President's priorities for 1997-98, detailed in Appendix VI, Annex 1.
BG.97-163 Presidential Review Committee
It was moved by J. Hewitt, seconded by J. Starkey,
That consideration of slate of nominees for the Presidential Review Committee be postponed to the closed session of the Board meeting.
BG.97-164 October Board Meeting in Conjunction with the University's Annual Meeting
It was moved by C. Weldon, seconded by L. Whittaker,
That the October 30*, 1997, Board meeting be held at the London Convention Centre at 9:00 a.m. at the London Convention Centre, immediately following the University's Annual Meeting.
Mr. Garrard explained that after last year's Annual Meeting, it was determined that an early morning meeting would be the most convenient for the community stakeholders. Therefore it is planned that the Annual Meeting will be a breakfast meeting starting at 7:30 a.m..
The question was called and CARRIED.
* [Secretary's Note: Subsequent to this meeting of the Board, because of scheduling difficulties, the date of this meeting has been changed to October 29, 1997.]
BG.97-165 Changes in Committee and Board Meeting Dates
It was moved by J. Collins and seconded by L. Whittaker,
That the following committee and Board meeting dates be changed:
The Campus & Community Affairs Committee scheduled for September 8 changed to September 15, 1997, at 5:00
The Senior Operations Committee and Property & Finance Committee meetings scheduled for September 15 changed to September 22, 1997, at noon and 2:00 respectively.
The Board of Governors meeting scheduled for September 25 changed to October 2, 1997, at 3:30 p.m.
BG.97-166 Procedures for Joint Appointments Within the University
It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by H. Taylor,
That the Board of Governors approve the Procedures for Joint Appointments Within The University contained in Appendix VII, Annex 1.
BG.97-167 Amendments to Conditions of Appointment Relating to Joint Appointments
It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by C. Weldon,
That the Board of Governors approve the following amendments to Conditions of Appointment:
1. Immediately preceding A.9 in the Joint Appointments section: (a) reproduce the sentence that appears in parentheses above B.15 relating to Joint Faculty Committees on Promotion and Tenure; and (b) add a reference to Joint Appointments Committees, Joint Department Committees on Promotion and Tenure and Joint Faculty Grievance Committees as follows:
"Joint Appointments
(Joint Appointments Committees and Joint Department Committees on Promotion and Tenure may be appropriate. Also, Joint Faculty Committees on Promotion and Tenure and Joint Faculty Grievance Committees may be appropriate if the appointments are across two or more Faculties.)"
2. Add the word "Joint" in front of "Appointments Committee" in A.10(d) as follows:
"Where it is proposed to alter an existing continuing joint appointment during its term by changing the defined designation of the proportion of responsibility to the Department (Faculty), such changes shall be considered by the Joint Appointments Committee. The appointee's consent to the proposed action of the Joint Appointments Committee shall be required before that Committee's recommendation is sent forward."
BG.97-168 Appointments Procedures: Directors, Faculty of Communications and Open Learning
It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by J. Collins,
That section R. of Appointments Procedures, dealing with selection committees for Directors of the Faculty of Part-Time and Continuing Education be replaced by a new section - Directors, Faculty of Communications and Open Learning - as detailed below.
Composition of Selection Committees
A committee to select a Director of Continuing Studies shall consist of:
(a) the Dean of the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning, who
shall be Chair
(b) the Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
(c) 2 persons elected by the Council of the Faculty of Communications and
Open Learning
(d) 2 persons elected by Senate
A committee to select a Resident Director of the Trois-Pistoles French Immersion School shall consist of:
(a) the Dean of the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning, who
shall be Chair
(b) the Chair of the Department of French
(c) 2 persons elected by the Council of the Faculty of Communications and
Open Learning
Director of Continuing Studies
If the proposed Director has an academic appointment with tenure, he/she shall be appointed for a term of five years, which may be renewed; if the proposed Director does not have an appointment with tenure, the term shall be for an indefinite period.
Resident Director of the Trois-Pistoles French Immersion School
Dependent upon the status and qualifications of the successful candidate, the Director of the Trois-Pistoles French Immersion School shall be either a tenured faculty member, appointed as a Director for a term of three to five years (renewable); a limited-term faculty member, teaching one course for the Department of French, with a term of three years (renewable); or a member of staff with an indefinite term, concurrently teaching one course for the Department of French on a part-time basis.
BG.97-169 Appointments Procedures: Director of Animal Care and Veterinary Services
It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by J. Collins,
That section X. of Appointments Procedures, dealing with the composition of a selection committee for a Director of Animal Care and Veterinary Services, be amended by deleting "the Vice-Provost Health Sciences". The Selection Committee would therefore consist of:
(a) the Vice-President (Research), who shall be Chair
(b) the Chair of the University Council on Animal Care
(c) 4 persons elected by the University Council on Animal Care
(d) 3 persons elected by Senate, who are not members of the University Council on Animal
Care, and only one of whom may be a Dean.
BG.97-169 Procedures for the Review of Undergraduate Programs
It was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by R. Mathur,
That formal Undergraduate Program Reviews at The University of Western Ontario take place on the occasion of:
a) "Faculty Reviews" in Faculties without department structure, or where programs are Faculty-based, such that only a more comprehensive "Faculty Review" is positioned to examine them;
b) "Department/School Reviews" for programs which are departmentally- or School-based. In situations where programs are shared among departments, it is recommended that, unless specified otherwise by the Program Review Committee, the shared program be reviewed at each of the related "Department Reviews";
c) "Accreditation Reviews" for programs where the unit so chooses and where it can satisfy the Program Review Committee that the Review meets the UPRAC criteria.
That a Provost's Undergraduate Program Review Committee (PRC) be formed to act with and for the Provost in the matter of undergraduate program review. It is recommended that this committee be composed of one tenured faculty member (or Sequential-Term Continuing in clinical departments), duly elected by the respective Faculty Council, from each Faculty with an undergraduate program. It is recommended that two undergraduate students be appointed by the Provost in consultation with the University Students' Council.
BG.97-170 Report of the Academic Colleague on the 236th Meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities
See Appendix VII, Annex 3.
BG.97-171 Announcements
Announcements appear in Appendix VII, Information Item 3.
BG.97-172 Status of Middlesex College Renovations
Mr. Bateman asked about the status of Middlesex College renovations and the effect the renovations will have on the Journalism students currently located in that building who are to be moved to Elborn College. Concerns have been conveyed to him that students will have difficulty accessing equipment, etc., during renovations. Dr. Moran reminded the Board that it is essential to move extremely quickly with plans to renovate Middlesex College in order to take advantage of the Infrastructure funds available from the government. All renovations must be completed by the end of March 1998. There have been no disruptions so far; construction will start early this fall. It is not expected that students' access to technical equipment should be affected. The pace of the project has caused a number of short circuits in communications. There will be a meeting with representatives of the students in Journalism on June 30 to clarify the situation. Two meetings will be held July 4, the first with the students, faculty and staff in the Graduate School of Journalism, and a followup meeting with all members of the Faculty of Communications and Open Learning to involve them as much as possible in the process and provide an update on the project. Dr. Moran assured the Board that the administration is doing its best to keep all parties informed in a situation where the pace is faster than normal.
B. Peel, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary