Soochow - Western 2+2 Ph.D. ProgramWestern Science

Why Graduate School?

Western University, Graduate Studies - Research Symposium

A graduate education helps advance your knowledge in a particular field(s), fostering your intellect and enabling you to apply your research to the benefit of society.

Career Advantages

The Council of Ontario Universities released its University Works - 2014 Employment Report, summarizing employment outcomes by levels of educational attainment. The report, based on Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey, reveals that relative to all other educational attainment groups in Ontario, Master’s and PhD graduates:

Have the lowest level of unemployment

Council of Ontario Universities - Employment Rate

Have the most stable employment rate

Council of Ontario Universities - Employment Rate

Have experienced the largest growth in employment since 2002

Council of Ontario Universities - Employment Growth

Have experienced the largest increase in employment since the 2008 economic crisis

Council of Ontario Universities - Employment Increase

Academic Advantages

For more information, please review Your Future: A Guide for Potential Graduate Students by the Canadian Association of Graduate Studies.