Western Research

Funding Opportunites - Research
Further details regarding this announcement can be found at:

Grant Amount: $15,000
Deadline: Dean's: Contact your Faculty Research Office for deadline details.
Internal: N/A
Sponsor's: N/A

Subject Areas:

Mitacs Accelerate International supports bilateral research collaborations between graduate students, universities, and industry partners, both in Canada and around the world.

Accelerate International provides: An opportunity for Canadian researchers to connect with global industry. International universities and faculty members can also participate. International research experience for the participating student, who undertakes a 16- to 24-week research project at the industry partner?s offices or facilities (and applicable participating universities) A $15,000 CAD research grant in the Canadian professor?s name to support student travel and accommodation expenses, research-related expenses, and student stipend.

Application Details: Contact your Mitacs Business Development representative for support during the project set-up and application process. Applicants are encouraged to apply at least 16 weeks prior to project start date to ensure time for adjudication, filing of appropriate documentation, and travel and accommodation arrangements. Consult with your home university?s international office to determine any requirements for travel to and research abroadSend a draft of your proposal to your Mitacs Business Development Representative prior to obtaining all signatures and submitting. Contact researchoffice@uwo.ca to obtain institutional approvals.

NOTE: All research-related grant applications, letters of intent, contracts and agreements requiring an institutional or organizational signature must submit related documents to the Office of Research Services for review and approval. Requests for institutional signature should be received a minimum of five to ten business days before the posted Sponsor deadline. Please see Western Research's website regarding the institutional signatory process for more details. Specific opportunities may have their own timelines and requirements for submissions. A ROLA Proposal submitted by the PI and bearing department and faculty approvals is required.
Western Contacts:

Sponsor Contacts:

100 College Street, Suite 522
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
416 650-8445