Research Western
Funding Opportunites - Research
Further details regarding this announcement can be found at:

Grant Amount: UP TO $25,000
Deadline: Dean's: Contact your Faculty Research Office for deadline details.
Internal: Nov 09, 2020
Sponsor's: Nov 16, 2020

Subject Areas:

Funded by the Office of the Vice President (Research), this initiative will provide one-year funding to eligible Early Career Researchers who have completed their highest degree no more than six years before the competition deadline OR have held a tenured or tenure-track postsecondary appointment for less than six years. The researcher must be capable of independently publishing, supervising and applying for funding. Any circumstances that arise from SSHRCs rules on eligibility will be taken into consideration. The purpose of this funding is to develop new and competitive externally-funded research proposals in accordance with SSHRC expectations. This funding will also support Mid- or Senior Career Researchers who wish to propose a new project or program/area of research.

Applications should be completed according to the posted instructions. All applications with a ROLA proposal must be submitted to Research Development & Services (RD&S) by 4:30 pm on the deadline date. If a deadline date falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline will be extended to the next business day. It is the responsibility of the researcher to ensure that all conditions are met and that the application is complete and submitted to RD&S as required. Late, ineligible or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Application Details: This program is administered by the Internal Grants Coordinator in Research Development and Services under the general terms of reference outlined in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Board (SSHRB) guidelines. Completed submissions will be administered in electronic format only.
NOTE: All Letters of Intent and Full Applications must be processed through Research Development & Services for institutional approval. Requests for Institutional approvals should be received no less than 3 days prior to the posted Sponsor deadline. A ROLA Proposal (bearing applicant, Chair and Dean electronic approvals) is required for each submission.
Western Contacts:

Sponsor Contacts:

Research Development & Services
Room 5150, Suppport Services Building
Western University
London, Ontario, Canada
519 661-2111