Training Lab Schedule

Booking the Lab

The WTS computer training lab in the Support Services Building (SSB 5376) is primarily used by WTS for training. Any sessions (AM/PM) during the week that are not booked by WTS are available for use by other departments at Western and the Affiliated Colleges. Send your booking requests to In your email, please include your name, department, your possible session dates, and any training details.

NOTE! Due to the type of VDI systems in the lab, video conferencing platforms such as Zoom and Teams are not supported in the lab. As well, we recommend you arrange for a visit at least two weeks prior to any potential rental sessions you hope to book through WTS.

Lab Details

The WTS Computer Training Lab (SSB 5376) is located in the Support Services Building (1393 Western Road). There are 18 participant stations and one instructor station connected to a projector. Users cannot sign-in using their own credentials and must use the unique userid assigned to each station.

 Note! The WTS Training Lab is not available to external groups.

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