Leaders in Learning - Mechanical & Materials Engineering
Preliminary Draft 2004-2005

Please review the Preliminary Draft Guide for instructions in using this list.

Please Note: "Type" is listed for your information and will not be included in the final bibliography. Please submit a correction if the type is incorrect for an entry.


Klassen, R.J.

Klassen, R.J., B.J. Diak, and S. Saimoto. 2004 - Dec. Origin of the Depth Dependence of the Apparent Activation Volume in Polycrystalline 99.999% Cu Determined by Displacement Rate Change Micro-Indentation. Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 387-89: 297-301.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Weiler, J.P., J.T. Wood, R. Klassen, E. Maire, R. Berkmortel, and G. Wang. 2005 - Mar. Relationship Between Internal Porosity and Fracture Strength of Die-Cast Magnesium Am60b Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 395 (1-2): 315-322.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Contact Leslie Thomas-Smith, Western Archives at leadersinlearning@uwo.ca with questions or comments.
Last Updated 2006/01/17