Leaders in Learning - Otolaryngology
Preliminary Draft 2004-2005

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Department Authors



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Please Note: "Type" is listed for your information and will not be included in the final bibliography. Please submit a correction if the type is incorrect for an entry.


Doyle, P.C.

Eadie, T.L., and P.C. Doyle. 2005 - Mar. Classification of Dysphonic Voice: Acoustic and Auditory-Perceptual Measures. Journal of Voice 19 (1): 1-14.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Eadie, T.L., and P.C. Doyle. 2005 - Jan.-2005 - Feb. Quality of Life in Male Tracheoesophageal (Te) Speakers. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development 42 (1): 115-124.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Lampe, H.

Arellano, R., B.S. Gan, M.J. Salpeter, E. Yeo, S. Mccluskey, R. Pinto, J. Irish, D.C. Ross, D.J. Doyle, J. Parkin, D. Brown, L. Rotstein, I. Witterick, W. Matthews, J. Yoo, P.C. Neligan, P. Gullane, and H. Lampe. 2005 - June. A Triple-Blinded Randomized Trial Comparing the Hemostatic Effects of Large-Dose 10% Hydroxyethyl Starch 264/0.45 Versus 5% Albumin During Major Reconstructive Surgery. Anesthesia and Analgesia 100 (6): 1846-1853.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Parnes, L.S.

Banerjee, A., and L.S. Parnes. 2004 - Oct. The Biology of Intratympanic Drug Administration and Pharmacodynamics of Round Window Drug Absorption. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 37 (5): 1035-+.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Chandarana, S., L. Parnes, S. Agrawal, and K. Fung. 2005 - June. Quality of Life Following Small Fenestra Stapedotomy. Annals of Otology Rhinology and Laryngology 114 (6): 472-477.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Wright, E.D.

Brandt, M.G., and E.D. Wright. 2005 - June. Medical Student Career Choice and Mental Rotations Ability. Clinical and Investigative Medicine 28 (3): 112-117.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Yoo, J.

Arellano, R., B.S. Gan, M.J. Salpeter, E. Yeo, S. Mccluskey, R. Pinto, J. Irish, D.C. Ross, D.J. Doyle, J. Parkin, D. Brown, L. Rotstein, I. Witterick, W. Matthews, J. Yoo, P.C. Neligan, P. Gullane, and H. Lampe. 2005 - June. A Triple-Blinded Randomized Trial Comparing the Hemostatic Effects of Large-Dose 10% Hydroxyethyl Starch 264/0.45 Versus 5% Albumin During Major Reconstructive Surgery. Anesthesia and Analgesia 100 (6): 1846-1853.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Contact Leslie Thomas-Smith, Western Archives at leadersinlearning@uwo.ca with questions or comments.
Last Updated 2006/01/23