Leaders in Learning - Earth Sciences
Preliminary Draft 2004-2005

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Department Authors


WU, C.T.


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Please Note: "Type" is listed for your information and will not be included in the final bibliography. Please submit a correction if the type is incorrect for an entry.


Caldwell, W.G.E.

He, S., T.K. Kyser, and W.G.E. Caldwell. 2005 - Feb. Paleoenvironment of the Western Interior Seaway Inferred From Delta O-18 and Delta C-13 Values of Molluscs From the Cretaceous Bearpaw Marine Cyclothem. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 217 (1-2): 67-85.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Dineva, S.

Dineva, S., D. Eaton, and R. Mereu. 2004 - Oct. Seismicity of the Southern Great Lakes: Revised Earthquake Hypocenters and Possible Tectonic Controls. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 94 (5): 1902-1918.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Dreimanis, A.

Dreimanis, A., and P. Gibbard. 2005 - May. Stratigraphy and Sedimentation of the Stratotype Sections of the Catfish Creek Drift Formation Between Bradtville and Plum Point, North Shore, Lake Erie, Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Boreas 34 (2): 101-122.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Duke, N.A.

Carpenter, R.L., N.A. Duke, H.A. Sandeman, and R. Stern. 2005 - May. Relative and Absolute Timing of Gold Mineralization Along the Meliadine Trend, Nunavut, Canada: Evidence for Paleoproterozoic Gold Hosted in an Archean Greenstone Belt. Economic Geology 100 (3): 567-576.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Eaton, D.W.

Dineva, S., D. Eaton, and R. Mereu. 2004 - Oct. Seismicity of the Southern Great Lakes: Revised Earthquake Hypocenters and Possible Tectonic Controls. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 94 (5): 1902-1918.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Eaton, D.W., A.G. Jones, and I.J. Ferguson. 2004 - Oct. Lithospheric Anisotropy Structure Inferred From Collocated Teleseismic and Magnetotelluric Observations: Great Slave Lake Shear Zone, Northern Canada. Geophysical Research Letters 31 (19)
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Li, T.L., and D.W. Eaton. 2005 - Jan. On the Roles of Magnetization and Topography in the Scaling Behaviour of Magnetic-Anomaly Fields. Geophysical Journal International 160 (1): 46-54.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Murphy, C., and D. Eaton. 2005 - Jan.-2005 - Feb. Empirlocal Site Response for Polaris Stations in Southern Ontaria, Canada. Seismological Research Letters 76 (1): 99-109.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

O'dowd, C.R., D. Eaton, D. Forsyth, and H.W. Asmis. 2004 - Sept. Structural Fabric of the Central Metasedimentary Belt of Southern Ontario, Canada, From Deep Seismic Profiling. Tectonophysics 388 (1-4): 145-159.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Fleet, M.E.

Angeli, W., W. Teixeira, L. Heaman, M. Moore, M.E. Fleet, and K. Sato. 2004 - Aug. Geochronology of the Lpanema Layered Mafic-Ultramafic Complex, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Evidence of Extension at the Meso-Neoproterozoic Time Boundary. International Geology Review 46 (8): 730-744.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Fleet, M.E., S.L. Harmer, X. Liu, and H.W. Nesbitt. 2005 - June. Polarized X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Xps of Tis3: S K- and Ti L-Edge Xanes and S and Ti 2p Xps. Surface Science 584 (2-3): 133-145.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Fleet, M.E., and X.Y. Liu. 2004 - Sept. Location of Type B Carbonate Ion in Type a-B Carbonate Apatite Synthesized at High Pressure. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 177 (9): 3174-3182.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Fleet, M.E., X.Y. Liu, and P.L. King. 2004 - Oct. Accommodation of the Carbonate Ion in Apatite: an Ftir and X-Ray Structure Study of Crystals Synthesized at 2-4 Gpa. American Mineralogist 89 (10): 1422-1432.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Harmer, S.L., A.R. Pratt, W.H. Nesbitt, and M.E. Fleet. 2004 - July. Sulfur Species at Chalcopyrite (Cufes2) Fracture Surfaces. American Mineralogist 89 (7): 1026-1032.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Kravtsova, A.N., I.E. Stekhin, A.V. Soldatov, M.E. Fleet, and S.L. Harmer. 2005 - June. Local and Electronic Structure of Fes, Cos, Nis: Ultrasoft Sulfur L-2,(3) X-Ray Absorption Spectra Analysis. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 144: 525-527.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Soldatov, A.V., A.N. Kravtsova, M.E. Fleet, and S.L. Harmer. 2004 - Oct. Electronic Structure of Mes (Me = Ni, Co, Fe): X-Ray Absorption Analysis. Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 16 (41): 7545-7556.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Fyfe, W.S.

Fyfe, W.S. 2005 - June. Some Thoughts After 32nd Igc, Florence 2004. Episodes 28 (2): 136. Letter.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Monteiro, R.N., W.S. Fyfe, and F. Chemale. 2004. The Impact of the Linkage Between Grade Distribution and Petrofabric on the Understanding of Structurally Controlled Mineral Deposits: Ouro Fino Gold Mine, Brazil. Journal of Structural Geology 26 (6-7): 1195-1214.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Jiang, D.Z.

Jiang, D.Z., and P.F. Williams. 2004. Reference Frame, Angular Momentum, and Porphyroblast Rotation. Journal of Structural Geology 26 (12): 2211-2224.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Jiang, D.Z., and P.F. Williams. 2005. Reply to the Comments by Domingo Aerden on "Reference Frame, Angular Momentum, and Porphyroblast Rotation". Journal of Structural Geology 27 (6): 1134-1137. Editorial Material.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Jin, J.S.

Jin, J. 2005 - Jan. Reef-Dwelling Gypiduloid Brachiopods in the Lower Silurian Attawapiskat Formation, Hudson Bay Region. Journal of Paleontology 79 (1): 48-62.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Jin, J.S., and P. Copper. 2004 - Sept. Evolution of the Early Silurian Rhynchonellide Brachiopod Stegerhynchus, Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada. Journal of Paleontology 78 (5): 866-883.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Zhan, R.B., and J.S. Jin. 2005 - June. Brachiopods From the Middle Ordovician Shihtzupu Formation of Yunnan Province, China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 50 (2): 365-393.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

King, P.L.

Fleet, M.E., X.Y. Liu, and P.L. King. 2004 - Oct. Accommodation of the Carbonate Ion in Apatite: an Ftir and X-Ray Structure Study of Crystals Synthesized at 2-4 Gpa. American Mineralogist 89 (10): 1422-1432.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

King, P.L., D.T. Lescinsky, and H.W. Nesbitt. 2004 - Dec. The Composition and Evolution of Primordial Solutions on Mars, With Application to Other Planetary Bodies. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (23): 4993-5008. Review.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Lengke, M.F.

Lengke, M.F., and R.N. Tempel. 2005 - Jan. Geochemical Modeling of Arsenic Sulfide Oxidation Kinetics in a Mining Environment. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (2): 341-356.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Lescinsky, D.T.

King, P.L., D.T. Lescinsky, and H.W. Nesbitt. 2004 - Dec. The Composition and Evolution of Primordial Solutions on Mars, With Application to Other Planetary Bodies. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (23): 4993-5008. Review.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Longstaffe, F.J.

Sare, D.T.J., J.S. Millar, and F.J. Longstaffe. 2005 - May. Nitrogen- and Carbon-Isotope Fractionation Between Mothers and Offspring in Red-Backed Voles (Clethrionomys Gapperi). Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 83 (5): 712-716.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Sare, D.T.J., J.S. Millar, and F.J. Longstaffe. 2005 - May. Tracing Dietary Protein in Red-Backed Voles (Clethrionomys Gapperi) Using Stable Isotopes of Nitrogen and Carbon. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 83 (5): 717-725.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Whalen, J.B., V.J. Mcnicoll, A.G. Galley, and F.J. Longstaffe. 2004 - July. Tectonic and Metallogenic Importance of an Archean Composite High- and Low-Al Tonalite Suite, Western Superior Province, Canada. Precambrian Research 132 (3): 275-301.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Whalen, J.B., J.A. Percival, V.J. Mcnicoll, and F.J. Longstaffe. 2004 - July. Geochemical and Isotopic (Nd-O) Evidence Bearing on the Origin of Late- to Post-Orogenic High-K Granitoid Rocks in the Western Superior Province: Implications for Late Archean Tectonomagmatic Processes. Precambrian Research 132 (3): 303-326.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

White, C.D., A.J. Nelson, and F.J. Longstaffe. 2005. Isotopic Evidence of Peripatetic Behaviour at Pacatnamu, Peru. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 40: 221-222.
Type: Abstract

White, C.D., M.W. Spence, F.J. Longstaffe, and K.R. Law. 2004 - Dec. Demography and Ethnic Continuity in the Tlailotlacan Enclave of Teotihuacan: the Evidence From Stable Oxygen Isotopes. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 23 (4): 385-403.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Mansinha, L.

Hayes, T.J., S.R. Valluri, and L. Mansinha. 2004 - Dec. Gravitational Effects From Earthquakes. Canadian Journal of Physics 82 (12): 1027-1040.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Pinnegar, C.R., and L. Mansinha. 2004 - Dec. Time-Frequency Localization With the Hartley S-Transform. Signal Processing 84 (12): 2437-2442.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Pinnegar, C.R., and L. Mansinha. 2004 - July. Time-Local Fourier Analysis With a Scalable, Phase-Modulated Analyzing Function: the S-Transform With a Complex Window. Signal Processing 84 (7): 1167-1176.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Zhou, Y., J. Starkey, and L. Mansinha. 2004 - Oct. Identification of Mineral Grains in a Petrographic Thin Section Using Phi- and Max-Images. Mathematical Geology 36 (7): 781-801.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Zhou, Y., J. Starkey, and L. Mansinha. 2004 - Oct. Segmentation of Petrographic Images by Integrating Edge Detection and Region Growing. Computers & Geosciences 30 (8): 817-831.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Mereu, R.

Dineva, S., D. Eaton, and R. Mereu. 2004 - Oct. Seismicity of the Southern Great Lakes: Revised Earthquake Hypocenters and Possible Tectonic Controls. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 94 (5): 1902-1918.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Nesbitt, H.W.

Fleet, M.E., S.L. Harmer, X. Liu, and H.W. Nesbitt. 2005 - June. Polarized X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Xps of Tis3: S K- and Ti L-Edge Xanes and S and Ti 2p Xps. Surface Science 584 (2-3): 133-145.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Harmer, S.L., and H.W. Nesbitt. 2004 - Aug. Stabilization of Pyrite (Fes2),Marcasite (Fes2), Arsenopyrite (Feass) and Loellingite (Feas(2)) Surfaces by Polymerization and Auto-Redox Reactions. Surface Science 564 (1-3): 38-52.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Harmer, S.L., A.R. Pratt, W.H. Nesbitt, and M.E. Fleet. 2004 - July. Sulfur Species at Chalcopyrite (Cufes2) Fracture Surfaces. American Mineralogist 89 (7): 1026-1032.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

King, P.L., D.T. Lescinsky, and H.W. Nesbitt. 2004 - Dec. The Composition and Evolution of Primordial Solutions on Mars, With Application to Other Planetary Bodies. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (23): 4993-5008. Review.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Secco, R.A.

Poissant, R.R., Y.N. Huang, and R.A. Secco. 2004 - Sept. A Study of the Sorbate-Sorbent Interactions in Xylenes/Zeolite Y Systems by Ft-Raman Spectroscopy. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 74 (1-3): 231-238.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Secco, E.A., and R.A. Secco. 2004 - Oct. Heats of Solution/Substitution and of Fusion of Cs(1-X)Kxcl Compositions 0 < X < 0.57 By Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 65 (10): 1727-1730.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Southam, G.

Pace, D.L., R.E. Mielke, G. Southam, and T.L. Porter. 2005 - May-2005 - June. Scanning Force Microscopy Studies of the Colonization and Growth of A. Ferrooxidans on the Surface of Pyrite Minerals. Scanning 27 (3): 136-140.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Starkey, J.

Zhou, Y., J. Starkey, and L. Mansinha. 2004 - Oct. Identification of Mineral Grains in a Petrographic Thin Section Using Phi- and Max-Images. Mathematical Geology 36 (7): 781-801.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Zhou, Y., J. Starkey, and L. Mansinha. 2004 - Oct. Segmentation of Petrographic Images by Integrating Edge Detection and Region Growing. Computers & Geosciences 30 (8): 817-831.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Tiampo, K.F.

Tiampo, K.F., J. Fernandez, G. Jentzsch, M. Charco, and J.B. Rundle. 2004 - July. New Results at Mayon, Philippines, From a Joint Inversion of Gravity and Deformation Measurements. Pure and Applied Geophysics 161 (7): 1433-1452.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Tiampo, K.F., J. Fernandez, G. Jentzsch, M. Charco, and J.B. Rundle. 2004 - Nov.-2004 - Dec. Volcanic Source Inversion Using a Genetic Algorithm and an Elastic-Gravitational Layered Earth Model for Magmatic Intrusions. Computers & Geosciences 30 (9-10): 985-1001.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Tiampo, K.F., J.B. Rundle, W. Klein, Y. Ben-Zion, and S. Mcginnis. 2004 - Oct. Using Eigenpattern Analysis to Constrain Seasonal Signals in Southern California. Pure and Applied Geophysics 161 (9-10): 1991-2003.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Tiampo, K.F., J.B. Rundle, W. Klein, and J.S.S. Martins. 2004 - Oct. Ergodicity in Natural Fault Systems. Pure and Applied Geophysics 161 (9-10): 1957-1968.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Tiampo, K.F., J.B. Rundle, J.S.S. Martins, W. Klein, and S. Mcginnis. 2004 - July. Methods for Evaluation of Geodetic Data and Seismicity Developed With Numerical Simulations: Review and Applications. Pure and Applied Geophysics 161 (7): 1489-1507.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Tiede, C., K. Tiampo, J. Fernandez, and C. Gerstenecker. 2005. Deeper Understanding of Non-Linear Geodetic Data Inversion Using a Quantitative Sensitivity Analysis. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 12 (3): 373-379.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Webb, E.A.

Webb, E.A., H.P. Schwarcz, and P.F. Healy. 2004 - Aug. Detection of Ancient Maize in Lowland Maya Soils Using Stable Carbon Isotopes: Evidence From Caracol, Belize. Journal of Archaeological Science 31 (8): 1039-1052.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Wu, C.T.

Backor, M., D. Fahselt, and C.T. Wu. 2004 - July. Free Proline Content Is Positively Correlated With Copper Tolerance of the Lichen Photobiont Trebouxia Erici (Chlorophyta). Plant Science 167 (1): 151-157.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Wu, C.T. 2004 - Sept.-2004 - Oct. Obituary - Wilhelmus K De Jongh. X-Ray Spectrometry 33 (5): 391.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Young, G.M.

Young, G.M., W.E.L. Minter, and J.N. Theron. 2004 - Nov. Geochemistry and Palaeogeography of Upper Ordovician Glaciogenic Sedimentary Rocks in the Table Mountain Group, South Africa. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 214 (4): 323-345.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Young, G.M., C.S.J. Shaw, and C.M. Fedo. 2004 - Aug. New Evidence Favouring an Endogenic Origin for Supposed Impact Breccias in Huronian (Paleoproterozoic) Sedimentary Rocks. Precambrian Research 133 (1-2): 63-74.
Type: Journal Article
Refereed/Peer-Reviewed: YES NO (Please circle)

Contact Leslie Thomas-Smith, Western Archives at leadersinlearning@uwo.ca with questions or comments.
Last Updated 2006/01/18