Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

Modern Languages & Literatures: 2000-2001


Adamson, M.W. 2001. Cookbooks. Medieval Germany, An Encyclopedia. J.M. Jeep. New York, NY: Garland Publishing. 151-152.

Adamson, M.W. 2000. Daz buoch von guoter spise (The Book of Good Food): A Study, Edition, and English Translation of the Oldest German Cookbook. Medium Aevum Quotidianum, Sonderband IX. Vienna: Krems Kopitu. 125 pp.

Adamson, M.W. 2001. Diet and Nutrition. Medieval Germany, An Encyclopedia. J.M. Jeep. New York, NY: Garland Publishing. 166.


Darby, D. 2000. Photography, Narrative, and the Landscape of Memory in Walter Benjamin's Berlin. Germanic Review 75 (3): 210-225.


Esterhammer, A. 2000. Cognitive Process and Commanding Genius. The Coleridge Bulletin 16 (Winter): 56-62.

Esterhammer, A. 2000. Godwin's Suspicion of Speech Acts. Studies in Romanticism 39 (4): 553-578.

Esterhammer, A. 2000. Of Promises, Contracts, and Constitutions: Thomas Reid and Jeremy Bentham on Language as Social Action. Romanticism 6 (1): 55-77.

Esterhammer, A. 2001. The Performative in Romantic Theory and Practice: On the Linguistic Philosophy of Coleridge and Humboldt. Romanticism in Theory. L. Moller, and M.-L. Svane. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University Press. 58-72.

Esterhammer, A. 2000. The Romantic Performative: Language and Action in British and German Romanticism. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. xv, 357 pp.

Esterhammer, A. 2000. Susan Ferrier's Allusions: Comedy, Morality, and the Presence of Milton. Jane Austen and Mary Shelley and Their Sisters. L. Dabundo. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America. 61-67.


Ilinka, A., and C. Mihailescu. 2000. Puns Upon a Time. Exquisite Corpse: A Journal of Letters and Life 5-6 (June/July). Online at http://www.corpse.org/issue_5/ficciones/mihaile.htm.

Mihailescu, C. 2000. Dasterben. Subjectul mortii la Foucault (Romanian translation of Dasterben. The Subject of Death in Foucault). Viata Romaneasca 95 (3-4): 242-250.

Mihailescu, C. 2000. Du siècle, la fin. "The Trouble with Literature" forum. Literary Research/Recherche Littéraire 17 (34): 263-265.

Mihailescu, C. 2000. Exile Ain't the Same, Theoretical Concerns. Identity and Alterity in Literature, 18th - 20th c. The Greek General and Comparative Literature Association Second International Congress, Vol. 2. Athens, Greece: Z. Siaflekis, and R. Polycandrioti. Athens: Domos. 241-253.

Mihailescu, C. 2000. Les grandes figures de la désillusion: Hamlet, Faust, Don Quichotte. L'Époque de la Renaissance (1400-1600), Tome IV: Crises et essors nouveaux (1560- 1610). T. Klaniczay, E. Kushner, and P. Chavy. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing. 597-609.

Mihailescu, C. 2000. Intervention, "Cum Recunoasteti O Carte Buna? (How do you recognize a good book?). Romania Literara 17 (3-4): 51-52. Romanian text.

Mihailescu, C. 2000. Literary Research/Recherche Littéraire. 17 (34). (Editor) Fall/Winter 2000, University of Western Ontairo, London, Canada.

Mihailescu, C. 2001. Literary Research/Recherche Littéraire. 18 (35). (Editor) Spring/Summer 2001, University of Western Ontairo, London, Canada.

Mihailescu, C. 2000. Le monde renversé . L'Époque de la Renaissance, Tome IV: Crises et essors nouveaux (1560-1610). T. Klaniczay, E. Kushner, and P. Chavy. Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 553-561.

Mihailescu, C. 2000. Of This and That Versatile Craft (Afterword). This Craft of Verse. J.L. Borges. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 144-150. Editor.

Mihailescu, C. 2001. Panic Syndrome, by D.R. Popa. Exquisite Corpse: A Journal of Letters and Life: 9 (May). Translation by C.-A. Mihailescu and R. Uritescu. Online at http://www.corpse.org/issue_9/ficciones/popa.htm.

Mihailescu, C. 2001. US(SR): Mirroring the Other's Wall. Review of Dreamworld and Catastrophe. The Passing of Mass Utopia in East and West, by S. Buck-Morss. Literary Research/Recherche Littéraire 18 (35): 149-156.