Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

 Faculty of Information & Media Studies: 1999-2000



Campbell, D.G. 2000. Straining the Standards: How Cataloging Websites for Curriculum Support Poses Fresh Problems for the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules. Metadata and Organizing Educational Resources on the Internet. J. Greenberg. New York: Haworth Press. 79-92.

Campbell, D.G. 2000. Straining the Standards: How Cataloging Websites for Curriculum Support Poses Fresh Problems for the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules. Journal of Internet Cataloging 3: 79-92.

Toms, E.G., and D.G. Campbell. 1999. Utilizing Information "Shape" as an Interface Metaphor Based on Genre. Information Science: Where Has It Been, Where Is It Going? Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science. Montreal, PQ: CAIS. 370-386.



Craven, T.C. 2000. Abstracts produced using computer assistance. Journal of the American Society for Information Science 51 (8): 745-756.



Dyer-Witheford, N. 1999. Cyber-Marx: Circuits and Cycles of Struggle in High-Technology Capitalism. Champagne, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. x, 344 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Dyer-Witheford, N. 1999. The Work in Digital Play: Video Gaming's Transnational and Gendered Division of Labor. Journal of International Communication 6 (1): 69-93.



Frohmann, B. 2000. Cyber-Ethics: Bodies or Bytes? International Information and Library Review 32: 423-435.

Frohmann, B. 2000. Discourse and Documentation: Some Implications for Pedagogy and Research. Journal of Library and Information Science Education 42: 13-28.



Grasely, C., J. Stickney, R. Harris, G. Hutchinson, L. Greaves, and T. Boyd. 1999. Assessing the Integrated Model of Services for Abused Women: A Consumers' Perspective. Centre for Research on Violence Against Women and Children: London, Ontario. Publication Series.

Harris, R. 1999. Gender and Technology Relations in Librarianship. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 40 (4): 232-246.

Harris, R. 2000. Introduction: Understanding Gender Relations in the Librarianship of the 90's. On Account of Sex: An Annotated Bibliography on the Status of Women in Librarianship. B. Kruger, and C. Larson. Metuchen, New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press. xiii-xxiii.

Harris, R. 2000. Sqeezing Librarians Out of the Middle: Gender and Technology in a Threatened Profession. Women, Work and Computerization: Charting a Course to the Future. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Women, Work and Computerization. Vancouver, British Columbia: June 2000. E. Balka, and R. Smith. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishing. 250-259.



McKechnie, L.E.F. 2000. Ethnographic observation of preschool children. Library and Information Science Research 22 (1): 61-76.

Rothbauer, P.M., and L.E.F. McKechnie. 2000. The treatment of gay and lesbian fiction for young adults in selected prominent reviewing media. Collection Building 19 (1): 5-16.



Mosco, V., and M. Pendakur. (Editors). 1999. The Journal of International Communication: Special Issue on Political Economy of Communication. 6 (1).

Pendakur, M. 2000. Herbert I Schiller (1919-2000): Radical scholar, teacher, activist. Media Development 47 (2): 37-38.



Robinson, D.J. 1999. The Measure of Democracy: Polling, Market Research, and Public Life, 1930-1945. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. iv, 252 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.



Ross, C.S. 1999. Finding without seeking: the information encounter in the context of reading for pleasure. Information Processing and Management 35 (6): 783-799.

Ross, C.S. 1999. Finding without seeking: What readers say about the role of pleasure-reading as a source of information. Exploring the Contexts of Information Behaviour. T.D. Wilson, and D.K. Allen. London, England: Taylor Graham Publishing. 343-355.

Ross, C.S. 2000. Readers, Reading and Librarians. The Acquisitions Librarian 25: 5-21.



Spencer, D. R. October 1999. Cowboy Capitalism. Money World: Re-Source Media. Prime TV. This was a first in a series of two programs.

Spencer, D. R. October 1999. Digital Popcorn. Money World: Re-Source Media. Prime TV. This was the second in a series of two programs.

Spencer, D.R. 1999. Divine Intervention: God, Working People, Labour Journalism. Journalism History 25 (3): 90-98.

Spencer, D.R. 2000. Double Vision: The Victorian Bi-Cultural World of Henri Julien. International Journal of Comic Art 2 (2): 1-32.

Spencer, D.R. 1999. Fact, Fiction or Fantasy: Canada and the War to End All Wars (Chapter 8). Picturing The Past: Media, History and Photography. B. Brennen, and H. Hardt. Urbana, Champagne, Illinois: University of Illinois Press. 182-205.

Spencer, D.R. 1999. Spreading the Word: London's Communications Industry. Downtown London: Layers of Time. 2nd ed. M. Baker. London, Ontario: LHAC. 137-147.

Spencer, D.R., and D. Godfrey. 2000. Canadian Marconi: A Study in Innovation from Signal Hill to CTV, A Pioneer's Story. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 44 (3): 437-455.



Muhlstein, A., and M.A. Wilkinson. 2000. Whither Industrial Design. Intellectual Property Journal 14 (Jan.): 1-57.

Wilkinson, M.A. 2000. Copyright in the Context of Intellectual Property: A Survey of Canadian University Policies. Intellectual Property Journal 14 (2): 141-184.

Wilkinson, M.A. 1999. Le droit d'auteur dans le contexte de la propriete intellectuelle: une analyse des politiques universitaires canadiennes. Cahiers de Propriete Intellectuelle 12 (1): 51-94. French translation of "Copyright in the Context of Intellectual Property: A Survey of Canadian University Policies". Translated by Me Stefan Martin du cabinet Byers, Casgain.

Wilkinson, M.A., and C. Painter. 1999. Shifting the Balance of Copyright Control for Photographic Works in Canada. Intellectual Property Journal 13 (3): 353-381.

Wilkinson, M.A., C. Walker, and P. Mercer. 2000. Do Codes of Ethics Actually Shape Legal Practice? McGill Law Journal 45 (3): 645-680.