Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

 Zoology: 1998-1999



Alisauskas, R.T., E.E. Klass, K.A. Hobson, and C.D. Ankney . 1998. Use of adventitious color and stable-carbon isotopes to discern winter origins of Lesser Snow Geese during spring. Journal of Field Ornithology 69: 262-268.

Boon, L.A., and C.D. Ankney. 1999. Body size, nest initiation date, and egg production by Ruddy Ducks. The Auk 116: 228-231.

Giesbrecht, D.S., and C.D. Ankney. 1999. Predation risk and foraging behavior: an experimental study of birds at feeders. Canadian Field-Naturalist 112: 668-675.



Atkinson, B.G., A.S. Warkman, and Y. Chen. 1998. Thyroid hormone induces a reprogramming of gene expression in the liver of premetamorphic Rana catesbeiana tadpoles. Wound Repair and Regeneration 6: 323-336.

Hu, H., P. Merrifield, and B.G. Atkinson. 1999. Expression of the myosin heavy chain genes in the tail muscle of thyroid hormone-induced metamorphosing Rana catesbeiana tadpoles. Developmental Genetics 24: 151-164.



Bailey, R.C., M.G. Kennedy, M.X. Dervish, and R. Taylor. 1998. Biological assessment of freshwater ecosystems using a reference condition approach: comparing predicted and actual benthic invertebrate communities in Yukon streams. Freshwater Biology 39: 765-774.

Chase, M.E., and R.C. Bailey. 1999. The ecology of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the lower Great Lakes of North America. I. Population dynamics and growth. Journal of Great Lakes Research 25: 107-121.

Chase, M.E., and R.C. Bailey. 1999. The ecology of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) in the lower Great Lakes of North America. II. Spatial and temporal variation in reproductive cycle and effort. Journal of Great Lakes Research 25: 122-134.



Skidmore, D., and G.M. Kelly. 1999. While merlin sleeps, Camelot yields. A review of the biology of neurofibromatosis and the role of merlin as a tumour suppressor. UWO Medical Journal.



Gegear, R.J., and T.M. Laverty. 1998. How many flower types can bumble bees forage on at the same time? Canadian Journal of Zoology 76: 1358-1365.

West, E.L., and T.M. Laverty. 1998. Effect of floral symmetry on bumble bee flower choice and foraging behaviour. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76: 730-739.



Duquette, L.S., and J.S. Millar. 1998. Litter sex ratio in a food supplemented population of Peromyscus mexicanus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76: 623-629.

McAdam, A.G., and J.S. Millar. 1999. Breeding by female young-of-the-year deer mice. Ecoscience 6: 400-405.

McAdam, A.G., and J.S. Millar. 1999. Dietary protein constraint on age at maturation: an experimental test with wild deer mice. Animal Ecology 68: 733-740.

Topping, M.G., and J.S. Millar. 1998. Mating patterns and reproductive success in the bushy-tailed woodrat (Neotoma cinerea) as revealed by DNA fingerprinting. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 43: 115-124.

Topping, M.G., and J.S. Millar. 1998. Mating success of male bushy-tailed woodrats: when bigger is not always better. Behavioral Ecology 10: 161-168.



Laberee, K., and C.L. Milligan. 1999. Lactate transport across sarcolemmal vesicles isolated from rainbow trout white muscle. Journal of Experimental Biology 202: 1-9.

McDonald, D.G., C.L. Milligan, W. McFarlane, S. Croke, S. Currie, B. Hooke, R.B. Angus, B.L. Tufts, and D. Davidson. 1998. Condition and performance of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Effects of rearing practices on hatchery fish and comparison with wild fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55: 1237-1247.

Wood, C.M., C.L. Milligan, and P.J. Walsh. 1999. Renal responses of freshwater trout of chronic respiratory acidoses and metabolic alkalosis. American Journal of Physiology 227: R340-R351.



Percival-Smith, A., and D.J. Hayden. 1998. Analysis in Drosophila melanogaster of the interaction between Sex Combs Reduced and Extradenticle activity in the determination of tarsus and arista identity. Genetics 150: 189-198.

Percival-Smith, A., and J.A. Laing-Bondy. 1999. Analysis of murine HOXA-2 activity in Drosophila melanogaster. Developmental Genetics 24: 336-344.



Hota-Mitchell, S., M.W. Clarke, R.B. Podesta, and G.A. Dekaban. 1999. Recombinant vaccinia viruses and gene gun vectors expressing the large subunit Schistosoma mansoni calpain used in a murine immunization-challenge model. Vaccine 17: 1338-1354.

Zhou, Y., and R.B. Podesta. 1998. Ring-shaped organization of cytoskeletal F-actin associated with surface sensory receptors of Schistosoma mansoni: A confocal and electron microscopic study. Tissue and Cell 24: 37-49.



McCurley, C.R., R.R. Shivers, and R.F. Del Maestro. 1998. Quantitative comparison of the morphology of the microvasculature of primary lung lesions and metastatic brain tumours. Journal of Submicroscopy Cytology and Pathology 30: 257-269.

Sedlakova, R., R.R. Shivers, and R.F. Del Maestro. 1999. Ultrastructure of the blood-brain barrier in the rabbit. Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and Pathology 31 (1).

Wijsman, J.A., and R.R. Shivers. 1998. Immortalized mouse brain endothelial cells are ultrastructurally similar to endothelial cells and respond to astrocyte conditioned medium. In Vitro (Animal) 34: 777-784.



Deb, P., T.A. Klempan, R.I. O'Reilly, and S.M. Singh. 1999. Search for retroviral related DNA polymorphisms using RAPD PCR in Schizophrenia. Biochemia et Biophysica Acta 1453: 216-220.

Deb, P., T.A. Klempan, R. O'Reilly, and S.M. Singh. 1998. A single-primer based retroviral-related DNA polymorphism shared by two distinct human populations. Genome 41: 662-668.

Klempan, T.A., P. Deb, R.L. O'Reilly, E.F. Torrey, and S.M. Singh. 1998. Characterization of retroviral sequences isolated from a monozygotic twin pair discordant for schizophrenia using RDA. Schizophrenia Research 29 (1,2): 140-141.



Ali, I., C. Finley, and J.E. Steele. 1998. Evidence for the participation of arachidonic acid metabolites in trehalose efflux from the hormone activated fat body of the cockroach (Periplaneta americana). Journal of Insect Physiology 44: 1119-1126.



Kavaliers, M., J.P. Wiebe, and K.-P. Ossenkopp. 1998. Brief exposure of mice to 60Hz magnetic fields reduces the analgesic effects of the neuroactive steroid, 3a-hydroxy-4-pregnen-20-one. Neuroscience Letters 257: 155-158.