Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

The University of Western Ontario

Medical Biophysics: 1997-1998



Eichelbroenner, O., C.G. Ellis, and W.J. Sibbald. 1998. The red blood cell: New ideas about an old friend. Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 1998. J.-L. Vincent. Springer. 191-201.



MacDonald, I.C., E.E. Schmidt, V.L. Morris, A.C. Groom, and A.F. Chambers. 1998. In vivo videomicroscopy of experimental hematogenous metastasis: Cancer cell arrest, extravasation, and migration (Chapter 12). Motion Analysis of Living Cells. D.R. Soll, and D. Wessels. New York, NY: Wiley-Liss, Inc. 263-288.



MacDonald, I.C., E.E. Schmidt, V.L. Morris, A.C. Groom, and A.F. Chambers. 1998. In vivo videomicroscopy of experimental hematogenous metastasis: Cancer cell arrest, extravasation, and migration (Chapter 12). Motion Analysis of Living Cells. D.R. Soll, and D. Wessels. New York, NY: Wiley-Liss, Inc. 263-288.



Fitzgerald, R.D., R.F. Potter, G.E. Dietz, and W.J. Sibbald. 1997. Animal models for blood transfusion: a model for sterile blood sampling in the rat. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica 111 (Supplementum): 253-256.

Piper, R.D., M.L. Pitt-Hyde, L.A. Anderson, W.J. Sibbald, and R.F. Potter. 1998. Leukocyte activation and flow behavior in rat skeletal muscle in sepsis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 157: 129-134.

Pudupakkam, S., K.A. Harris, W.G. Jamieson, G. DeRose, J.A. Scott, M.W. Carson, M.G. Schlag, P.R. Kvietys, and R.F. Potter. 1998. Ischemic tolerance in skeletal muscle: role of nitric oxide. American Journal of Physiology 275 (44): H94-H99.



Sundell, P.M., and M.R. Roach. 1998. The role of taper on the distribution of atherosclerosis in the human infra-renal aorta. Atherosclerosis 139: 123-129.



MacDonald, I.C., E.E. Schmidt, V.L. Morris, A.C. Groom, and A.F. Chambers. 1998. In vivo videomicroscopy of experimental hematogenous metastasis: Cancer cell arrest, extravasation, and migration (Chapter 12). Motion Analysis of Living Cells. D.R. Soll, and D. Wessels. New York, NY: Wiley-Liss, Inc. 263-288.



Moore, J.A., D.A. Steinman, and C.R. Ethier. 1998. Computational blood flow modelling: Errors associated with reconstructing finite element models from magnetic resonance images. Journal of Biomechanics 31: 179-184.

Steinman, D.A., and B.K. Rutt. 1998. On the nature and reduction of plaque-mimicking flow artifacts in black blood MRI of the carotid bifurcation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 39: 635-641.



Mitchell, D.J., J. Yu, and K. Tyml. 1998. Local L-NAME decreases blood flow and increases leukocyte adhesion via CD18. American Journal of Physiology 274 (43): H1264-H1268.

Tyml, K., J. Yu, and D.G. McCormack. 1998. Capillary and arteriolar responses to local vasodilators are impaired in a rat model of sepsis. Journal of Applied Physiology 84 (3): 837-844.


YU, J.

Mitchell, D.J., J. Yu, and K. Tyml. 1998. Local L-NAME decreases blood flow and increases leukocyte adhesion via CD18. American Journal of Physiology 274 (43): H1264-H1268.

Tyml, K., J. Yu, and D.G. McCormack. 1998. Capillary and arteriolar responses to local vasodilators are impaired in a rat model of sepsis. Journal of Applied Physiology 84 (3): 837-844.