Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

The University of Western Ontario

Anthropology: 1994-1995



Clark, A.K. 1995. Género, raza y nación: la protección a la infancia en el Ecuador, 1910-1945. Palabras del silencio: Las mujeres latinamericanas y su historia. M. Moscoso. Quito, Ecuador: Talleres gráficos Abya-Yala. 219-256.

Clark, A.K. 1994. Los indios, el estado y la ley: los trabajos públicos y la pugna por el control de la mano de obra en el Ecuador del período Liberal. Revista Memoria 4: 53-86.



Tucker, A.N., and C.A. Creider. (Editor). 1994. A Grammar of Kenya Luo (Dholuo). Nilo-Saharan, Vol. 8. Köln, Germany: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag Köln. 625 pp.



Darnell, R.D. 1994. Biographical sketches of Franz Boas; Edward Sapir; Alfred Kroeber. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. R.E. Asher. New York, NY: Pergamon Press.

Darnell, R.D. 1995. Documenting Disciplinary History. Preserving the Anthropological Record. 2nd ed. S. Silverman, and N.J. Parezo. New York, NY: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. 73-83.

Darnell, R.D. 1994. Obituary of Sally M. Weaver (1940-1993). Anthropologie et Societe : 237-238.

Darnell, R.D. 1994. Private Discourse, Public Discourse and Algonquian Oral Tradition. Actes du Vingt-Cinquième: Congrès des Algonquinistes. W. Cowan. Ottawa, Ontario: Carleton Production Centre, Carleton University. 72-82.

Darnell, R.D., and J. Irvine. 1994. The Collected Works of Edward Sapir IV: Ethnology. The Collected Works of Edward Sapir, 4. New York, NY: Mouton de Gruyter. 963 pp.



Ellis, C.J. 1994. Miniature early Paleo-Indian stone artifacts from the Parkhill, Ontario Site. North American Archaeologist 15 (3): 253-267.

Ellis, C.J. September 1994. The Pits (Part II): A Radiocarbon-Dated Early Woodland, Meadowood Phase Feature from the Parkhill Site. KEWA: Newsletter of the London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society 94 (5): 2-7.

Ellis, C.J. 1994. Some Unanswered Questions Concerning Early Paleo-Indian Settlement and Subsistence in Southern Ontario. Great Lakes Archaeology and Paleoecology: Exploring Interdisciplinary Initiatives for the Nineties. Proceedings of a symposium presented by the Quaternary Sciences Institute, University of Waterloo. Waterloo, Ontario: 21 September 1991-22 September 1991. R.I. MacDonald. Waterloo, Ontario: The Quaternary Sciences Institute, University of Waterloo. 413-430.



Freedman, J.M. 1995. Development from Within: Essays On Organizing Communities for Self-Sufficiency. Dialogue on Development Discussion Paper, No. DP95/3. Calgary, Alberta: Division of International Development, The University of Calgary. 110 pp.

Freedman, J.M. March 1995. International Development Studies Cooperative Program: Scarborough College, University of Toronto. Canadian International Development Agency, Partnership Branch: Hull, Quebec. 31 pp. Technical Report.

Freedman, J.M. 1995. Mettre sur pied des organisations pour le développement durable. La construction de l'anthropologie québécoise: Mélanges offerts à Marc-Adélard Tremblay. F. Trudel, P. Charest, and Y. Breton. Quebec City, Quebec: Sainte-Foy, Les Presses de l'Université Laval. 253-266. French Text.



Johnston, B.R., and D.W. Jorgensen. 1994. Mineral Development, Environmental Degradation, and Human Rights: The Ok Tedi Mine, Papua New Guinea (Chapter 9). Who Pays the Price? The Sociocultural Context of Environmental Crisis. B.R. Johnston. Washington, D.C.: Island Press. 86-98.

Jorgensen, D.W. 1994. Locating the Divine in Melanesia: An Appreciation of the Work of Kenelm Burridge. Anthropology and Humanism 19 (2): 130-137.

Jorgensen, D.W. 1994. Pacific Peoples in the Modern World: A Diversity of Islands and Cultures. Traditional Peoples Today: Continuity and Change in the Modern World. G. Burehult. New York, NY: Harper Collins Publishers. 99-103. Series: American Museum of Natural History, Volume 5.



Nelson, A.J. 1995. Cortical Bone Thickness in the Primate and Hominid Postcranium: Taxomony and Allometry. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International. 360 pp.

Nelson, A.J. 1995. Sipan, the Moche and the Archaeology of Peru. KEWA: Newsletter of the London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society 95 (3): 2-32.



Pearce, R.J. 1994. Consulting Activities of the London Museum of Archaeology, 1992. Fourth Annual Archaeological Report. Toronto, ON: Ontario Heritage Foundation. 37-40.

Pearce, R.J. 1994. The Robert Elliott Collection. The Palisade Post 16 (1): 1-4, 7.



Jourdan, C., and J.-M. Philibert. 1994. Urbi et orbi: construction identitaire et cultures urbaines en Mélanésie. Journal De La Société Des Océanistes 99 (2): 159-166. French Text.

Philibert, J.-M. 1994. Erakor ou la lente consommation d'un capital collectif imaginaire. Anthropologie Et Sociétés 18 (3): 75-89. French Text.

Philibert, J.-M. 1994. Nouvelles-hybrides. Journal De La Société Des Océanistes 99 (2): 197-205. French Text.



Spence, M.W. 1994. Human Skeletal Material from Teotihuacan (Part II). Mortuary Practices and Skeletal Remains at Teotihuacan. M.L. Sempowski, and M.W. Spence. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press. 315-409.

Spence, M.W. 1994. Mortuary Programmes of the Early Ontario Iroquoians. Ontario Archaeology 58: 6-26.

Spence, M.W. June 1995. Recent Forensic Anthropology in Ontario. The Mortem Post 14: 1-5. Newsletter.



Valentine, L.P. October 1994. Code Switching and Language Leveling: Use of Multiple Codes in a Severn Ojibwe Community. International Journal of American Linguistics 60 (4): 315-341.

Valentine, L.P. 1995. Making It Their Own: Severn Ojibwe Communication Practices. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. x, 252 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Valentine, L.P. 1994. Performing Native Identities. Actes du Vingt-Cinquième: Congrès des Algonquinistes/25th Algonquian Conference. Montreal, Quebec: 1993. W. Cowan. Ottawa, Ontario: Carleton Production Centre, Carleton University. 482-492.



White, C.D. 1994. Dietary Dental Pathology and Cultural Change in the Maya (Chapter 13). Strength in Diversity: A Reader in Physical Anthropology. A. Herring, and L. Chan. Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Scholar's Press. 279-302.