Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

The University of Western Ontario

Richard Ivey School of Business: 1994-1995



Anand, J., and A. Ainuddin. June 1995. Strategies of Japanese Multinationals in Asean: An Empirical Investigation. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Anand, J., and A. Delios. May 1995. China and India as Host Sites for Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis of Japanese Multinational Strategies. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Te chnical Report.

Anand, J., and B. Kogut. 1994. Are America's Competitors Acquiring Its Technology Through Foreign Investment. Journal of Global Competitiveness 2.



Archibald, T.R., and D.W. Conklin. 1995. The Environmental Audit: A Key Mechanism in Crisis Accounting. Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal 14 (2): 70-.

Robertson, D.A., and T.R. Archibald. 1994. Survey of Pension Plans in Canada. Tenth ed. Toronto, Ontario: Financial Executives Institute Canada.



Barclay, D. 1995. Management Development Programs in Marketing: What Needs to be Done Differently. Marketing Education Review 5 (2): 27-36.

Barclay, D., A.B. Ryans, and D.H. Green. June 1995. Entry Strategy and Long-Term Performance: Conceptualization and Empirical Examination. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Barclay, D., and J.B. Smith. June 1995. Horizontal Selling Alliances: The Role of Organizational Differences, Interdependence, Trust, and Cooperation. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technica l Report.

Barclay, D., and J.B. Smith. January 1995. Promoting Effective Selling Alliances: The Roles of Trust and Organizational Differences, Marketing Science Institute Working Paper. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Offi ce: London, ON. Technical Report.



Beamish, P.W. 1994. The Characteristics of Joint Ventures in Developed and Developing Countries (Chapter 13). International Management. R.L. Tung. Brookfield, Vermont: Aldershot: Ashgate Pub., International Library of Management Series. 13- .

Beamish, P.W. 1995. The Trade Commissioner Service as Foreign Investment Facilitator. OPTIMUM: The Journal of Public Sector Management 25 (4): 19-24.

Beamish, P.W., and A. Inkpen. 1995. Keeping International Joint Ventures Stable and Profitable. Long Range Planning 28 (3): 26-36.

Beamish, P.W., and A.C. Inkpen. 1994. An Analysis of Twenty-Five Years of Research in The Journal of International Business Studies. Journal of International Business Studies 25 (4): 703-714.

Beamish, P.W., and J.P. Killing. 1995. IKEA (Canada) Ltd. 1986. Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization. M.A. Hitt, R.D. Ireland, and R.E. Hoskisson. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

Beamish, P.W., S. Makino, and D. Nitsch. 1995. Entry Mode and Performance of Japanese FDI in Europe. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Proceedings, International Business Division.

Beamish, P.W., and J. Morrison. 1995. Kentucky Fried Chicken in China. Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization. M.A. Hitt, R.D. Ireland, and Hoskisson. R.E. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

Beamish, P.W., D. Nitsch, and S. Makino. May 1995. The Characteristics and Performance of Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in Europe. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Beamish, P.W., D. Nitsch, and S. Makino. May 1995. Entry Mode and Performance of Japanese FDI in Western Europe. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Calof, J.L., and P.W. Beamish. 1995. Adapting to Foreign Markets: Explaining Internationalization. International Business Review 4 (2): 115-131.

Calof, J.L., and P.W. Beamish. Autumn 1994. The Right Attitude for International Success. Business Quarterly 59 (1): 105-110.

Inkpen, A.C., P.W. Beamish, J.N. Fry, J.P. Killing, and K. McLellan. (Editors). 1995. Cases in Strategic Management. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.



Bell, P.C. 1994. Visualization and Optimization: The Future Lies Together. ORSA Journal on Computing 6 (3): 258-260.

Bell, P.C., and R. O'Keefe. June 1995. An Experimental Investigation into the Efficacy of Visual Interactive Simulation. Management Science 41 (6): 1018-.

Bell, P.C., and R.M. O'Keefe. 1994. Visual Interactive Simulation: A Methodological Perspective. Annals of Operations Research 53: 321-342.

Chau, P.Y.K., and P.C. Bell. 1994. Decision Support for the Design of a New Production Plant Using Visual Interactive Simulation. Journal of the Operational Research Society 45 (11): 1273-1284.

Chau, P.Y.K., and P.C. Bell. 1995. Designing Effective Simulation-Based Decision Support Systems: An Empirical Assessment of Three Types of Decision Support Systems. Journal of the Operational Research Society 46: 315-331.



Archibald, T.R., and D.W. Conklin. 1995. The Environmental Audit: A Key Mechanism in Crisis Accounting. Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal 14 (2): 70-.

Conklin, D.W. 1994. Re-engineering to Compete: Canadian Business in the Global Economy. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice Hall Canada Inc. xii, 249 pp. Includes bibliographical references.

Conklin, D.W. 1995. The Trade Commissioner Service as Trade Facilitator. OPTIMUM: The Journal of Public Sector Management 25 (4): 25-29.

Conklin, D.W., and K. McLellan. 1994. Should Governments Outsource Their Information Systems? OPTIMUM; The Journal of Public Sector Management 25 (2): 9-15.

Conklin, D.W., and J. Whalley. 1995. The Ontario Tax System in the Global Economy of the 1990s (Chapter 1). The Economic and Social Environment for Tax Reform. D.W. Conklin, J. Whalley, B. Campbell, P. Dungan, B.B. Murphy, M.C. Wolfson, and A.M. Maslove. Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto Press.

Conklin, D.W., J. Whalley, B. Campbell, P. Dungan, B.B. Murphy, M.C. Wolfson, and A.M. Maslove. 1995. The Economic and Social Environment for Tax Reform. Research Studies of the Fair Taxation Commission of Ontario. Toronto, Ontario: Un iversity of Toronto Press. Includes bibliographical references.



Crossan, M.M., and T. Guatto. February 1995. The Evolution of Organizational Learning. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Crossan, M.M., H.W. Lane, R.E. White, and I. Tiemessen. February 1995. Diagnosing Organizational Learning. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Crossan, M.M., and M. Sorrenti. April 1995. Making Sense of Improvisation: Spontaneous Action, Strategy, and Management Behaviour. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Inkpen, A.C., and M.M. Crossan. 1995. Believing is Seeing: Joint Ventures and Organization Learning. Journal of Management Studies 32 (5): 595-618.



Foerster, S.R. July 1994. The Performance of Canadian Stocks: Lessons from a 75-Year Perspective. Canadian MoneySaver : 6-8.

Foerster, S.R. Dec. 1994. The U.S. Presidential Cycle in Canadian Stocks. Canadian MoneySaver : 5-6.

Foerster, S.R., A. Prihar, and J. Schmitz. 1994. Back to the Future. Canadian Investment Review (Winter 94/95): 9-13.



Frayne, C.A., and J.M. Geringer. July 1994. The Joint Venture Partner Selection Process. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Frayne, C.A., and J.M. Geringer. July 1994. Self-Efficacy, Outcome Expectancy and Performance of International Joint Venture General Managers. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report .

Frayne, C.A., and J.M. Geringer. July 1994. Self-Management Training for Joint Venture General Managers. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Frayne, C.A., and J.M. Geringer. July 1994. A Social Cognitive Approach to Examining Joint Venture General Manager Performance. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.



Fry, J.N., and J.P. Killing. 1995. Strategic Analysis and Action. Third ed. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice Hall Canada. xvi, 246 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Inkpen, A.C., P.W. Beamish, J.N. Fry, J.P. Killing, and K. McLellan. (Editors). 1995. Cases in Strategic Management. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.



Pierce, B., and G. Garven. September 1994. Publishing International Business Research: A Survey of Leading Journals. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.



Frayne, C.A., and J.M. Geringer. July 1994. The Joint Venture Partner Selection Process. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Frayne, C.A., and J.M. Geringer. July 1994. Self-Efficacy, Outcome Expectancy and Performance of International Joint Venture General Managers. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report .

Frayne, C.A., and J.M. Geringer. July 1994. Self-Management Training for Joint Venture General Managers. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Frayne, C.A., and J.M. Geringer. July 1994. A Social Cognitive Approach to Examining Joint Venture General Manager Performance. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.



Hatch, J.E., and L. Wynant. 1995. Canadian Commercial Lending: A Guide to Credit Decision Making. Second ed. Scarborough, Ontario: Carswell Thomson Professional Publishing. viii, 377 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.



Haywood-Farmer, J.S., and J. Nollet. September 1994. Professional Service Firms and Total Quality Management: A Good Fit? International Journal of Service Industry Management 5 (3): 5-13.



Compeau, D.R., and C.A. Higgins. June 1995. Application of Social Cognitive Theory to Training for Computer Skills. Information Systems Research 6 (2): 118-.

Higgins, C.A., and L. Duxbury. 1994. Interference Between Work and Family: A Status Report on Dual-Career and Dual-Earner Mothers and Fathers. Employee Assistance Quarterly 9 (3).

Higgins, C.A., L. Duxbury, and C. Lee. September 1994. Work-Family Conflict: A Comparison by Gender, Family Type, and Perceived Control. Journal of Family Issues 15 (3).

Higgins, C.A., and B. Vandenbosch. December 1994. The Measurement of Learning from Executive Information Systems. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, Volume 4.

Thompson, R.L., C.A. Higgins, and J.M. Howell. 1994. Influence of Experience on Personal Computer Utilization: Testing a Conceptual Model. Journal of Management Information Systems 11 (1): 167-187.



Shea, C.M., and J.M. Howell. 1994. A Test of the Effect of Task Feedback and Leadership Behaviour on Quality Improvement on a Manufacturing Task. 1994 Proceedings: Decision Science Institute, Volume 3. Honolulu, Hawaii: 20 November 1994 -22 November 1994. P.L. Perrewe, and M.J. Showalter. 1985-1988.

Thompson, R.L., C.A. Higgins, and J.M. Howell. 1994. Influence of Experience on Personal Computer Utilization: Testing a Conceptual Model. Journal of Management Information Systems 11 (1): 167-187.



Huff, S.L., M. Munro, B. Marcolin, and D. Compeau. November 1994. Understanding and Measuring End User Sophistication. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Huff, S.L., M. Munro, B. Marcolin, and D. Compeau. November 1994. Understanding End User Sophistication: Comparing Perceived Ability and Software Syntax Skills. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Huff, S.L., and E. Murray. June 1995. MIS Planning: Then and Now. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Proceedings.



Hulland, J.S. January 1995. Environmental Pressures, Intrapreneurial Climate, and Performance. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Hulland, J.S. August 1994. The Influence of Strategic Orientation on Market Orientation: A Preliminary Assessment. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Hulland, J.S. Winter 1995. The Influence of Strategic Orientation on Market-Orientation: A Preliminary Assessment. 1995 Winter Educators' Conference: Marketing Theory and Applications, Volume 6. D.W. Stewart, and N.J. Vilcassim. American Marketing Association. 347-355.

Hulland, J.S. February 1995. Market Orientation and Market Learning System: An Environment - Strategy - Performance Perspective. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Hulland, J.S., and R. Giberson. October 1994. Using Logos as Cues to Recognition: A Preliminary Study. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Hulland, J.S., D.J. Lecraw, and H. Todino. November 1994. Effects of Production Location, Branding, and Product Size on Consumers' Price Premiums: Results from a Philippine Black Market. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Devel opment Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Hulland, J.S., and H. Todino. December 1994. The Effect of Internationalization Mode on Product Prices: A Market Test. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.



Johnston, C.B., and C. Lane. 1995. Northern Telecom Japan Inc. Cases in Strategic Management. P.W. Beamish, J.N. Fry, J.P. Killing, and A.C. Inkpen. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

Johnston, C.B., and C. Lane. 1995. Northern Telecom Japan Inc. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. A.A. Thompson Jr., and A.J. Strickland III. Homewood, Illinois: Irwin.



Kairys, J., and S. Cox. 1995. Rimeda. Cases in Strategic Management. P.W. Beamish, J.N. Fry, J.P. Killing, and A.C. Inkpen. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.



Kamauff, J., R.R. Spekman, and J.R. Edwards. July 1994. The Robustness of NPD Sourcing Strategy. Proceedings of the UIC/AMA Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship.

Killen, K.H., and J. Kamauff. 1995. Managing Purchasing: Making the Supply Team Work. The NAPM Professional Development Series, Volume II. Toronto, ON: Irwin.



Beamish, P.W., and J.P. Killing. 1995. IKEA (Canada) Ltd. 1986. Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization. M.A. Hitt, R.D. Ireland, and R.E. Hoskisson. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

Fry, J.N., and J.P. Killing. 1995. Strategic Analysis and Action. Third ed. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice Hall Canada. xvi, 246 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Inkpen, A.C., P.W. Beamish, J.N. Fry, J.P. Killing, and K. McLellan. 1995. Cases in Strategic Management. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

Killing, J.P. 1995. Queensland Minerals Limited. Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases. A.A. Thompson Jr., and A.J. Strickland III. Homewood, Illinois: Irwin.

Killing, J.P., and A. Inkpen. 1995. IMAX in the Soviet Union. Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization. M.A. Hitt, R.D. Ireland, and R.E. Hoskisson. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.



Crossan, M.M., H.W. Lane, R.E. White, and I. Tiemessen. February 1995. Diagnosing Organizational Learning. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.



Lanfranconi, C.P., and G. Entwistle. December 1994. An Organizing Framework for Empirical Research on the Management of Financial Disclosure and a Field-Based Application Using Knowledge-Based Firms. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Lanfranconi, C.P., and D.A. Robertson. 1994. Instructional Case: LynnGold Resources, Inc. Issues in Accounting Education 9 (2).

Lanfranconi, C.P., D.A. Robertson, and G.M. Entwistle. 1994. The Incomplete Disclosure of Litigation-type Contingencies: Contemporary Canadian Evidence. Journal of International Accounting Auditing and Taxation 3 (2).



Hulland, J.S., D.J. Lecraw, and H. Todino. November 1994. Effects of Production Location, Branding, and Product Size on Consumers' Price Premiums: Results from a Philippine Black Market. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Developm ent Office: London, ON. Technical Report.



Leenders, M.R. July 1994. Managing the New Trinity. Gestion 10 (4)

Leenders, M.R., and A.E. Flynn. 1995. Value-Driven Purchasing: Managing the Key Steps in the Acquisition Process. The NAPM Professional Development Series, Volume I. Burr Ridge, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin. Includes index.



Conklin, D.W., and K. McLellan. 1994. Should Governments Outsource Their Information Systems? OPTIMUM; The Journal of Public Sector Management 25 (2): 9-15.

Inkpen, A.C., P.W. Beamish, J.N. Fry, J.P. Killing, and K. McLellan. 1995. Cases in Strategic Management. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

McLellan, K., and B. Marcolin. Autumn 1994. Information Technology - Outsourcing. Business Quarterly 59 (1): 95-102.



More, R.A., and D.W. Large. August 1994. The Behavioral Sub-Dimensions of Sales and Service Quality, and Implications for Servqual. Institute for the Study of Business Markets, WP 15-1994. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Devel opment Office: London, ON. Technical Report.



Pearce, M.R. 1995. Telco (A) and Telco (B). Marketing Management: Text and Cases. D. Dalrymple, and L. Parsons. Wiley.

Pearce, M.R., and H. MacKenzie. June 1995. Arch W. Shaw: On Marketing. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Proceedings.

Pearce, M.R., and H. MacKenzie. May 1995. Some Problems in Market Distribution. Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Historical Research in Marketing and Marketing Thought.



Pierce, B., and G. Garven. September 1994. Publishing International Business Research: A Survey of Leading Journals. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

White, R.E., B. Pierce, and Rush. J.C. 1994. Educating for Change. Business Quarterly 59 (2): 53-58.



Piper, C.J., and N. Sumukadas. February 1995. The Impact of Operator-Maintenance On Continuous Improvement: An Empirically Testable Model. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Piper, C.J., and N. Sumukadas. April 1995. Measurement of Employee Involvement, Operator Maintenance and Continuous Improvement. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.



Portis, B. Nov. 1994. Making Canadian Employee Involvement a Quality Effort. Journal of Quality and Participation.

Portis, B. December 1994. The Role of Unions in Workplace Reform. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Portis, B. February 1995. Union Support for Technological Change and Productivity Improvement. Productivity and Quality Management Frontiers - V.



Lanfranconi, C.P., and D.A. Robertson. 1994. Instructional Case: LynnGold Resources, Inc. Issues in Accounting Education 9 (2).

Lanfranconi, C.P., D.A. Robertson, and G.M. Entwistle. 1994. The Incomplete Disclosure of Litigation-type Contingencies: Contemporary Canadian Evidence. Journal of International Accounting Auditing and Taxation 3 (2).

Robertson, D.A. April 1995. The 1995 Federal Budget and You. Canadian MoneySaver : 24-26.

Robertson, D.A. April 1995. The Impact of Canadian Pension Tax Reform on the Desirability and Choice of Tax-Assisted Retirement Vehicles. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Robertson, D.A. January 1995. Limitations on Income Splitting. Canadian MoneySaver .

Robertson, D.A. July 1994. New Tax Installments Rules. Canadian MoneySaver .

Robertson, D.A. 1994. Sign Of The Times. Canadian Investment Review 7 (4): 15-18.

Robertson, D.A., and T.R. Archibald. 1994. Survey of Pension Plans in Canada. Tenth ed. Toronto, Ontario: Financial Executives Institute Canada.



Rothstein, M., M.C. Ashton, D.N. Jackson, S.V. Paunonen, and E. Helmes. 1995. The Criterion Validity of Broad Factor Scales versus Specific Facet Scales. Journal of Research in Personality 29.

Rothstein, M., R.J. Burke, and J.M. Bristor. 1995. Interpersonal Networks of Managerial and Professional Women and Men: Descriptive Characteristics. Women in Management Review 10.

Rothstein, M., R.J. Burke, and J.M. Bristor. 1995. The Role of Interpersonal Networks in Women's and Men's Career Development. International Journal of Career Management 7.

Rothstein, M., and L.M. Davey. 1995. Gender Differences in Network Relationships in Academia. Women in Management Review 10.

Rothstein, M., and L.M. Davey. 1995. Instrumentality and Expressitivity: Individual Difference Variables in Networks. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Proceedings, Women in Management Division, Volume 16.



Barclay, D., A.B. Ryans, and D.H. Green. June 1995. Entry Strategy and Long-Term Performance: Conceptualization and Empirical Examination. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.



Thain, D.H. 1995. Bateson & Stevens Limited. Cases in Strategic Management. P.W. Beamish, J.N. Fry, J.P. Killing, and A.C. Inkpen. Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

Thain, D.H. Autumn 1994. The TSE Corporate Governance Report: Disappointing. Business Quarterly 59 (1): 77-86.

Thain, D.H., and D.S.R. Leighton. 1995. Why Boards Fail. Business Quarterly 59 (3): 71-77.



Vandenbosch, M., and B.R. Nault. June 1995. Protection Through Preemption. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

Vandenbosch, M., and C.B. Weinberg. Oct. 1994. Setting the Strategic Direction in a Product-Service Firm. Journal of Business Research 31 (2,3): 117-132.

Vandenbosch, M., and C.B. Weinburg. 1995. Product and Price Competition in a Two-Dimensional Vertical Differentiation Model. Marketing Science 14 (2): 224-249.



Crossan, M.M., H.W. Lane, R.E. White, and I. Tiemessen. February 1995. Diagnosing Organizational Learning. Richard Ivey School of Business, Research and Development Office: London, ON. Technical Report.

White, R.E., B. Pierce, and Rush. J.C. 1994. Educating for Change. Business Quarterly 59 (2): 53-58.



Hatch, J.E., and L. Wynant. 1995. Canadian Commercial Lending: A Guide to Credit Decision Making. Second ed. Scarborough, Ontario: Carswell Thomson Professional Publishing. viii, 377 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.

For a listing of the Richard Ivey School of Business Cases go to:
