Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

The University of Western Ontario

Modern Languages and Literatures: 1994-1995



Adamson, M.W. April 1995. Food in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol. 1744; Garland Medieval Casebooks, Vol. 12. New York, NY: Garland Publishing Inc. 214 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.

Adamson, M.W. April 1995. The Games Cooks Play: Non-Sense Recipes and Practical Jokes in Medieval Literature. Food in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays. M.W. Adamson. New York, NY: Garland Publishing Inc. 177-195.

Adamson, M.W. May 1995. Medieval Dietics: Food and Drink in Regimen Sanitatis Literature from 800-1400. German Studies in Canada, Band 5. New York, NY: Peter Lang. 231 pp.

Adamson, M.W. January 1995. A Reevaluation of Saint Hildegard's Physica in Light of the Latest Manuscript Finds. Manuscript Sources of Medieval Medicine: A Book of Essays. M.R. Schleissner. New York, NY: Garland Publishing Inc. 55-80.



Bruce, I. 1994. Der Proceß in Yiddish, or The Importance of Being Humourous. Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction 7 (2): 35-62.



de Looze, L. April 1995. Feminine `Contre diction' of the Masculine in Le Chevalier à l'épée. Arthurian Romance and Gender: Selected Proceedings of the XVIIth International Arthurian Congress. F. Wolfzettel. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 183-195.

L. de Looze. September 1994. Jean Froissart: La Prison Amoureuse (The Prison of Love). Garland Library of Medieval Literature, Vol. 96A. New York, NY: Garland Publishing Inc. 293 pp. Includes bibliographical references and index.



Hess, G. November 1994. The Immigrant Writer Walter Bauer: The Burden of his European "Luggage". Der Wanderer: Aufsätze zu Leben und Werk von Walter Bauer. W. Riedel, and R. Symington. New York, NY: Peter Lang. 59-70.

Hess, G. November 1994. "Lehren: anregen, öffnen, begeistern...humanisieren": Walter Bauers Laufbahn als Lehrer. Der Wanderer: Aufsätze zu Leben und Werk von Walter Bauer. W. Riedel, and R. Symington. New York, NY: Peter Lang. 9-21.

Hess, G. November 1994. Walter Bauer and Stefan Zweig: The Literary and Personal Relationship. Der Wanderer: Aufsätze zu Leben und Werk von Walter Bauer. W. Riedel, and R. Symington. New York, NY: Peter Lang. 23-34.



Issacharoff, M., and L.M. Madrid. April 1995. Cognition, Référence, Lecture. Poétique 102: 245-256. French Text.

Issacharoff, M., and L.M. Madrid. January 1995. De la pensée au langage. Paris: Librairie José Corti. 228 pp. French Text.

Issacharoff, M., and L.M. Madrid. October 1994. Pensamiento Y Lenguaje: El Cerebro Y El Tiempo. Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos, Coleccion Ciencia. 215 pp. Spanish Text.

Issacharoff, M., and L.M. Madrid. February 1995. Réflexion Critique. Littérature 97: 112-126. French Text.

Madrid, L.M. 1994. Jorge L. Borges: Alexandria on Fire or Meaning Against Reference. Rivista Di Letterature Moderne e Comparate 47 (Fascicolo 1): 67-79.

Madrid, L.M. 1994. Los Caminos de la Creación: Arturo Álvarez Sosa en el Espacio de Juan Ramón Jiménez. ACTAS XXIX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. 391-398. Spanish Text.



Ratcliffe, M. 1995. Urraca: De Heroína Épica a Heroína Romántica. Medioevo y Literatura. Granada: Univ. de Granada. 113-122.



Tumanov, V. 1994. A Tale Told by Two Idiots. Russian Language Journal (RLJ) 48 (159-161): 137-154. Russian Text.



Wilson, R.K. 1995. Ivan Turgenev's Rudin and Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness: A Parallel Interpretation. Comparative Literature Studies 32 (1): 26-41.