Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

Philosophy 2003-2004


Bell, J. 2003. Some New Intuitionistic Equivalents of Zorn's Lemma. Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (8): 811-814.

Bell, J. 2004. Whole and Part in Mathematics. Axiomathes 14 : 285-294.


Brennan, S. 2004. Feminism, Liberalism, and Rights. Varieties of Feminist Liberalism. A. Baehr. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. 85-102.


Charland, L. 2004. Cynthia's Dilemma: Consenting to Heroin Perscription. Health Care Ethics in Canada. 2nd ed. F. Baylis, J. Downie, B. Hoffmaster, and S. Sherwin. Toronto : Thomson, Neilson. 37-47.

Charland, L. 2004. Mental Competence and Value: the Problem of Normativity in the Assessment of Decision-Making Capacity. Health Care Ethics in Canada. 2nd ed. F. Baylis, J. Downie, B. Hoffmaster, and S. Sherwin. Toronto : Thomson, Neilson. 135-145.

Charland, L. 2004. Moral Treatment and the Personality Disorders. The Philosophy of Psychiatry: A Companion . J. Radden. Oxford : Oxford Unversity Press. 64-77.


Demopoulos, W. 2004. Elementary Propositions and Essentially Incomplete Knowledge: A framework for the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. Nous 38 : 86-109.

Demopoulos, W. 2003. On the Philosophical Interest of Frege Arithmetic. Philosophical Books. 44. 220-228 pp.

Demopoulos, W. 2003. On the Rational Reconstruction of our Theoretical Knowledge. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 54 : 371-403.

Demopoulos, W. N. Griffen. 2003. Russell's Structuralism and the Absolute Description of the World. The Cambridge Companion to Russell. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 392-419 pp.


Falkenstein, L. 2004. Nativism and the Nature of Thought in Reid's Account of our Knowledge of the External World. The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Reid. T. Cuneo, and R. Van Woudenberg. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 156-179.

Falkenstein, L., and G. Grandi. 2003. The Role of Material Impressions in Reid's Theory of Vision. The Journal of Scottish Philosophy 1 : 117-133.


Falkenstein, L., and G. Grandi. 2003. The Role of Material Impressions in Reid's Theory of Vision. The Journal of Scottish Philosophy 1 : 117-133.


Hoffmaster, B. 2003. Fear of Feeling (Review of Martha C. Nussbaum, Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions). Hastings Center Report 33 (1): 45-47.


Lennon, T. 2003. Against Cartesian Philosophy: Pierre-Daniel Huet’s Censura Philosophiae Cartesianae (edited, translated, annotated and introduced). Journal of the History of Philosophy Book Series Amherst, NY: Humanity Books/Prometheus. 248 pp.

Lennon, T. 2003. Cartesian Views: Essays presented to Richard A. Watson. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 240 pp.

Lennon, T. 2003. Foucher, Huet and the Downfall of Cartesianism. Cartesian Views: Essays presented to Richard A. Watson. T. Lennon. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 117-128.

Lennon, T. 2003. Malebranche, Huet andThe Birth of Skepticism. The Return of Skepticism: From Hobbes and Descartes to Hume. G. Paganini. Dordrecht: Kluwer. 149-165.


Marras, A. 2003. Audi’s Theory of Practical Rationality: Substantive or Instrumental? Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67: 194-200.

Marras, A. 2003. Critical Review of Mind and Mechanism, by Drew McDermott, MIT Press 2001. Minds and Machines 13: 526-531.


McLeod, C. 2004. Understanding Trust. Health Care Ethics in Canada. 2nd ed. F. Baylis, J. Downie, B. Hoffmaster, and S. Sherwin. Toronto: Harcourt Brace and W.B. Saunders. 186-192.


Myrvold, W. 2003. A Loophole in Bell's Theorem? Parameter Dependence in the Hess-Philipp Model. Philosophy of Science 70: 1357-1367.

Myrvold, W. 2003. Relativistic Quantum Becoming. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53: 475-500.


Stainton, R. 2004. The Pragmatics of Non-Sentences. Handbook of Pragmatics. L. Horn, and G. Ward. Oxford: Blackwell. 266-287.

Stainton, R. 2003. Speaker Meaning and Davidson on Metaphor: A Reply to McGuire. Dialogue 42 (1): 345-354.

Stainton, R., and R. Elugardo. 2003. Grasping Objects and Contents. Epistemology of Language. A. Barber. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 257-302.

Stainton, R., and F.J. Pelletier. 2003. On "The Denial of Bivalence is Absurd". The Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (3): 369-382.