Leaders in Learning: Publications of Faculty & Staff

Classical Studies 2001-2002


Crowther, N. 2001. Visiting the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece. Travel and Conditions for Athletes and Spectators. International Journal of History of Sport 18 (4): 37-52.


MacLachlan, B.C. 2002. The Mindful Muse. Fédération Internationale Des Associations D'Études Classiques : 592-608.

MacLachlan, B.C. 2001. To Box or Not to Box with Eros? Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 94 (2): 123-133.


Olson, K. 2001. Roman glass gaming pieces or jewel stones. Mouseion 15 (2): 127-138.


Day, P.M., and D.E. Wilson. 2001. Landscapes of Memory, Craft and Power in Pre-Palatial and Proto-Palatial Knossos. Labyrinth Revisited: Rethinking 'Minoan' Archaeology : 143-166.

Faber, E.W., V. Kilikoglou, P.M. Day, and D.E. Wilson. 2002. A Technological Study of Middle Minoan Polychrome Pottery From Knossos, Crete. Modern Trends in Scientific Studies on Ancient Ceramics. Papers presented at the 5th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Athens 1999. V. Kilikoglou, A. Hein, and Y. Maniatis. Bar International Series. Oxford: Archaeo Press. 1011. 129-141.