Senate Agenda - EXHIBIT VI - June 23, 2000



Two meetings of Council were held during the 1999-2000 academic year on January 24th and May 1st.

At the first meeting, Council discussed revisions to its membership and the Director of Libraries presented and spoke to the Annual Planning Submission for the Library System. The plan included a proposal for a University Archives and noted that because the projected increase in subscription costs was expected to decline to 8 or 9%, cancellations could be avoided for this year. Issues related to the plan and discussed at the meeting included off-site storage for library materials, resources and services for the double cohort, and CFI funding for the digital library project. ULC created an ad hoc subcommittee to review the libraries' information literacy program. Council also received information on the mandate, composition, and process to be used by the task force which will examine the issue of Scholarly Communication and Collections and were informed of a library initiative to review the Lending Code.

At the second meeting, Council discussed issues related to the revision of the Lending Code and received assurance that the final draft will come to ULC for approval. Any changes will be implemented only after the university community has been consulted, probably not before the spring of 2001. Council also discussed and approved the report, Strategies for Information Literacy (attached for information), of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee for Information Literacy. In addition, Council approved revisions to its Terms of Reference and Composition which were subsequently approved by Senate at its May 19th meeting.

Robert Toft