As approved at the May 3, 2001, meeting of the Board of Governors. The "in camera" portion of the minutes have not been included. Copies of Appendices not included herein are available from the University Secretariat, Room 290, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

The meeting was held at 3:00 p.m. in Room 330, Stevenson-Lawson Building.

PRESENT: Ms. C. McAulay-Weldon, Chair, Ms. J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary

Mr. J. Adams, Mr. S. Adams, Dr. W.A. Bridger, Dr. R. Colcleugh, Dr. P. Davenport, Mayor A.M. DeCicco, Warden A. Edmondson, Mr. J. Etherington, Mr. T. Garrard, Mr. W. Gibson, Ms. S. Grindrod, Mr. D. McDougall, Mr. R. McFeetors, Dr. K. McQuillan, Dr. P. Mercer, Dr. G. Moran, Dr. P. Neary, Mr. T. O'Neil, Ms. M. Parker, Mr. W. Peel, Mr. H. Taylor, Mr. T. Vine, Dr. A. Weedon, Mr. M. Weyers.

[Appendix I]

The President provided an update and overview of the Ontario universities' system-wide enrolment planning and funding expectations for the "double cohort." Slides used during his presentation are attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.

Appendix I, distributed with the agenda also included a list of his activities during December and January.


The Property & Finance Committee report, detailed in Appendix II, contained the following items of information:

Ms. Parker referred to Appendix II, Annex 4, page 2, which shows expenditures and tuition revenue at Western, by Faculty, in 1999-2000. On line 13, $32,485 is cited as the expenditure per FTE for Medicine. She asked how this number was derived, given that international government-sponsored students in the MD program pay tuition of $25,000 which is said to be full cost recovery. Dr. Davenport said that the $32,485 figure represents blended costs of students in all programs of Medicine -- MD, graduate programs, and Residents. Similarly, the tuition revenue noted in columns 4 and 5 of line 3 are blended: those figures are an average of many levels of tuition charged for MD and graduate programs.


BG.01-16 CCAC Public Meeting - January 11, 2001

The Board received a report on the public meeting of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee held on January 11, 2001. At this meeting a presentation was made by Dr. Peter Mercer and Dr. Brian Timney on the Code of Student Conduct prepared by the Vice-Provost's Advisory Committee. Details are found in Appendix III.

Mr. Etherington drew the Board's attention to the time lines associated with the Code of Student Conduct.


BG.01-17 Amendment to Special Resolution 1-M - Senior Operations Committee

It was moved by P. Neary, seconded by S. Grindrod,

That the composition of the Senior Operations Committee (Section 4 of Special Resolution 1-M) be amended as highlighted below:
Membership and Procedure
4. The membership of the Committee shall be:
Chair of the Board, who shall be Chair of the Committee
Vice-Chair of the Board, who shall be Vice-Chair of the Committee
Chair of the Audit Committee
Chair of the Campus & Community Affairs Committee
Chair of the Property & Finance Committee
Immediate Past Chair of the Board
Notwithstanding the ex officio membership of the Committee, in light of the mandate of the Committee with respect to personnel, employee contract and remuneration issues, all members of the Committee must be external members of the Board


BG.01-18 Chairs and Vice-Chairs of Standing Committees of the Board

It was moved by H. Taylor, seconded by A M. DeCicco,

That the following be appointed to serve as committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs in 2001:

Property & Finance

Chair Don McDougall
Vice-Chair Bob Colcleugh

Campus & Community Affairs

Chair Bill Peel
Vice-Chair Stephen Adams


Chair Stephen Adams
Vice-Chair Wally Gibson

Development & Fund Raising

Chair Rosamond Ivey


BG.01-19 Membership of Standing Committees of the Board

It was moved by H. Taylor, seconded by S. Adams,

That the membership of the standing committees of the Board for the period February 2001, through January 2002, be approved as shown in Appendix V, Annex 1.


BG.01-20 Board Meeting Dates for 2002

It was moved by P. Neary, seconded by A.M. DeCicco,

That the Board of Governors approve the 2002 meeting dates for the Board of Governors, the Senior Operations Committee, and the Property & Finance Committee as detailed in Annex 2 to Appendix V.

BG.01-21 September 2001 Meeting Dates for Property & Finance and Senior Operations

It was moved by P. Neary, seconded by A.M. DeCicco,

That Property & Finance and Senior Operations meet on September 10, 2001, rather than September 17 as earlier scheduled.

BG.01-22 Board Members

The Board received brief biographical information on newly elected Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco and newly elected Warden Al Edmondson, both of whom are members ex officio (Appendix V, page 1).

BG.01-23 Appointments to External Boards, Councils and Committees

The Senior Operations Committee reported appointments to external Boards, Councils and Committees made on behalf of the Board, detailed in Appendix V, page 2.


BG.01-24 Appointment Procedures for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers of the University

On behalf of Senate, it was moved by P. Davenport, seconded by J. Adams,

That the current Appointments Procedures be rescinded and replaced with Appointment Procedures for Senior Academic and Administrative Officers of the University as shown in Annex 1 to Appendix VI.

Dr. Davenport agreed to discuss with Dr. Moran the suggestion that the Chair of the Audit Committee and the Chair of the Property & Finance Committee be members of the Selection Committee for an Associate Vice-President (Information Technology) or that input be obtained from these Chairs during the selection process.

BG.01-25 Report of the Academic Colleague on the 253rd meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities

The Report of the Academic Colleague on the 253rd meeting of the Council of Ontario Universities, detailed in Appendix VI, Annex 2, was received for information.

Dr. Davenport addressed concerns raised by Mr. Taylor that the desire of colleges to establish degree programs might have an adverse effect on universities. He also noted that in the particular case of collaborative nursing, the Western/Fanshawe program leads the province and is exemplary in its collaborative aspects.

The Chair suggested that the university-college relations issue could be addressed at the March 19th meeting/reception of the UWO/Fanshawe Boards.

BG.01-26 Annual Report on the Status of Reviews of Graduate Programs

The Board received the Annual Report on the Status of Review of Graduate Programs, detailed in Appendix VI, Annex 3.

BG.01-27 Convocation Dates 2002

Spring Convocation will be held from Tuesday, June 4, through Friday, June 7, 2002, and Fall Convocation will be held on Thursday, October 24 and Friday, October 25, 2002.

BG.01-28 New Programs

Senate reported the establishment of the following new programs:

BG.01-29 Academic Development Fund: Fall 2000 Small Grant Awards

The Board received the announcement of the Academic Development Fund: Fall 2000 Small Grant Awards. Of the 45 applications, 16 were approved for funding. Awards are shown on Appendix VI, Annex 4.

BG.01-30 Appointments

The Board was informed of recent appointments to academic administrative positions within the University. These are listed in Appendix VI, page 6.

BG.01-31 Selected Clippings

The Board received selected media clippings about the President (Appendix VII).


The meeting concluded at 3:50 p.m.

Signed by:

C. McAulay-Weldon, Chair
J.K. Van Fleet, Secretary